The problem is him and a few others here have been allowed to run wild and for lack of a better word bully people that don't agree with them.
If there a little trash talk and even some name calling is one thing but to use slurs to attack another poster is unacceptable.
Don't you realize that in any debate once your opponent goes from refuting your offering attacking you on a personal level that you have won the argument? I get in these arguments all the time, some of them well known to be heated. Every time the other guy begins to try to take things on a personal level I know then and there, I got ya! Yeah, call it a personal failing if you will, I do at times take it personal right back at them, you know, human nature being what it is.
Hey dude, I get it, you are PISSED and when we get pissed off we really don't care if anyone else likes the terms we may use, guarantee ya for example you have shot back your GP replies, bet there has been no shortage of X-rated ones that you didn't post! LOL But you have to ask yourself, why do I come here, why this site? If you come here to see who is fighting who today and maybe engage in some of that I would suggest this may not be the best place for you to enjoy that? But if you come here for what I come here for, just to talk about one of my passions, UNC sports then spending time in a nasty argument with another poster that you would not even know if you passed him on the street? You let some one you do not know spend time in your own head rent free? TRUST me, I know, I get it, I struggle with that as well. But I know why I come to this place, I come here for the civil UNC discussion, it is the ONLY reason I continue to post here and no where else.
I will tell you this, I have NEVER, not one single time posted a single thing on this site or anywhere else, in well over 20yrs now of posting on message boards, not one single time have I EVER said a single word in a post I would not be just as eager to say face to face and most of the time I would PREFER to say it face to face. TRUE story, I had been posting on a UNC site for a year or 2 and got in to a really nasty back and forth with a duke fan, it got really heated. I lived in Columbia SC at the time, well actually Lexington next door to Columbia and I gave that guy that lived in the Triangle area the exact time that he could meet me face to face and he could pick the time to meet me face to face, I would be driving to Columbia SC just to meet that guy face to face, this al played out on the board for everyone to see. Know what, after agreeing on the time and place (behind the food lion in Clayton the next day at 6pm), I hopped in my truck and drove to Clayton, spent the night with a buddy of mine there and at 6pm the next day I was behind that Food Lion, dumb for sure but I was pissed and I was there and damn the consequences, no, he didn't show up, I waited 2 hours. I let this idiot that would not know who I was had we passed (I did fully describe my red F-100 step side short bed truck to him, loved that truck) on the street drive me to do something that stupid, the only fortunate thing is I didn't meet a guy with a loaded gun ready to shoot me? LOL I gave that guy that much control over me and my life, pretty darn stupid, yep, that actually happened. The hardest part was that LONG DRIVE BACK ASKING MYSELF WHY did I need to prove to the world just how stupid I could be. Why did I not just dust that clown off as meaningless to me because that was actually the case, that dude was not even a spect of dust to me unless I gave him the power to be more. So I ask you, what are you doing and why are you doing it?