Geez. Chill. I would never share info from him anyway but this latest generation seems to believe that information is worth paying for.Some are just not very good with reading comprehension .. sad but true. ($ to Metallica)
Geez. Chill. I would never share info from him anyway but this latest generation seems to believe that information is worth paying for.Some are just not very good with reading comprehension .. sad but true. ($ to Metallica)
So, if I glean information from a relative who is a D1 (or whatever the heck the NC2a calls it these days) coach, I can't share it here?
Geez. Chill. I would never share info from him anyway but this latest generation seems to believe that information is worth paying for.
Information has always been worth paying for. When was the last time information was free? Even "free" radio is supported by advertisers who pay money to attract business. They don't do it out of the kindness of their hearts, and directly or indirectly those costs are passed on to consumers. If it truly was free there'd be no information. Nobody works for free, as I am sure you don't in whatever it is you do for a living. And if you're getting something you perceive as free from a source that has nothing to gain or lose, I'd seriously reconsider because it's very likely the source isn't a professional thus their information likely isn't all that accurate.
No offense, but this is an extremely outdated perspective.
Information may be worth paying for, but due to the nature of the internet, it's impossible to actually control.
For instance, there's nothing you could do to stop me from signing up for your (or anyone else's) insider UNC basketball forum, then sharing every bit of information you put out on my own reddit sub for free. Someone could do this relatively trivially and it would completely annihilate your business model.
Piracy always wins. Your site exists at the consent of the users, and them only.
Stop thinking of yourself as someone who sells information, and instead think of yourself as someone who provides customer service for people who like to congregate on a site where information is shared.
tl;dr Don't piss off your users. You'll lose your comparative advantage.