Roy saw Zion last week

Well there you go.... whatever that means? But Raider Heelswin was on this thread and for some time.... just replying TO PAST POSTS that Heelswin created!
I was the only person on this board that predicted Harrison Barnes to the Heels.
Steat you werent the only one, I was living and working in Houston, TX at the time, and had access to alot of diffrent people. I came home for Late Nite with Roy, and it was that day I posted on here and made clear at late nite that under no terms could we lose HB! It was locked in for awhile, he just played it real close to the vest. I made my statement, I faded off into the weeds! I also called the benching of whats his name, once again no chest thumping, just faded off. I do feel like we get Zion, but unlike other times I have no solid info this time!
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Steat you werent the only one, I was living and working in Houston, TX at the time, and had access to alot of diffrent people. I came home for Late Nite with Roy, and it was that day I posted on here and made clear at late nite that under no terms could we lose HB! It was locked in for awhile, he just played it real close to the vest. I made my statement, I faded off into the weeds! I also called the benching of whats his name, once again no chest thumping, just faded off. I do feel like we get Zion, but unlike other times I have no solid info this time!
Thanks for the update Andy.
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So this is gonna sound like one of those nephew's grandfather's cousin half removed stories...cuz, well, it is.

I was at the Hudson Catholic game last night (Quinerly is GOOD) and ran into Tim Philp, who is an assistant at a big school up here, Cardinal Hayes, and a friend of mine. He was scouting Hudson Catholic since they play them next week. Asked him where he thought Zion was going...

He said the only thing he heard was this past summer that Leander Anderson (Zion's AAU coach and stepdad) was telling people that Zion wanted to be Carmelo Anthony. I said, what the hell does that mean? He said he wants to go to a school for 1 year, leave his mark as one of the best to ever play there, win a title, then get drafted top 3 and he can do that at Clemson and become their best player ever.

Just passing along what I heard, take this for whatever you want. Last summer was an eternity ago in recruiting worlds and you should still take Heelswin's word over anyone else's.
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So this is gonna sound like one of those nephew's grandfather's cousin half removed stories...cuz, well, it is.

I was at the Hudson Catholic game last night (Quinerly is GOOD) and ran into Tim Philp, who is an assistant at a big school up here, Cardinal Hayes, and a friend of mine. He was scouting Hudson Catholic since they play them next week. Asked him where he thought Zion was going...

He said the only thing he heard was this past summer that Leander Anderson (Zion's AAU coach and stepdad) was telling people that Zion wanted to be Carmelo Anthony. I said, what the hell does that mean? He said he wants to go to a school for 1 year, leave his mark as one of the best to ever play there, win a title, then get drafted top 3 and he can do that at Clemson and become their best player ever.

Just passing along what I heard, take this for whatever you want. Last summer was an eternity ago in recruiting worlds and you should still take Heelswin's word over anyone else's.
I don't think he's going to be winning a title at Clemson, but he can certainly achieve everything else there.
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So this is gonna sound like one of those nephew's grandfather's cousin half removed stories...cuz, well, it is.

I was at the Hudson Catholic game last night (Quinerly is GOOD) and ran into Tim Philp, who is an assistant at a big school up here, Cardinal Hayes, and a friend of mine. He was scouting Hudson Catholic since they play them next week. Asked him where he thought Zion was going...

He said the only thing he heard was this past summer that Leander Anderson (Zion's AAU coach and stepdad) was telling people that Zion wanted to be Carmelo Anthony. I said, what the hell does that mean? He said he wants to go to a school for 1 year, leave his mark as one of the best to ever play there, win a title, then get drafted top 3 and he can do that at Clemson and become their best player ever.

Just passing along what I heard, take this for whatever you want. Last summer was an eternity ago in recruiting worlds and you should still take Heelswin's word over anyone else's.

Not that my opinion matters one fraction of a bit, but I think that goal is more attainable at UNC. With Zion we'd be in the ~15% range for winning it all. If he's the leading scorer on a championship team (quite possible), he'd leave a legacy. Clemson would have a <5% chance of winning it all, probably much lower than 5%.
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Listen, I agree. If winning a title is his number 1 priority then the team with Luke, Kenny, Nas, Coby, Jalek, Manley, Brooks, etc. is the team that is most set up for that.

However, if he wants to be the greatest ever at the school after 1 year, UNC is not the choice.
Listen, I agree. If winning a title is his number 1 priority then the team with Luke, Kenny, Nas, Coby, Jalek, Manley, Brooks, etc. is the team that is most set up for that.

However, if he wants to be the greatest ever at the school after 1 year, UNC is not the choice.
I don't care where you go staying 5 months at any school will never leave you the best ever. Does anyone believe that after 5 months that Zion will be better then Tree Rollins,Horace Grant, or Elden Campbell. I'll also go on record and say Clemson isn't getting a smell of a NCAA Title just like Spartanburg Day School isn't getting a smell against good high school basketball teams. If Zion goes to Clemson it will be because it's close to home and nothing else.
I don't care where you go staying 5 months at any school will never leave you the best ever. Does anyone believe that after 5 months that Zion will be better then Tree Rollins,Horace Grant, or Elden Campbell. I'll also go on record and say Clemson isn't getting a smell of a NCAA Title just like Spartanburg Day School isn't getting a smell against good high school basketball teams. If Zion goes to Clemson it will be because it's close to home and nothing else.

If Zion does what Carmelo did, then yes, I think he's in that Clemson convo.

So this is gonna sound like one of those nephew's grandfather's cousin half removed stories...cuz, well, it is.

I was at the Hudson Catholic game last night (Quinerly is GOOD) and ran into Tim Philp, who is an assistant at a big school up here, Cardinal Hayes, and a friend of mine. He was scouting Hudson Catholic since they play them next week. Asked him where he thought Zion was going...

He said the only thing he heard was this past summer that Leander Anderson (Zion's AAU coach and stepdad) was telling people that Zion wanted to be Carmelo Anthony. I said, what the hell does that mean? He said he wants to go to a school for 1 year, leave his mark as one of the best to ever play there, win a title, then get drafted top 3 and he can do that at Clemson and become their best player ever.

Just passing along what I heard, take this for whatever you want. Last summer was an eternity ago in recruiting worlds and you should still take Heelswin's word over anyone else's.

Will your friend be right if Zion picks Clemson?
Carmelo much like LeBron was just a different type of beast. People give him a lot of grief, but the dude could score from all three levels at will. He was Kevin Durant before Durant realized his full potential. A true stretch 4 with elite athleticism, a tight handle, and a deadly mid range, and 3 point game. Z may not be a melo, but it is great that he aspires to such heights