Sean May joining the coaching staff

Pretty sure if you take away the classes he didn't actually earn, he doesn't quite yet have that degree.

Pretty sure? or is it that you want to believe that is the case? Get back to me when you know and are not just spinning that same old drivel that has been spouting out of lexington for years now. And for sure don't tax your brain trying to figure out how Bledsoe failed Algebra 1 and yet passed algebra 2 with flying colors...
We had a new girl start working at my gym a while back and she saw me in a UNC shirt. Unprovoked she said "I'm from Kentucky and I can't stand the Tar Heels".

I looked her in the eyes and said "I just now met you and I already know the two best days of your life". With a confused look on her face she replied "Oh yeah? What were they?". Said I, "The day you left Kentucky and the day you moved to North Carolina".

Funniest part of it though? She answered back....... "I can't say you are wrong about that."

True story. :D
We're raised to be... polite... in Kentucky.
Pretty sure? or is it that you want to believe that is the case? Get back to me when you know and are not just spinning that same old drivel that has been spouting out of lexington for years now. And for sure don't tax your brain trying to figure out how Bledsoe failed Algebra 1 and yet passed algebra 2 with flying colors...
Still trying to equivocate? Wow.

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