Seriously, and no disrespect of Beamer, but...


Sep 20, 2015
...does anyone else fear something may be wrong w/ him? His speech sounds slurred, he seems confused when on air, and his answers to questions seem disoriented much of the time.

He's tortured us often, and truly was a lying horse's ass when shook Baddour's hand that he and UNC had a deal, then changed his mind...AND THEN NEVER BOTHERED TO CALL BADDOUR PERSONALLY TO TELL HIM THAT HE WAS RESCINDING (and make no mistake, that was what was bush-league about what he up and own your decisions to those they impact). But I certainly hope that a giant in coaching is leaving b/c it is time, not b/c he's suffering a loss of mental capabilities.

Anyone know anything re: Beamer's health?
Agreed. His interview on ESPN after their last win was mindboggling. It was pretty evident that he wasn't all there. I hope he's OK or just an off night but glad I'm not the only one that noticed.
He's got some Health problems, and that was evident to anyone watching his postgame interview after beating Ga. Tech!
I've got plenty of disrespect for that lying sack of crap. He's lied his arse off for 5 years to recruits and lied to UNC when he used the Heels to get a raise. He can rot.
I've got plenty of disrespect for that lying sack of crap. He's lied his arse off for 5 years to recruits and lied to UNC when he used the Heels to get a raise. He can rot.
That is a moo-ish type thing to say. We are better than that. I hate VaTech, but the personal animus towards FB crosses the line when he is obviously ill. IMO.
I hope is ok as I don't want anyone to have health issues, but I do also agree with heelbent, he is a pathological liar.
I have no love loss for Beamer after the way he used us to get a contract extension. With that said, that is business and we are talking about life. I certainly don't wish ANY harm on anyone, no matter what my feelings are towards them personally.

I agree with others, he looks terrible and I can't help but think he has had a stroke or something similar happen that has caused his decline. I hope not and don't wish any ill health on the man.
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no animus towards FB, even if he "beamered" Dick Baddour...

but the focus needs to be on the goals and dreams of the kids who are playing in this game...

much on the line Sat. for our Heels...

let FB live in the past...
That is a moo-ish type thing to say. We are better than that. I hate VaTech, but the personal animus towards FB crosses the line when he is obviously ill. IMO.

"Obviously ill"????

You must be filthy rich. The ability to diagnose health issues via video has to pay well, lol. ;)

That POS is probably just choking on all the lies he's told. Or that football in his neck.
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Tom Osbourne also lied to us prior to us hiring Dick Crum.
osbourne didn't lie to us.

once you have a few health problems and you see a doctor they've got you on the pharmaceutical road to hell.
beamer probably screwed up and trusted a doctor.
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