Soooo, What's the Difference Between a Democrat and a Socialist?

I agree 100%. I am happy with doing away with the capital gains tax rate, as long as we go to a flat tax with no deductions. Maybe start the tax after the first $35k or something.

Flat tax and term limits for congress are my two top ways to reform the mess that is Washington.

Gotta overturn Citizens United as well. Getting money out of politics will solve a lot of problems
That use of "trillion" is almost obligatory and transcends real understanding. 20 trillion may as well be 900 quadrillion. It will NEVER be paid back or balanced... never! It can't be balanced. The monetary system is literally designed to breed debt! The currency is backed by monetized debt. The Fed makes it impossible for the US Treasury, the US citizenry, the US Government, etc. to ever have our finances in the black. That debt is will increase as long as the Fed exists. It was intentionally structured to do exactly what it's done. I can remember when the debt was in the billions. It never slows, it only grows. It's a shame Rand Paul never mentions the Fed in the current GOP debates and stump trails. The 16th Amendment buried this country for perpetuity.
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Term limits takes care of a lot of money in politics- no use buying a politician who's life span is only 6 years
That will never happen by voting from these two parties. They are very aware of their own gravy train in Congress. They will NEVER vote-away their feed bags. That's why they make it impossible for any other party/voice to enter into it. The 2-party system may as well be a monarchy of a King and a Queen ruling together.
That use of "trillion" is almost obligatory and transcends real understanding. 20 trillion may as well be 900 quadrillion. It will NEVER be paid back or balanced... never! It can't be balanced. The monetary system is literally designed to breed debt! The currency is backed by monetized debt. The Fed makes it impossible for the US Treasury, the US citizenry, the US Government, etc. to ever have our finances in the black. That debt is will increase as long as the Fed exists. It was intentionally structured to do exactly what it's done. I can remember when the debt was in the billions. It never slows, it only grows. It's a shame Rand Paul never mentions the Fed in the current GOP debates and stump trails. The 16th Amendment buried this country for perpetuity.

Not that I disagree with your point, but Bill had us in the black not that long ago
Not that I disagree with your point, but Bill had us in the black not that long ago

and Bill worked hard with the GOP congress. Something that our current man will never do- compromise with anyone.

But ultimately, Strum is right. This is all a shell game.
Makes you wonder how the entire house of cards stays in place...

No shit. I wonder about this frequently.

I still think it all has to do with people being too comfortable to be pissed off. Even if you have no money, you still aren't going to revolt as long as you have central air and a TV with 300 channels

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