The Honduran Caravan

That is absolute international law. Asylum seekers are required to take asylum in the first safe country they enter. In this case of the Honduran caravan, that is Mexico. Period.

Not US. Mexico has offered them asylum. The immigrants have largely refused it from Mexico.

True asylum seekers don't get to pick and choose which country they seek asylum in.
And if Mexico is not a safe country for Honduran asylum, then that means Mexico is not safe for its citizens, and all Mexican citizens could claim the need for asylum into the US. Where does this end? Who is ever denied entry to the US?

The whole asylum thing is turning out like the Emotional Support Animals on flights. Some people legitimately need them. Then everyone and their brother saw the opportunity to abuse the rules, culminating in bringing a friggin peacock on a plane, that they then ruined it for everyone that truly needed it.
I’m not being a smart ass.... I seriously am not informed enough on where and how US turned away Jews during WW2. Did we turn away Jews arriving to US by boat or plane? If so I agree that is bad. But why didn’t they seek asylum somewhere closer like Russia? I will admit that there is legitimate debate regarding US military not making liberating Jews as their number 1 priority during WW2 strategic ops. But it was US that liberated the death camps.

Still - the Hondurans should take asylum in Mexico. As asylum seekers that is what is required of them. First safe country. Why don’t they do that? Why shouldn’t US uphold international law?
The US turned away Jews trying to escape the Nazis.

One example.
Good luck, I’ve already tried to point that out...

No, you tried to point out that turning away the caravan was like turning away the Jews.

You've also tried to point out that Trump is equivalent to Hitler, and present-day USA is comparable to Nazi Germany.

Gavin Clarkson has had a tough few months. In June, he lost a Republican primary in a New Mexico congressional race. Earlier this month, he lost a bid to become New Mexico’s secretary of state.

Then, while trying to get a marriage license on Nov. 20, he had to argue with a D.C. Superior Court clerk who apparently didn’t know New Mexico is a state.

Clarkson said the clerk told him she couldn’t accept an international driver’s license and asked for his “New Mexico passport.” Clarkson lives in the Land of Enchantment, but visits the District to see his fiancee.

“I do not have to pass through customs,” he said in an interview with The Washington Post. The incident was first reported by the Las Cruces Sun-News.

He’d planned his wedding day to fall on his soon-to-be wife’s birthday. Would that be thwarted by a bureaucrat who was unaware that New Mexico became the 47th state on Jan. 6, 1912?

After consulting with a supervisor and performing what Clarkson speculated was a Google search, the clerk confirmed that New Mexico was, indeed, a member of the United States, and the wedding went ahead as planned.

“It was funny looking back on it,” Clarkson said. “It was not very funny at the moment. I was about to go into full lawyer mode.”

Dr. Gavin Clarkson@DrGavinClarkson

You know you are from flyover country when you are applying for a marriage license, give them your New Mexico driver's license, and they come back and say "my supervisor says we cannot accept international driver's licenses. Do you have a New Mexico passport?"


10:25 AM - Nov 30, 2018
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See Dr. Gavin Clarkson's other Tweets

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As Clarkson’s tale went viral, D.C. Superior Court acknowledged the mistake.

“We understand that a clerk in our Marriage Bureau made a mistake regarding New Mexico’s 106 year history as a state,” Leah Gurowitz, a spokeswoman for the court, said in a statement. “We very much regret the error and the slight delay it caused a New Mexico resident in applying for a DC marriage license.”

Clarkson’s next challenge is planning his honeymoon, slated for spring.

“I’m working on that,” he said. “With all the difficulties with the marriage bureau, we were lucky to get married.”

Gavin Clarkson has had a tough few months. In June, he lost a Republican primary in a New Mexico congressional race. Earlier this month, he lost a bid to become New Mexico’s secretary of state.

Then, while trying to get a marriage license on Nov. 20, he had to argue with a D.C. Superior Court clerk who apparently didn’t know New Mexico is a state.

Clarkson said the clerk told him she couldn’t accept an international driver’s license and asked for his “New Mexico passport.” Clarkson lives in the Land of Enchantment, but visits the District to see his fiancee.

“I do not have to pass through customs,” he said in an interview with The Washington Post. The incident was first reported by the Las Cruces Sun-News.

He’d planned his wedding day to fall on his soon-to-be wife’s birthday. Would that be thwarted by a bureaucrat who was unaware that New Mexico became the 47th state on Jan. 6, 1912?

After consulting with a supervisor and performing what Clarkson speculated was a Google search, the clerk confirmed that New Mexico was, indeed, a member of the United States, and the wedding went ahead as planned.

“It was funny looking back on it,” Clarkson said. “It was not very funny at the moment. I was about to go into full lawyer mode.”

Dr. Gavin Clarkson@DrGavinClarkson

You know you are from flyover country when you are applying for a marriage license, give them your New Mexico driver's license, and they come back and say "my supervisor says we cannot accept international driver's licenses. Do you have a New Mexico passport?"


10:25 AM - Nov 30, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

See Dr. Gavin Clarkson's other Tweets

Twitter Ads info and privacy

As Clarkson’s tale went viral, D.C. Superior Court acknowledged the mistake.

“We understand that a clerk in our Marriage Bureau made a mistake regarding New Mexico’s 106 year history as a state,” Leah Gurowitz, a spokeswoman for the court, said in a statement. “We very much regret the error and the slight delay it caused a New Mexico resident in applying for a DC marriage license.”

Clarkson’s next challenge is planning his honeymoon, slated for spring.

“I’m working on that,” he said. “With all the difficulties with the marriage bureau, we were lucky to get married.”

Let's hear it for public sector employees!
Without reading a single poast in this thread:

Migrant groups march to U.S. consulate in Tijuana demanding reparations

Now some of the caravan members are trying to blackmail the US government for $50k a piece.
“But it is a small sum compared to everything the United States has stolen from Honduras.”

"The group’s letter criticized American intervention in Central America."

"a refugee crisis caused in great part by decades of U.S. intervention in Central America”

So you want to come and live in a country that's stolen from your country and caused a crisis? Makes sense. If you can't beat them, join them.

"Their letter also asked the U.S. to remove Orlando Hernandez from office."

I guess one more little intervention request couldn't hurt.
Lol, they estimate that a bunch have already illegally entered the country. Others are being processed for asylum.

But that's not quick enough - they want their entitlements now!

I wonder what response I'd get if I went to any other country and said, let me in or give me $50K!