The Jeep Wave


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Nov 21, 2006
Southern Part of Heaven
A buddy of mine has a Jeep and whenever I'm riding with him, I noticed he always waves at other Jeep drivers (not the Jeep SUVs mind you, only Wranglers). Who knew they had a special wave?

Afterwards, I started noticing alot of motorcycle riders waving at each other (probably Harley guys do this since they have a special bond).

I've even had other cyclists wave at me when I'm on my mountain bike.

But the funniest one to me was one nice Sunday afternoon the wifey and I are enjoying a ride in her Volvo convertible with the top down, and lo & behold some other couple in a Volvo ragtop is going by when the dude throws a wave at me! So, we have a Volvo wave now, or was it a convertible driver wave? Too funny...

Any others out there...
Mustang drivers?
Prius owners (they would HAVE to flash a piece sign to each other, wouldn't they?)
Vette owners have waved at each other for decades.

Classic car owners are the same . .
Motorcycle riders have always done it, but with their arm extended downward instead of upwards so they don't dislocate a shoulder.


Hadn't heard of any of the others, though. Kind of funny.

If you ever visit the Seattle area, you can take a ferry from Anacortes to four of the San Juan Islands (there are dozens of islands in the chain but only four are accessible by ferry). Lopez Island is known as "The Friendly Island" because they wave at literally everyone -- motorists, bicyclists, joggers, you name it. I was there for a few days on vacation. It was really funny at first, then got a little annoying, then got funny again because there is simply no escaping it.
I have a special wave for people in red pickup trucks with NCSU stickers.
I used to have an S2000 and there was a wave for that. I think if a car is fairly rare and you see another one you can expect a wave between those drivers.
I have an older Jeep SUV and get a lot of waves (from any vehicle) in rural areas of western NC, but when we're in my wife's Volvo SUV, we pretty much get nothing. There's so many of the older Grand Cherokees still on the road, though, that I sometimes assume they think they know me because they know someone who has one like mine...
Originally posted by heelmanwilm:
As a 30 yr jeep owner i can confirm. What gets u strange looks is when i forget that i'm not in the jeep and wave to another
Posted from Rivals Mobile
My buddy said the same... sometimes he's driving his wife's car, but still waves at the other Jeep drivers and gets weird looks.
BMW's are classified in slang as Beemers = Motorcyles, Bimmers = Automobiles, and yes we do wave at each other from time to time. On either one actually. Depends on the a$$hole behind the wheel I guess. I imagine its the same with most people, in regard to who waves or not.

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