Things people hate

Colonoscopies, prostate exams, toothaches, road kill, people eating road kill
population control, I get...
can't afford groceries and need to eat, I get...

Otherwise, a whole lot of f'n stupid...
rifle? shotgun? Some friggin' suped up bow and arrow? C'mon, that's not a sport, it's a NRA sponsored slaughter.
Camouflage...give me a f'n break...ain't nothing shooting at you!!
Take a bear out w a knife, now that's a sport!

go fast, brake, turn left...go fast, brake, turn left...repeat.
Drink a soda, put on a hat, be an asshole...repeat.
No offense taken and understand where you're coming from. I guess it's a different perspective where I ride as the country roads here are miles away from a major city and the traffic level is the same no matter the time of day. That's what confused me about rush hour. Also, as a rider I make it a point to stay as far right in the lane as possible leaving plenty of room for a vehicle to pass me without drifting into the opposite lane. Unfortunately I work too and don't have the opportunity to ride except in the evening. Again I realize there are inconsiderate people who don't care if their riding delays traffic. Please realize that not all of us are like that.

Understood -- I think we're on the same page here. Absolutely no problem with cyclists when traffic is manageable. :)

Add to the list -- shrimp and meatloaf. Can't stand em but I know they are both popular.
Slow drivers in the dern passing lane!
People who park their buggy on one side and shop on the other!
Loud mouths on cell phones in public places!

Cargo shorts are a fishermans dream! :cool:
Dook. USuCk. Chelsea FC

Climate change deniers.

Electronic music. Rap. Country. Foreigner (the most overplayed band in the history of rock music)

Watered down light beer, and the d-bag frat dudes that drink them. Every Busch lite, Bud water, and natural lite should be shipped to california to help put out the forest fires.
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People hate hikers? Why?

Not all hikers. Just a pair of them in my office. They hike little trails with obese people so that they can clutter Facebook with pictures of them staring into the distance. Neither would last 5 minutes outdoors without $1,000 worth of equipment. They never shut up about it either. Every Monday I get bombarded with pics and details of their trip. A couple weeks ago I finally told them that hiking has become a sport only because people have become so lazy. Once upon a time we called it walking and before the cars it was a sport that everybody participated in. And amazingly enough, back then they could do it without $50 worth of Cliff bars, $300 boots, or posting it on Facebook and boring the hell out of everybody around them. It is just walking.

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