Thread about not running

Two terrible wastes of time IYAM
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We had a Rainbow Run at our school this week. Basically a color run. Each grade level came out at separate times and ran for a certain amount of time while we threw color all over them. I am the PE teacher so a big part of it. Didn't run. I watched though. I walked it once or twice talking to some parents I know.
We had a Rainbow Run at our school this week. Basically a color run. Each grade level came out at separate times and ran for a certain amount of time while we threw color all over them. I am the PE teacher so a big part of it. Didn't run. I watched though. I walked it once or twice talking to some parents I know.
Color run? Sounds racist.
There’s some kind of marathon going on in Charlotte’s NoDa neighborhood this morning. A few observations.

1. Where are all the people of color? Is running some kind of secret cover for white supremacy? Seems fishy.

2. My not running habit has never led to street closures or required valuable tax dollars for police oversight. Score another point for not running.

3. It’s 45 degrees and overcast with 15 mph winds. Those bastards all looked miserable. Every single one of them. @nctransplant was right.

Of course I observed and wrote all this from the climate controlled comfort of my gas guzzling SUV. Suck it, losers.
There’s some kind of marathon going on in Charlotte’s NoDa neighborhood this morning. A few observations.

1. Where are all the people of color? Is running some kind of secret cover for white supremacy? Seems fishy.

2. My not running habit has never led to street closures or required valuable tax dollars for police oversight. Score another point for not running.

3. It’s 45 degrees and overcast with 15 mph winds. Those bastards all looked miserable. Every single one of them. @nctransplant was right.

Of course I observed and wrote all this from the climate controlled comfort of my gas guzzling SUV. Suck it, losers.

Having participated in this event a few times in the past...

1. That's a good question. The people of color have too much sense to pay to run around in Charlotte for a medallion.

2. Not positive but I believe they might be paid by the race. If not, the race raises money for Charlotte non profits it's for a good cause.

3. It was 18 one year I ran it. Had my best time ever up to that point. It was fun. Ice on the ground around the aid stations where water had spilled. Only problem was finishing 40 minutes ahead of my friends and having to go into a building to stay warm until they finished.

That said, I do prefer trails. No traffic being blocked and much better scenery
Having participated in this event a few times in the past...

1. That's a good question. The people of color have too much sense to pay to run around in Charlotte for a medallion.

So do we.

2. Not positive but I believe they might be paid by the race. If not, the race raises money for Charlotte non profits it's for a good cause.

I'd rather just drive over in my warm car and make a donation. Just hope they haven't closed any streets on the way.

3. It was 18 one year I ran it. Had my best time ever up to that point. It was fun. Ice on the ground around the aid stations where water had spilled. Only problem was finishing 40 minutes ahead of my friends and having to go into a building to stay warm until they finished.

That said, I do prefer trails. No traffic being blocked and much better scenery

Other than the fact you were running, why is that a problem? You were in a warm place and you were no longer running. Sounds like it sucked more for your friends.
So do we.

I'd rather just drive over in my warm car and make a donation. Just hope they haven't closed any streets on the way.

Other than the fact you were running, why is that a problem? You were in a warm place and you were no longer running. Sounds like it sucked more for your friends.

LOL. Even in a warm place, I cool down after sweating and being in damp clothing. They had the car keys with my change of clothes.
It's all part of the experience though. Like I said, I personally prefer to not be on the road. It not only requires blocking traffic, but it's typically not very scenic. I did the Charleston Marathon one year. There was like one mile in The Battery and the rest seemed like back roads and industrial areas.
as is normal for me, I did not run out of gas today. And since I have a mostly full tank, I don't anticipate running out of gas tomorrow,
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There’s some kind of marathon going on in Charlotte’s NoDa neighborhood this morning. A few observations.

1. Where are all the people of color? Is running some kind of secret cover for white supremacy? Seems fishy.
. People of color have learned that running down the street is a good way of catching the dead...