Right, I get that, man. I'm not trying to toss the reference entirely. I'm just coming down off of some really sweet LSD!
I keed, I keed!
I am a hamburger person, too.
I get what "technically" is attributed to being a Christian for discussion purposes. But, we're not really talking about that simplistic aspect of the reference. Saying you're one, and being one are not always in the same place at the same time. I want to be LIKE CHRIST. But, I have no interest in being a "Christian", in the religious sense. To me, in a nutshell, being a Christian means being a member of a religious club where they sit around judging all the other Christians and Non-Christians. Those are too hypocritical for me. I'm generalizing again in that assessment! No harm done, though.
Being Christian is NOT being a member of a club,Christianity is a belief, it isn't a building. For example, some take the stand that the standard of being a Christian is to high a bar for them to reach, that it may be to high a bar for anyone to reach? That is like being a kid and faced with a right and a wrong thing to do and deciding that because I can not believe I can live the rest of my life with out doing any wrong then I will just do what I want no matter if it is wrong or right. Christians are far from perfect but the difference is a Christian will strive to follow the teachings of Christ and they will ask for forgiveness when they stray.
"judge not least ye be judged" may be the hardest of all commandments in Christianity to follow, many that struggle to find faith in Christianity really struggle with that one. Because they feel everyone in that building on Sunday morning will judge them when they should not. You do not worry about being judged by those that show up to a building on Sunday morning, you worry about the judgement of God and you pray for his son to advocate for you, the only one that will be willing to and the cool part is he will if you ask him to and strive to follow the lessons he taught us he will protect you and welcome you in to his house.
The only real reason to show up at a church on Sunday morning is to share the word of God as given to us by his son. That is what A Christian believes, that Jesus is the son of God and that thru him is the only path to his father. The Church is not a building, it is how you live your life, Jesus didn't dress any differently on Sunday morning than he dressed the rest of the week and he sure didn't limit his beliefs to Sunday mornings between the hours of 10am-12pm. Sadly, many of those in Church on Sunday morning do limit the hours of operation of faith in their lives.
But it all comes down to simple things really, do you believe that Jesus is the son of God and are you willing to open up your heart to him, are you willing to open up your mind to his teachings and follow them as best as YOU can and ask and know that forgiveness will be given to you if you truly want it. But you have to want it completely, you have to want it with everything that is inside of you. You can't just say it, you have to want it and you have to totally 100% believe. If you 95% believe then you do not believe, you hope at 95%, only at 100% do you really believe. If at the end of the day you can honestly say to yourself that you did everything you could that day to follow the teachings of Christ and on those occasions you slipped up, you not only asked Jesus to forgive you and 100% wanted him to AND 100% believed that he will, you will not have to worry what anyone else thinks about you or what they judge you to be.
We have the laws of man and we must all follow those as laid down by men and for us not to follow those laws is for us to be judged by the laws of man. But man is not the judge nor the jury for the laws of God and the only attorney that can free you from your violations of the laws of God is his son Jesus, if you are a believing Christian. Now you either believe that 100% or you don't, a Christian does believe that 100% and not just 95%. Example, do you believe you love your child or do you just think you love your child?