Trump & Hillary

I would say he probably meant harmful in the sense of harming your way of thinking, or your ability to understand not necessarily physically harmful to you or anyone. It harms your ability to have productive relationships and conversations, I imagine.
Kind of hard when the POTUS shucks and jives through the entire news conference....
@strummingram sometimes I wonder if you really believe some of the crap you say. I feel like one day you'll say you've stopped breathing air because everyone else breathes air - and you're just not sure how vital it is, and that it may actually be causing everything that's wrong with the world.

If you really believe some of this crap, then I don't know if there's really any help for you. If you just enjoy seeing how irritated you can get a bunch of people by spewing the most insane garbage you can until someone calls you out for it then kudos to you - you're like next-level troll status.

Best. Poast. Ever.
@strummingram you are wasting time with some of these nut jobs (generalization there). Everything they say about us can be said about them. I'm so done arguing with them and since a couple of them want me to leave, I think I will. I'm sure other boards aren't quite as nutty as this one when it comes to politics and social issues. You cannot have civilized discussions with people who have that perpetual stick up their anus!
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@strummingram sometimes I wonder if you really believe some of the crap you say. I feel like one day you'll say you've stopped breathing air because everyone else breathes air - and you're just not sure how vital it is, and that it may actually be causing everything that's wrong with the world.

If you really believe some of this crap, then I don't know if there's really any help for you. If you just enjoy seeing how irritated you can get a bunch of people by spewing the most insane garbage you can until someone calls you out for it then kudos to you - you're like next-level troll status.
One minute I'm wondering if he really believes the stuff he posts and is just looney toons and the next minute I'm thinking there's no way in hell he could really be serious and that he's jerking our chain. He's all over the place.

You're the only source I trust and believe in, Strum. An island of sanity in a world of insanity.
Well, I would imagine that every news source has a bias. And, every news source is a business institution. What I read of the article prlyles offered, it made a lot of good points.
Debbie Wassermai-Schultz stepping down as DNC Chairwoman because of emails related to bias operation of the DNC against Saunders. HUGE!
Debbie Wassermai-Schultz stepping down as DNC Chairwoman because of emails related to bias operation of the DNC against Saunders. HUGE!

She needs to step down . . however, I don't think its as huge as you'd really wish it to be.

Your partisan political predictions regarding the Dems are consistently way off . .
DNC was going to make an issue out of Saunders' religion to gain political advantage. Rigged.

Debates were held on weekends when nobody was watching. Rigged.

DNC coordinated with the press to discredit Saunders. Rigged.

This is serious enough that Saunders could bolt the party and start an independent POTUS run.

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On Friday Wikileaks released nearly 20,000 hacked emails it says are from the accounts of Democratic National Committee officials.

The documents were released just days before the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia.

The hacked emails revealed the DNC’s hatred for Bernie Sanders and his movement. The documents reveal the party’s hidden ties with the liberal media. The emails reveal the heights of dishonesty the party will go to to take down Donald Trump.

Now there is a list of a few of the most shocking emails released by Wikileaks.
The list was compiled thanks to the work of Reddit Bernie Sander supporters and Donald Trump supporters:
Hat Tip Steve A.

DNC member killing horses for insurance money.
DNC making fun of black womans name.
DNC telling each other, “I love you too. no homo.”
DNC requesting a pull an MSNBC commentary segment.
DNC controlling the narrative with time released stories.
DNC conspiring to create false Trump information and release with Reuters.
DNC Hillary supporters infiltrated Sanders campaign.
DNC members going to complain to Morning Joe producers about his mentioning of a “rigged system.”
DNC discussing their relationship with NBC/MSNBC/CNN and how to get better treatment.
Super PAC paying young voters to push back online Sanders supporters. Paid shills.
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LOL . . the votes cast for her were rigged . . ? Or is it that your more upset that its not Bernie that Trump will run against . . ?

Rigged that she isn't 'TOAST' as you so predicted . . ?

This is serious enough that Saunders could bolt the party and start an independent POTUS run.

Not gonna happen, though I completely understand why you'd have a desire for that to happen. The democratic party will be united in their efforts to keep DT out of the White House . .

At the moment, I like HC's chances of taking Florida, Virginia and even North Carolina may be in serious play for her . .

If, I was a Pub, I'd be truly worried about Trump polling less than 20% with minorities . . theres your HUGE.
LOL . . the votes cast for her were rigged . . ? Or is it that your more upset that its not Bernie that Trump will run against . . ?

Rigged that she isn't 'TOAST' as you so predicted . . ?

Not gonna happen, though I completely understand why you'd have a desire for that to happen. The democratic party will be united in their efforts to keep DT out of the White House . .

At the moment, I like HC's chances of taking Florida, Virginia and even North Carolina may be in serious play for her . .

If, I was a Pub, I'd be truly worried about Trump polling less than 20% with minorities . . theres your HUGE.

You don't actually believe that's the real number of votes cast for her do you? I never thought I'd hear myself say this but Nuk is right. The entire primary was fixed, and anyone still denying that at this point is crazy. You could probably dig up a post of mine saying the exact same things were going on from three or four months ago, its been in plain sight all along but the MSM just kept calling Bernie supporters whiny.

And actually Bernie supporters are organizing their efforts to prevent Hillary from getting into office, and to get the Green party ready for 2020. That's what happens when you cheat to elect an oligarch. I give it 48 hours before Assange drops evidence of collusion between Trump and Clinton proving that he is a spoiler.
How many of the 3 million more votes she received than Sanders do you estimate was 'rigged' . . ?

Probably 4-5 million at least. People have no idea how easy it is to fix vote counts. But when the margin of error between exit polls and the actual results get up to 12%, something is wrong. And I mean generally speaking when a guy who is packing arenas is losing to someone who struggles to fill gymnasiums, its probably time to ask questions.

If you want to learn exactly how easy it is to manipulate electronic vote counts here ya go... "If voting really mattered, then they wouldn't let us do it" -Mark Twain

Right, I get that, man. I'm not trying to toss the reference entirely. I'm just coming down off of some really sweet LSD!

I keed, I keed!

I am a hamburger person, too.

I get what "technically" is attributed to being a Christian for discussion purposes. But, we're not really talking about that simplistic aspect of the reference. Saying you're one, and being one are not always in the same place at the same time. I want to be LIKE CHRIST. But, I have no interest in being a "Christian", in the religious sense. To me, in a nutshell, being a Christian means being a member of a religious club where they sit around judging all the other Christians and Non-Christians. Those are too hypocritical for me. I'm generalizing again in that assessment! No harm done, though.

Being Christian is NOT being a member of a club,Christianity is a belief, it isn't a building. For example, some take the stand that the standard of being a Christian is to high a bar for them to reach, that it may be to high a bar for anyone to reach? That is like being a kid and faced with a right and a wrong thing to do and deciding that because I can not believe I can live the rest of my life with out doing any wrong then I will just do what I want no matter if it is wrong or right. Christians are far from perfect but the difference is a Christian will strive to follow the teachings of Christ and they will ask for forgiveness when they stray.

"judge not least ye be judged" may be the hardest of all commandments in Christianity to follow, many that struggle to find faith in Christianity really struggle with that one. Because they feel everyone in that building on Sunday morning will judge them when they should not. You do not worry about being judged by those that show up to a building on Sunday morning, you worry about the judgement of God and you pray for his son to advocate for you, the only one that will be willing to and the cool part is he will if you ask him to and strive to follow the lessons he taught us he will protect you and welcome you in to his house.

The only real reason to show up at a church on Sunday morning is to share the word of God as given to us by his son. That is what A Christian believes, that Jesus is the son of God and that thru him is the only path to his father. The Church is not a building, it is how you live your life, Jesus didn't dress any differently on Sunday morning than he dressed the rest of the week and he sure didn't limit his beliefs to Sunday mornings between the hours of 10am-12pm. Sadly, many of those in Church on Sunday morning do limit the hours of operation of faith in their lives.

But it all comes down to simple things really, do you believe that Jesus is the son of God and are you willing to open up your heart to him, are you willing to open up your mind to his teachings and follow them as best as YOU can and ask and know that forgiveness will be given to you if you truly want it. But you have to want it completely, you have to want it with everything that is inside of you. You can't just say it, you have to want it and you have to totally 100% believe. If you 95% believe then you do not believe, you hope at 95%, only at 100% do you really believe. If at the end of the day you can honestly say to yourself that you did everything you could that day to follow the teachings of Christ and on those occasions you slipped up, you not only asked Jesus to forgive you and 100% wanted him to AND 100% believed that he will, you will not have to worry what anyone else thinks about you or what they judge you to be.

We have the laws of man and we must all follow those as laid down by men and for us not to follow those laws is for us to be judged by the laws of man. But man is not the judge nor the jury for the laws of God and the only attorney that can free you from your violations of the laws of God is his son Jesus, if you are a believing Christian. Now you either believe that 100% or you don't, a Christian does believe that 100% and not just 95%. Example, do you believe you love your child or do you just think you love your child?
How many of the 3 million more votes she received than Sanders do you estimate was 'rigged' . . ?
Well, let's see. For example, the DNC withheld access to DNC metadata from Sanders and he had to sue to finally obtain access. The delay in providing access to that data certainly affected Sanders performance in primary states up to that point. Overwhelming evidence exists that the DNC was not an impartial arbiter of the race, and behind the scenes worked against Sanders at every turn. That has an effect and it builds up over time.
Well at least you actually know your child exists.

While I do believe that what he wrote is absolutely true for being a Christian, I personally believe God is much, much more than being limited by one religion or belief. I often think that perhaps Jesus was sent FOR those who just could not find God any other way or could not believe any other way and HAD to SEE with their own eyes the miracles in order to believe it.

I do believe in Jesus, Mary and disciples very much but I do not limit myself to just that. I also know that the Bible was given to us as being inspired by the words of God. I believe though that God speaks within each and every one of us constantly and some of us recognize it and some have not yet done so but it is there, whether you believe in Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, or even being an atheist, etc.

God is that feeling we call LOVE inside of us. God is our intuition and it will guide us if we allow it. God's love is unconditional, Christianity seems to put conditions on it.

So many things in Christianity do not line up with being totally in line with LOVE to me so I do question some things. So many of those very things seem like things that come from the hearts and minds of "MAN" more than a all loving God.

Christianity is very good though for people who truly need that in their lives. They would otherwise fail to recognize God and God's love for us in any other way so for that reason alone it is a blessed thing.

If you can feel the true presence of God inside of you, you feel God's power, God's love and you have no desire to do harm to others or judge others. You recognize our imperfections in this world all the while knowing you already have perfection in your soul and the soul never dies.