Why wouldn't you take time to read it? Are you afraid of learning something? Maybe you forgot to fill your Adderall prescription this month? It was essentially five short paragraphs, concise enough that a middle schooler could ingest it in under a minute. I always read your somewhat long-winded posts when you're going on about the imminent demise of American football. I don't agree with your argument but at least my brain isn't too lazy to dip into a good dose of strumabsurdity.
My post came 90% from what I already know, but in order to be 100% accurate about the timeline I referred to two sources from my bookshelf: Gerald Posner's Case Closed and Vincent Bugliosi's 1612-page tome Reclaiming History. The timeline itself, while included in the publication of The Warren Report, is based on eyewitness accounts, Dallas Police records, and Western Union. I suppose those individual entities were all in cahoots as part of the official government cover-up, eh?
You condescendingly insult people who aren't as paranoid about the government as you, and then you do the same to every maladjusted neurotic who believes the oscillation of the tides is controlled by something other than nature. The sad part is, you're stuck somewhere in the middle in a hypercritical bullshit no man's land. You say you "make it a rule to never trust what 'the government' tells me"? Really? Bullshit! I'm sure you heed the weather forecast every now and then which means you allow NOAA and the National Weather Service, both government agencies, to dictate whether you wear shorts or a sweater or a raincoat, or when to cancel your beach trip because a hurricane is threatening the coast. You buy into what the government tells you more than you're even aware of, so check the superiority crap at the door, bud.