I am sure if one looks hard enough it can be found. Its out there. BUT, is there a national organization that is white, calling for the killing of blacks and jews like the Nation of Islam is? How about the National Black Panther Party. Before one tries to pull the KKK thing I suggest you look closely and know that this particular hate group has been neutered and at best eradicated. Percentage wise, and I know this chafes peoples asses, blacks are according to statistics, more violent than whites. Have a higher percentage of their population in prison, have a larger percentage of births out of wedlock, single parent families, etc etc. Single parent families have also shown a higher proportion of children who will be either a victim of violence, or will become violent and a part of the penal system in the U.S. These facts are undeniable.
Does this make the shooting in SC ok. HELL NO. However when I see black leaders all rushing to get in their political points about SC, St Louis, Texas etc, and they completely dismiss what happens on a daily basis by black on black crime in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore etc etc every day, I have to call BS. The media is also totally complicit in the way these things are portrayed. So what does one do?
I pray for the victims of such a heinous crime as this. They are innocents. I hope this guy fries in hell, and I imagine he will. I am sure he will get the death penalty, and thats not good enough for him.
But, the media needs to stop promoting angry black people demanding the killing of whites. I know it makes great television but it also enforces some peoples stereotypes about black people being violent by nature or by enablement. This tragedy in SC could be brought on by this very thing. A white dude watches enough of this and snaps. Not a good ending for anyone.