I think the whole "potty" thing is even further proof of the culture's fear of sexuality and natural functions of our own bodies. I always find it fascinating how "lower life forms" drop poops and peeps wherever they want! No shame, no guilt, no fear! Just "exit here." It's awesome! Wouldn't it be great if we had no inhibitions about it? We used to be that way... when we were born and through infancy and toddler-hood. Then we were taught to be ashamed of it. I dunno, man, pooping and peeing are mandatory. That "privacy" thing is a result of being taught to be ashamed of it and ashamed of your own body.
There are more "primitive" cultures where parents have sex in full view of their offspring. Those cultures have virtually no understanding or conception of "rape." When you remove fear (guilt and shame are examples of fear), then things go much more smoothly.
You want to know why we can do that?
It's because there are sick bastards around every corner looking to do God knows what to children and this is just another way to allow to be able to do it!