I appreciate it
@carolinablue34. But he may be right. It may be best for me to stay on my own board. I try to be respectful and participate in discussion with flaming or trolling. Of course, most of the subjects I choose to participate in are Duke topics given that I am a Duke fan. I enjoy reading what the rival team is saying/thinking regarding recruits, match ups, etc.
I know most here don't know me, I believe you and I have corresponded on the national board some and I'm lucky enough to have some good contacts when it comes to guys Duke is recruiting. Many times, we are recruiting the same players so I try to throw in something every now and then, especially when I read something that's complete wrong. But no matter how civil I try to be I realize that bad news is never going to be received well on a rival's site so it's probably best if I take
@keysersosay#1 advice and just refrain from posting. I do appreciate the few who have been welcoming to me.