Why Everyone Should Vote for Trump


Mar 22, 2005
Americans have been saying they want change and are tired of the political establishment of both parties and their media allies. Well, now we have a chance to do something about it.

Vote Trump. If you think he is a horrible human being, that's all the more reason to vote for him and send the political establishment reeling with the message even a guy like Trump is better than they are.

The established politicians and their allies will be running for cover. None of them will be safe for reelection or they will fear they are not. The Clinton corruption machine will be in tatters with the real possibility of the democrat party exorcising themselves from it, and the GOP establishment leaders will likely be on the run come next primary season.

And for the record, Trump was not my 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc,....choice. But right now, he's the change agent. Just Trump winning will send a needed shockwave to the governing elite and their allies, and that will be very good for the country.
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Americans have been saying they want change and are tired of the political establishment of both parties and their media allies. Well, now we have a chance to do something about it.

Vote Trump. If you think he is a horrible human being, that's all the more reason to vote for him and send the political establishment reeling with the message even a guy like Trump is better than they are.

The established politicians and their allies will be running for cover. None of them will be safe for reelection or they will fear they are not. The Clinton corruption machine will be in tatters with the real possibility of the democrat party exorcising themselves from it, and the GOP establishment leaders will likely be on the run come next primary season.

And for the record, Trump was not my 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc,....choice. But right now, he's the change agent. Just Trump winning will send a needed shockwave to the governing elite and their allies, and that will be very good for the country.

I believe taking a long hot bubble bath with a blow dryer would be more desirable. Are y'all that stinking crazy??? You know how insane you think the ones singing the praises of Hillary sound???? All that crap y'all are shoveling about Trump is equally as insane IMO.
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I believe taking a long hot bubble bath with a blow dryer would be more desirable. Are y'all that stinking crazy??? You know how insane you think the ones singing the praises of Hillary sound???? All that crap y'all are shoveling about Trump is equally as insane IMO.
Equally insane??? You are insane! Trump is a douche bag but he is NOT even close to billary.....she is a stinking pile of dog crap....a liar, a thief, crooked as the day is long, a murderer (yes look at the bodies left in her and bills wake) and as dishonest as anyone has ever been in politics....Trump does not hold a candle compared to this devil woman!!!
Equally insane??? You are insane! Trump is a douche bag but he is NOT even close to billary.....she is a stinking pile of dog crap....a liar, a thief, crooked as the day is long, a murderer (yes look at the bodies left in her and bills wake) and as dishonest as anyone has ever been in politics....Trump does not hold a candle compared to this devil woman!!!

I believe taking a long hot bubble bath with a blow dryer would be more desirable. Are y'all that stinking crazy??? You know how insane you think the ones singing the praises of Hillary sound???? All that crap y'all are shoveling about Trump is equally as insane IMO.

For once we agree. It would absolutely be more desirable for you to take a bath with a hair dryer.
I believe taking a long hot bubble bath with a blow dryer would be more desirable. Are y'all that stinking crazy??? You know how insane you think the ones singing the praises of Hillary sound???? All that crap y'all are shoveling about Trump is equally as insane IMO.

You are missing the point. It's not a matter if Trump is good or bad. Not really debating that with this point; hence my comment even if he is a horrible person.

Go back and read it again if you care to hear what I am saying here.
Equally insane??? You are insane! Trump is a douche bag but he is NOT even close to billary.....she is a stinking pile of dog crap....a liar, a thief, crooked as the day is long, a murderer (yes look at the bodies left in her and bills wake) and as dishonest as anyone has ever been in politics....Trump does not hold a candle compared to this devil woman!!!

I agree completely but a liberal democrat should vote for Trump EVEN IF he was as bad as they think he is. Of course, she's worse but they don't want to admit that because they don't want to admit they may vote for a traitor and worse.

But the reason they should vote for Trump is to wrest control from the crooks controlling their party. He's their best shot. In some ways, if you are a liberal, you have even more reason to vote for Trump.
Equally insane??? You are insane! Trump is a douche bag but he is NOT even close to billary.....she is a stinking pile of dog crap....a liar, a thief, crooked as the day is long, a murderer (yes look at the bodies left in her and bills wake) and as dishonest as anyone has ever been in politics....Trump does not hold a candle compared to this devil woman!!!

They may do evil differently but they are both conniving, lying, greedy, people, neither of which give two craps about the average American. If either did, you'd have seen clear evidence of it for the past several years. They use people to get more and always will.
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I agree completely but a liberal democrat should vote for Trump EVEN IF he was as bad as they think he is. Of course, she's worse but they don't want to admit that because they don't want to admit they may vote for a traitor and worse.

But the reason they should vote for Trump is to wrest control from the crooks controlling their party. He's their best shot. In some ways, if you are a liberal, you have even more reason to vote for Trump. for either one is stupid. Neither will get my vote. I don't buy into the Left/Right crap at all. I want to vote for what is the best choice for America and Americans. They do not have an ounce of care for anything or anyone but their agenda and themselves. for either one is stupid. Neither will get my vote. I don't buy into the Left/Right crap at all. I want to vote for what is the best choice for America and Americans. They do not have an ounce of care for anything or anyone but their agenda and themselves.

If you don't buy into the Right/Left crap, you should consider voting for Trump because he's neither.

I disagree that Trump doesn't care for anyone else. I think he does care for regular Americans. I also think he'd unethically screw people over that got in his way. My eyes are open here.

But we have a choice and a chance to upend the Demopublicans and Republicrats, and mo, we should take it.
They may do evil differently but they are both conniving, lying, greedy, people, neither of which give two craps about the average American. If either did, you'd have seen clear evidence of it for the past several years. They use people to get more and always will.

I don't agree. Not that Trump isn't lying, conniving and so forth, but there's a difference in getting rich in business and as a public servant. Only way you get rich as a public servant is to be a crook and Hillary is perhaps the worst offender in this area, not just willing to take bribes from Americans but every corrupt regime and organization on the planet, including our enemies.

I do think Trump also has concern for the average American. It's just he's ruthless and willing to be unethical but if you are not in business with him, I honestly think, based on evidence, he has real compassion and admiration for Americans and not disdain like Hillary does.
You are missing the point. It's not a matter if Trump is good or bad. Not really debating that with this point; hence my comment even if he is a horrible person.

Go back and read it again if you care to hear what I am saying here.

See, the problem is you see only two choices. I don't. If you think because he's not PC or a career politician that we're finally gonna get something different and real changes from him even if he is an obnoxious douche, you'd be really sad in a few years and let down. I don't think you'll find out though. He has no chance in winning. That's one reason he started laying the groundwork today about it being rigged. He will have an argument to explain how he didn't really lose, she stole it. He's so predictable. I told someone months ago that was coming.
If you don't buy into the Right/Left crap, you should consider voting for Trump because he's neither.

I disagree that Trump doesn't care for anyone else. I think he does care for regular Americans. I also think he'd unethically screw people over that got in his way. My eyes are open here.

But we have a choice and a chance to upend the Demopublicans and Republicrats, and mo, we should take it.

I just can't agree with that but I respect you for your belief in him, I just don't have the same.
See, the problem is you see only two choices. I don't. If you think because he's not PC or a career politician that we're finally gonna get something different and real changes from him even if he is an obnoxious douche, you'd be really sad in a few years and let down. I don't think you'll find out though. He has no chance in winning. That's one reason he started laying the groundwork today about it being rigged. He will have an argument to explain how he didn't really lose, she stole it. He's so predictable. I told someone months ago that was coming.

You are not hearing me. Even if he gets nothing done but winning the election, that alone accomplishes enough to make it worth voting for him. The reason is he will have upended the political and elitist establishment in a major way.

You ought to hope and pray he wins and I think it's his to lose. But he may shoot himself in the foot. Right now, we need Trump to win and put some fear of the voters into these folk's hearts. If he sucks as president, fine. We can elect another but we need the system itself to change and be challenged.
I just can't agree with that but I respect you for your belief in him, I just don't have the same.

I don't believe in him really. Yes, there are some areas I think he'd be OK and some things about him I hate. But my overall point here is he's not really right or left; he's hated and mocked by the entire political establishment, and if he wins, that alone will shake up the system, cause some soul-searching and upend things in both parties, and that's what we need.

He could be as bad as his worse critics claim and he'd still be the smart choice here, even if one is a hardcore liberal (but not a communist that case, Hillary is your choice).
You are not hearing me. Even if he gets nothing done but winning the election, that alone accomplishes enough to make it worth voting for him. The reason is he will have upended the political and elitist establishment in a major way.

You ought to hope and pray he wins and I think it's his to lose. But he shoot himself in the foot. Right now, we need Trump to win and put some fear of the voters into these folk's hearts. If he sucks as president, fine. We can elect another but we need the system itself to change and be challenged.

You know what would put fear in everyone and wake them up??? A third party candidate showing them we actually do have other choices than the stupid R and D cults.
You know what would put fear in everyone and wake them up??? A third party candidate showing them we actually do have other choices than the stupid R and D cults.

Maybe if you had a legit libertarian running but we don't. What I hear from Johnson is another liberal moderate complaining we can't get things done due to extremists; in other words someone who sounds in his heart like it will just be business as usual, another phony.

Maybe I am wrong but he sure sounds like it. Trump is a better option, imo. Johnson literally said the State should force a Jewish baker to paint a swastika on a cake if asked.
Sounds like he's smoking too much weed to me. Where's the heart?
They may do evil differently but they are both conniving, lying, greedy, people, neither of which give two craps about the average American. If either did, you'd have seen clear evidence of it for the past several years. They use people to get more and always will.

Again...Trump is a total idiot but he is NOWHERE close to Billary.....she is on a level all to herself!! I challenge you to find anything that Trump has done that would even compare to the traitor that Billary Clinton is. There is no comparison to the evil that Billary is.....
It's so funny watching people, who are going to vote for the man, call him just about every imaginable derogatory name. "I hate that he's a loud-mouthed, immature, crooked, preening self-promoter, who has a huge inferiority complex and has no real qualifications... but, I'm going to vote for him because Hillary is a criminal and a sell-out." Or, you can switch the two names and their credentials for Democrats and get the same result. I had no idea that Americans could actually open-up and take fresh poop like this, from the anus of the political system, and, basically say "Mmmm, thank you!"

Donald Trump is a caricature. And, frankly, as much as I find Hillary Clinton to be just a puppet and extension of the MIC that has occupied the White House since Kennedy, I would be EMBARRASSED to have Donald Trump as president. The thought of it seems like a joke in a comedy movie. I still have a hard time believing the GOP was so weak, that they actually elected this man as their candidate.
Again...Trump is a total idiot
And, yet, you're going to vote for the guy to be YOUR PRESIDENT!

I don't give a sh*t if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee. To openly admit that you are voting for a man that you consider to be "a total idiot" is just off-the-charts amazing to me. Never a dull moment with the American electorate. "We vote for, and elect, idiots, fools, criminals, shysters, charlatans and thieves! God Bless America!" It's a good thing we have all the big bombs and big planes or we'd be in big trouble.
And, yet, you're going to vote for the guy to be YOUR PRESIDENT!

I don't give a sh*t if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee. To openly admit that you are voting for a man that you consider to be "a total idiot" is just off-the-charts amazing to me. Never a dull moment with the American electorate. "We vote for, and elect, idiots, fools, criminals, shysters, charlatans and thieves! God Bless America!" It's a good thing we have all the big bombs and big planes or we'd be in big trouble.

A total idiot is better than Hillary. I will gladly vote for an idiot over a smart traitor, crook and worse.

Plus Trump isn't a total idiot. He has some issues but he also has some redeemable qualities. Wish we had better choices but we don't. And Johnson is not a good choice either.

So man up. This is politics and both voters and politicians need to understand it and deal with it responsibly. It's a very serious and meaningful game of choices where you don't get the ideal situation. It is what it is.

Trump will likely do fine, and if not, still be the best choice, and there is an outside chance he'll be great. He's all we have right now in terms of trying to end the corruption and nonsense.
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A total idiot is better than Hillary. I will gladly vote for an idiot over a smart traitor, crook and worse.

Plus Trump isn't a total idiot. He has some issues but he also has some redeemable qualities. Wish we had better choices but we don't. And Johnson is not a good choice either.

So man up. This is politics and both voters and politicians need to understand it and deal with it responsibly. It's a very serious and meaningful game of choices where you don't get the ideal situation. It is what it is.

Trump will likely do fine, and if not, still be the best choice, and there is an outside chance he'll be great. He's all we have right now in terms of trying to end the corruption and nonsense.
Americans have been saying they want change and are tired of the political establishment of both parties and their media allies. Well, now we have a chance to do something about it.

Vote Trump. If you think he is a horrible human being, that's all the more reason to vote for him and send the political establishment reeling with the message even a guy like Trump is better than they are.

The established politicians and their allies will be running for cover. None of them will be safe for reelection or they will fear they are not. The Clinton corruption machine will be in tatters with the real possibility of the democrat party exorcising themselves from it, and the GOP establishment leaders will likely be on the run come next primary season.

And for the record, Trump was not my 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc,....choice. But right now, he's the change agent. Just Trump winning will send a needed shockwave to the governing elite and their allies, and that will be very good for the country.

Following this line of thinking Mussolini and Hitler would have been good for their countries. How did that turn out for Italy and Germany?
It's so funny watching people, who are going to vote for the man, call him just about every imaginable derogatory name. "I hate that he's a loud-mouthed, immature, crooked, preening self-promoter, who has a huge inferiority complex and has no real qualifications... but, I'm going to vote for him because Hillary is a criminal and a sell-out." Or, you can switch the two names and their credentials for Democrats and get the same result. I had no idea that Americans could actually open-up and take fresh poop like this, from the anus of the political system, and, basically say "Mmmm, thank you!"

Donald Trump is a caricature. And, frankly, as much as I find Hillary Clinton to be just a puppet and extension of the MIC that has occupied the White House since Kennedy, I would be EMBARRASSED to have Donald Trump as president. The thought of it seems like a joke in a comedy movie. I still have a hard time believing the GOP was so weak, that they actually elected this man as their candidate.

So strum finally takes a stand and shows what he is about.....embarrassed to have a Trump presidency but NOT a Billary??? I always knew that about you but thanks for finally coming out and admitting it. So you harp at me for doing something that you just did...WTF is that? Ohhh I am sure that you will reply that you are not voting for either one and will go back on the fence like you usually do but your words above speak volumes!!!
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You can follow any line of political thinking to Hitler and Mussolini.

This is a tired, lazy argument.
The poster is saying that putting someone in office as bad as Trump will somehow shock the country to its senses and I am asking the simple question; Well Italy and Germany elected terrible people into office, how did it work for them. The argument you are referring to is comparing Trump to Mussolini and Hitler. I'm not doing that, see the difference?
So strum finally takes a stand and shows what he is about.....embarrassed to have a Trump presidency but NOT a Billary??? I always knew that about you but thanks for finally coming out and admitting it. So you harp at me for doing something that you just did...WTF is that? Ohhh I am sure that you will reply that you are not voting for either one and will go back on the fence like you usually do but your words above speak volumes!!!
I "took a stand and showed what I'm all about" by flat-out admitting that I would be EMBARRASSED to have Donald Trump as my president? Guilty as charged. I don't recall ever hiding that sentiment. I wouldn't be happy with Clinton as president, but I would be embarrassed with Trump as president.

Fortunately, I am not voting for EITHER, so my conscience is clear. I'm not a republican, so I don't have to always vote republican, and justify it by saying the democrat is worse. I'm not a democrat, so I don't have to always vote democrat, and justify it by saying the republican is worse. I'm not on any fence. I'm voting for Gary Johnson. I'm also stating clearly (and have repeatedly) that Donald Trump is an absolute joke. I'm sorry if I don't bash Hillary as much as Trump, but Hillary is like getting another Bush or Obama in office.
The poster is saying that putting someone in office as bad as Trump will somehow shock the country to its senses and I am asking the simple question; Well Italy and Germany elected terrible people into office, how did it work for them. The argument you are referring to is comparing Trump to Mussolini and Hitler. I'm not doing that, see the difference?

Except that's not what I wrote. It's not about shocking the country to it's senses. It's about cleaning out the corruption, PC nonsense and tone deafness of the governing elite and their allies. We want to shock them so they can come to their senses or be thrown overboard, not the other way around.

We can survive Trump and he might even make a good president in his own, unorthodox way, but we may not survive as a republic with the level of corruption and indifference to the voter's concerns that we are seeing now.
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