Serious question. Beyond screaming "show me the money" I know absolutely nothing about agents.
Kid enters the draft. If he hires an agent, he can't return to school.
If he's drafted in the 1st round, the pay is fixed in a narrow range.
So . . . what does an agent do for a kid that justifies taking a big cut of the pay (or whatever it is the agent gets)?
For example, are agents able to get players drafted higher than they otherwise would be? If so, how do they accomplish that?
Now I'm just talking about kids in the draft. I imagine there could be more benefit when renewals, trades and free agency enter the picture. But why would, say, a consensus lottery pick need an agent?
Kid enters the draft. If he hires an agent, he can't return to school.
If he's drafted in the 1st round, the pay is fixed in a narrow range.
So . . . what does an agent do for a kid that justifies taking a big cut of the pay (or whatever it is the agent gets)?
For example, are agents able to get players drafted higher than they otherwise would be? If so, how do they accomplish that?
Now I'm just talking about kids in the draft. I imagine there could be more benefit when renewals, trades and free agency enter the picture. But why would, say, a consensus lottery pick need an agent?