2017 Atlanta Braves Thread (w/ occasional Red Sox talk for Hark)

This thread is dead (thanks, @TarHeelNation11), but I'm going to poast in it anyway. Ozzie Albies will be making his debut tonight, and I don't know why. I'm excited to see him, but with Phillips still there and doing well, the staff having a hard on for Camargo and the logjam we already have in the INF, this move just doesn't make much sense to me. Maybe we're just packing it in, saying F it to the veterans, and letting the young guys play. Very strange.
Swanson needs to go to AAA.

This thread is dead (thanks, @TarHeelNation11), but I'm going to poast in it anyway. Ozzie Albies will be making his debut tonight, and I don't know why. I'm excited to see him, but with Phillips still there and doing well, the staff having a hard on for Camargo and the logjam we already have in the INF, this move just doesn't make much sense to me. Maybe we're just packing it in, saying F it to the veterans, and letting the young guys play. Very strange.
I really don't understand what the hell Coppy is doing the past couple months. It's like someone has fed him stupid pills. Some of the decisions have been very strange. We didn't get crap in return for Jaime Garcia. Demoting Dansby is dumb (IMO) but I at least see the logic behind it. Giving him reps at 2B in the minors now?? Makes no sense. I'm going to the game on Friday, so maybe I'll give Coppy a piece of my mind if I see him lol
Swanson is better served in AAA trying to get his crap together playing everyday than he is riding the pine in Atlanta watching Camargo outplay him. I don't understand why he's getting time at 2B down there, though. I wasn't aware of that.
Swanson is better served in AAA trying to get his crap together playing everyday than he is riding the pine in Atlanta watching Camargo outplay him. I don't understand why he's getting time at 2B down there, though. I wasn't aware of that.
Yes he's taking reps at 2B.

Doesn't really matter one way or the other, though, because the Braves are never going to get anywhere with this rebuild. Why? They're lacking the most important thing: star power.

It's awesome that we're getting tons of young prospects, but they're all just "good." Until one turns into a Correia, Benintendi, K Bryant, Harper, Rizzo, Bellinger, Judge, et al, we're just gonna be in the same spot we're in now. And for the love of God, can one of our 2894894 young minor league arms please just become elite? Thanks.
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So apparently the word is Freeman will move back to 1B everyday, Matt Adams to LF while Kemp recovers (oh God), Phillips will backup Albies while possibly playing 3B sometimes, and Albies is now our everyday 2B. Interesting.
So apparently the word is Freeman will move back to 1B everyday, Matt Adams to LF while Kemp recovers (oh God), Phillips will backup Albies while possibly playing 3B sometimes, and Albies is now our everyday 2B. Interesting.
It isn't a terrible plan. Adams can't be much worse than Kemp in the outfield (i.e. both will be bad), and I don't see any reason why Phillips couldn't play 3B. It isn't like it matters if we win or lose. Just stick players at positions and roll the ball out, like little league.
It isn't a terrible plan. Adams can't be much worse than Kemp in the outfield (i.e. both will be bad), and I don't see any reason why Phillips couldn't play 3B. It isn't like it matters if we win or lose. Just stick players at positions and roll the ball out, like little league.
I don't it's terrible either, just interesting. It's making the best out of what we have. I'm sorry, but as much as I like Adams' bat, his glove is just brutal. Freddie was fine at 3B, but having Adams at 1B just wasn't good. Maybe he isn't really that bad, and I'm just spoiled by how good Freddie is over there. Now he's going to LF where he's even worse. I don't mind the Phillips thing. It's just whatever for him. It's not like he's part of our future anyway.

What do you think of the pitchers we picked up? Sonny Gray, Jamie Garcia, and Tommy Kahnle?? I'm in high cotton brother. And Todd Frazier (lol BoSox).

Sorry to 'hijack' yalls thread but no other place to talk baseball on here.
I think the Yankees can GTFO because I really wanted Gray in Atlanta. That's good ol' fashioned American capitalism for you though.
What do you think of the pitchers we picked up? Sonny Gray, Jamie Garcia, and Tommy Kahnle?? I'm in high cotton brother. And Todd Frazier (lol BoSox and @Hark_The_Sound_2010)

Gray was a great pickup. Neither he, nor the clowns you mentioned with him, could sniff Chris Sale's jock though.

Frazier is very meh. I'm infatuated with what Raphael Devers is doing in his limited time in the bigs so far - happy they didn't trade for Frazier or another bum which would have kept Devers in the minors.

* side note - I'm not getting alerts when people @ me anymore for some reason (yes, I've checked my alert preferences).

I really wanted Gray in Atlanta.
Gray was a great pickup. Neither he, nor the clowns you mentioned with him, could sniff Chris Sale's jock though.

Frazier is very meh. I'm infatuated with what Raphael Devers is doing in his limited time in the bigs so far - happy they didn't trade for Frazier or another bum which would have kept Devers in the minors.

* side note - I'm not getting alerts when people @ me anymore for some reason (yes, I've checked my alert preferences).


Ehhh Sale's only makin up for what Porcello isn't. Of course Garcia isn't on his level. He just adds stability to the rotation since Montgomery is on a schedule. Kahnle is just added depth for our relievers.

Frazier is meh I agree. BUT there have been lots of talks about the Yanks picking him up bc that was a need to your Sox. Yes Devers has been good. Wasn't he yalls best minor? I'd rather take our chances and Frazier not be Boston playboy. I know how that story ends.

Anyway good luck on the wildcard spot.
I gotta say that the Yanks look like the favorites in the AL East at this point though. I'll continue my passive following of the Sox for their Wild Card berth, and either Wild Card round or Divisional round exit - and be happy that I only watched games of theirs that I had bets on (maybe a game a week and usually against them) and didn't go all in on them this year.

I actively root against them when Price pitches. What a horrendous signing that joker was - $31M/year to go out there and shit his pants on a regular basis. Not sure if anyone else has been following all the drama between him and Dennis Eckersley (Sox color guy, hall of famer, etc.) but its all the rage on Boston sports radio these days. Eckersley was slightly ragging on him on the broadcast during one of his starts and he blew up at him on the team plane (and then claimed it was to defend Eck's comments of a teammate, which no one believed). Then, in typical Price fashion, after the issue reached it's boiling point in the media, and he realized he was gonna get booed by everyone in Fenway in his next start - he made up a phantom injury (a couple hours before his scheduled start) and hit the DL so he could duck the crowd. Sorry, David, being a pussy is only gonna make it worse, and next time you take the mound in Boston the boos will only be louder.
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Since there is literally 4 -7 of us in this thread I'm gonna take exception of you trying to explain who Eckersley is. Im gonna take that as a bazinga!
It's early in the game, and he may even end up giving up 7 runs, but I think I'm going to like Lucas Sims. He looks like a gamer out there. No fear at all, and even looks pissed off on the mound. He's going to come right after you, and I love it.

What do you think of the pitchers we picked up? Sonny Gray, Jamie Garcia, and Tommy Kahnle?? I'm in high cotton brother. And Todd Frazier (lol BoSox and @Hark_The_Sound_2010)

Sorry to 'hijack' yalls thread but no other place to talk baseball on here.

I feel these were good moves for the Yankees to make. Cashman and the rest are doing it the right way now. They aren't going after overpriced or older hitters with subpar pitching to try and win games anymore. We have a solid foundation of young players- Judge, Sanchez, Didi, Castro, Bird, Montgomery, Severino, Clint Frazier, Torres to go along with an incredible bullpen. This and players like CC, Gardner, Matt Holliday add veteran leadership.

Getting Garcia, Gray and the rest only bolster our chances. We gave up very little for them and our farm team is still pretty good.

If we don't win the division or worse yet, make the playoffs, I think it's disappointment. We need the postseason experience.
Phillips at 3B tonight, which I like. If he's open to it, considering we have nobody in the system ready to take the everyday 3B job, except for Camargo, I guess, I wouldn't really mind bringing him back next year as our primary 3B. I see no reason why he couldn't handle it, and his offense has not slowed down.
Phillips at 3B tonight, which I like. If he's open to it, considering we have nobody in the system ready to take the everyday 3B job, except for Camargo, I guess, I wouldn't really mind bringing him back next year as our primary 3B. I see no reason why he couldn't handle it, and his offense has not slowed down.
Saying we don't have a 3B in our system is a gotdamn understatement. Re-sign him for the next four years and let him play third.
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Julio is the most frustrating pitcher in Braves history. He's either so good that you don't want to trade him because of his team-friendly contract, or he is so bad that if you trade him, you'd be selling him so low that it's pointless. Its maddening.
I don't know, he may have turned it around. The dude hit .281 in 124 games last year. His average has increased every year since 2015.

2015: .265
2016: .281
2017: .303

Can't argue with that.
True. It of course begs the unanswerable question of "would he have shown that same growth while still in Atlanta?" Impossible to answer. His hitting was atrocious here, like so bad that even his glove could barely justify his inclusion in the lineup every day.
I doubt it since everyone always figures out how to play baseball once they leave Atlanta.
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What was the point in activating Sean Rodriguez this year? Here's a guy who had to have major shoulder surgery, and we're rushing him back as if he's some sort of big deal. Now, he's playing just about everyday and he's a black hole because he had no spring training and he's not very good to begin with. Why do this? Just let him rest up and he can be a piece off the bench next year.
What was the point in activating Sean Rodriguez this year? Here's a guy who had to have major shoulder surgery, and we're rushing him back as if he's some sort of big deal. Now, he's playing just about everyday and he's a black hole because he had no spring training and he's not very good to begin with. Why do this? Just let him rest up and he can be a piece off the bench next year.
We just traded him back to the Pirates. What a weird day.

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