Anyone surprised at how badly Pelosi cucked Donald yesterday?

Yep! Don't expect me to have any guilt about something that I had absolutely nothing to do, I'm not white. Its like people can make an allegation based on their opinion and if you don't agree with them, you're a racist. Its a pathetic attempt by pathetic people trying to make themselves look good by trying to soothe their guilty conscience.

I'm willing to venture that most of the people on here clamoring against racism are probably the biggest racists on the board. Trying to put on a front and pounding their chests for internet adoration.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Since I've decided I'm just going to start dunking on people anyway....

Nobody here ever said FAIR is a racist organization or hate group. I merely quoted a Wikipedia entry that said the Southern Poverty Law Center labeled them as such. If you had bothered to read the full context of the discussion you entered in media res, you would have saved us both a lot of trouble.
Skeptical hippo remains skeptical.

Did she ever obtain insurance?

My sister had to pay Cobra for her for a while. Her insurance ran out when she turned, I think, 25 because she was covered through Tricare...her dad is retired military. She had her 2nd surgery back in Jan '17 at MUSC. She has Dextrocardia. She is now insured because she works at Grand Strand Medical Center.

I called my sister to find out the name of my nieces' condition. Its called Dextrocardia with Situs Inversus.
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My sister had to pay Cobra for her for a while. Her insurance ran out when she turned, I think, 25 because she was covered through Tricare...her dad is retired military. She had her 2nd surgery back in Jan '17 at MUSC. She has Dextrocardia. She is now insured because she works at Grand Strand Medical Center.
So which insurer turned her down?
My niece could not get ACA because of a pre-existing condition. She was born with a heart defect and had heart surgery then she was 3 months old. The walls of her heart had not fully developed and she was not receiving enough oxygen to stay alive. That was in 1991. When she tried to get ACA in 2015, she was denied.
How has the ACA made this worse? Or are you just blindly lashing out at a policy you don't understand?
It's made it worse because before the ACA my insurance company would allow the doctor to diagnose the problem before they would send you to PT to blindly treat it. It's not a matter of understanding a policy. My doctors nor my PT understand why an issue is not diagnosed first. Patient care is furthest from insurance companies priorities. I and my daughter have had issues made worse because of BCBS protocols. This never happened before the ACA.
It's made it worse because before the ACA my insurance company would allow the doctor to diagnose the problem before they would send you to PT to blindly treat it. It's not a matter of understanding a policy. My doctors nor my PT understand why an issue is not diagnosed first. Patient care is furthest from insurance companies priorities. I and my daughter have had issues made worse because of BCBS protocols. This never happened before the ACA.
What about the ACA prevents your doctor from diagnosing the problem before they send you to PT?
I don't know dick about insurance. But here's the deal, I had a policy I liked that covered my whole family and I paid about $600 per month for it. Within two years of the ACA, that policy was no longer available. The one I had to get was roughly double that. That sucks. I don't know who to get mad at for that but I'll default to talking shit about the ACA and Obama.
What about the ACA prevents your doctor from diagnosing the problem before they send you to PT?
I think the practices of BCBS have changed since the ACA. Before if I went to the doctor for back, neck, ect. issues, Xrays and a MRI was done. Now PT followed by diagnostic measures. Makes no sense. My daughter was having sciatic nerve issues down her right leg, BCBS denied a MRI, said she had to go to PT first. Now she has issues down both legs. She finally got the MRI, ruptured disc. BCBS made her get a shot, no help. I know many others, including myself, who've had similar problems and I think it's all linked to the ACA.

It's cause and effect
I don't know dick about insurance. But here's the deal, I had a policy I liked that covered my whole family and I paid about $600 per month for it. Within two years of the ACA, that policy was no longer available. The one I had to get was roughly double that. That sucks. I don't know who to get mad at for that but I'll default to talking shit about the ACA and Obama.
You can keep your doctor and your plan.
I'm lucky enough to not need to go through ACA plans. If I did, my biggest problem with it would be going to the doctor of my choice. I like several of my doctors and I would be pissed if I couldn't see them anymore.
I'm lucky enough to not need to go through ACA plans. If I did, my biggest problem with it would be going to the doctor of my choice. I like several of my doctors and I would be pissed if I couldn't see them anymore.

"Several of my doctors"? Who are you?

I think the practices of BCBS have changed since the ACA. Before if I went to the doctor for back, neck, ect. issues, Xrays and a MRI was done. Now PT followed by diagnostic measures. Makes no sense. My daughter was having sciatic nerve issues down her right leg, BCBS denied a MRI, said she had to go to PT first. Now she has issues down both legs. She finally got the MRI, ruptured disc. BCBS made her get a shot, no help. I know many others, including myself, who've had similar problems and I think it's all linked to the ACA.

It's cause and effect
So BCBS changed their policies, and without any understanding of the reason they made the change, you're blindly blaming the ACA. That makes no absolutely no sense.
So BCBS changed their policies, and without any understanding of the reason they made the change, you're blindly blaming the ACA. That makes no absolutely no sense.

Well, the ACA is the only variable there... so yeah, I see how he could have reached that conclusion. Could it just be a coincidence? Possibly. However, that doesn't seem likely.
So BCBS changed their policies, and without any understanding of the reason they made the change, you're blindly blaming the ACA. That makes no absolutely no sense.
My doctors as well as PT's have the same feeling about all this. They too believe the ACA has made everything worse.
Why am I skeptical of the first part of this? But, its your lie...tell it how you want it go.
There's an archives building in Richmond, VA... pretty concise.

And, I didn't even need that resource for any of my maternal lineage. We have kept family records and stories that go back to the 18th century. Be as stupi... I mean as skeptical as you want.
Right, because insurers never made adjustments to their policies before the ACA was enacted.

I don't know why you insist on embarrassing yourself like this, but I'm pretty sure you're not going to stop.

Why did you cut off the rest of my post? The part where I said that it could have been coincidental?

Edit: You're so disingenuous.
There's an archives building in Richmond, VA... pretty concise.

And, I didn't even need that resource for any of my maternal lineage. We have kept family records and stories that go back to the 18th century. Be as stupi... I mean as skeptical as you want.

Well, that means your family owned slaves and therefore you are a racist.


The Left
There's an archives building in Richmond, VA... pretty concise.

And, I didn't even need that resource for any of my maternal lineage. We have kept family records and stories that go back to the 18th century. Be as stupi... I mean as skeptical as you want.
Are you also related to Elizabeth Warren? She has family stories as well.
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Wait, wait,’re telling me healthcare companies are trying to make money? Shirley you can’t be serious. Wouldn’t some ethical dilemmas arise from such a thing?

I'm all about the healthcare companies making more money. Helps my own personal bottom line.

It's when the doctors/providers start trying to get a bigger piece of the pie that I get a little testy.
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Patient care is furthest from insurance companies priorities.

100%. I'm not even really mad about that, because I believe everyone should be trying to get theirs when they can. But to pretend like health insurance companies wouldn't let a person die to save a buck is disingenuous.

Insurance is the biggest racket in the history of mankind (all insurance, not just health insurance). Everyone that signs up for insurance has a negative expected value from that insurance.
I don't know dick about insurance. But here's the deal, I had a policy I liked that covered my whole family and I paid about $600 per month for it. Within two years of the ACA, that policy was no longer available. The one I had to get was roughly double that. That sucks. I don't know who to get mad at for that but I'll default to talking shit about the ACA and Obama.

$1,200 per month isn’t expensive for a family of four by today’s standards.

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