Anyone surprised at how badly Pelosi cucked Donald yesterday?

Soooo... the woman who couldn't speak English, at Walmart, with you, and had an EBT card... was fresh from Mexico, or Guatemala, illegally, and getting her Fed freebies?

Do I know how it looks to what citizens outside this country? They see what you see, when you see it?

This is what you call being intentionally obtuse.
Liberals aren't the ones cutting social programs. If you couldn't afford food then its liberals that would argue you should be able to get assistance. Its the right wing that would call you a lazy mooch that's stealing other's tax dollars.

But he's white...and presumably a male which makes help from the government super tough.
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I understand that, but it really isn't the point I'm trying to make. My point is that we should be doing right by the people in this country, not prioritizing illegal immigrants over our citizens.
You do know that you come from an immigrant family don't you?

Governor Cuomo of New York ordered the needle on WTC-1 to be lit up in pink for celebration of the passing of the "abortion up to delivery" bill in New York state. Previously abortion was illegal in New York state after 24 weeks from conception. People are working to get avowed Catholic Cuomo excommunicated from his church. Catholics are called to defend life at any stage.

The legislators and onlookers in New York capitol cheered loudly upon passing of this bill. To each their own, but it makes me personally ill, discouraged, to see people cheer what amounts to a new bill legalizing the termination of a viable human life, if this life were separated (removed from) the mother.

An important distinction in this bill and in many abortion bills is the allowing of abortion to protect the life OR HEALTH of the mother. Saving a mother's life is objective, but what constitutes the mother's (emotional, psychological, financial) health can be quite subjective. And - I believe the New York bill removed the requirement that the person providing the abortion be a licensed doctor.

That's a great poast and it reiterates the point I made somewhere earlier in this thread. There was a time when abortion was something people did not talk about. The social mores of those days shamed people that had to take the life of a child. Even when it was something that was justified (mother's life was in danger, rape, etc.), those involved tucked their tail walking away from such an experience. Now we literally celebrate loosened restrictions on the ability to kill an unborn child. Is that not hard to swallow for anyone else? It's scary...and sick.
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You're right, I wish we never let the scum like Albert Einstein, Sergey Brin, Oscar de la Renta, Mariano Rivera, Wafaa El-Sadr, and Leo Szilard into this country. We'd be so much better off without these parasites who contributed nothing at all to MAKING AMERICA GREAT! MAGA!


Yeah, we sure didn't care about the rest of those Jews in Europe, did we? Look, I'm not saying that we should get rid of all immigration. My point is that we need to be more selective. This shouldn't be controversial. Most of the socialist paradises that are beloved by the left in this country do the same thing, and those that don't are on fire right now.
Yeah, we sure didn't care about the rest of those Jews in Europe, did we? Look, I'm not saying that we should get rid of all immigration. My point is that we need to be more selective. This shouldn't be controversial. Most of the socialist paradises that are beloved by the left in this country do the same thing, and those that don't are on fire right now.

We agree here.

My simple point is that you saying you wish citizens were only people born in America takes away from all of the things immigrants have done for America throughout history. I'd argue Einstein and Szilard saved over a million Americans.
We agree here.

My simple point is that you saying you wish citizens were only people born in America takes away from all of the things immigrants have done for America throughout history. I'd argue Einstein and Szilard saved over a million Americans.

That really wasn't the point I was trying to make, but I can see how you would get that from my posts.
You're right, I wish we never let the scum like Albert Einstein, Sergey Brin, Oscar de la Renta, Mariano Rivera, Wafaa El-Sadr, and Leo Szilard into this country. We'd be so much better off without these parasites who contributed nothing at all to MAKING AMERICA GREAT! MAGA!


I think we would have been ok without a guy that was really good at pitching one inning and a dude that made women's clothes. But those other folks were pretty important. I give you 3 stars on this poast which puts it square in the middle of mediocrity.
You just need a time machine... to go back to 19th Century America. Or, stay in Lynchburg your whole life.

I might eventually move but to your point, I'll take political culture into account when making that decision. VA, NC, or SC for me. I could probably do TN, WY, MT, ID and UT too.

But SC is the leader in the clubhouse. Are there any trailers for sale in your park?
Yeah, one that showed up to work, not to get a handout. My mother's side came over in the 1800's and my father's side came over in the 1700's. Today's immigration isn't the same thing.
Oh, really? how is it different? Now be careful, this is when you usually say something really stupid so do a little research.
Yeah, one that showed up to work, not to get a handout. My mother's side came over in the 1800's and my father's side came over in the 1700's. Today's immigration isn't the same thing.

I’ve had extensive experience with immigrants. I’d wager more than anyone in here due to my job experience in landscaping and hospitality. They come here to work. Thats the only reason they come here. For the money. And btw the immigrants of yesterday were met with just as much hostility and just as much lying about their motivations. Wanna discuss how the irish and italians were perceived?
I might eventually move but to your point, I'll take political culture into account when making that decision. VA, NC, or SC for me. I could probably do TN, WY, MT, ID and UT too.

But SC is the leader in the clubhouse. Are there any trailers for sale in your park?
Those are all safe havens for old whitey's like yourself.
I’ve had extensive experience with immigrants. I’d wager more than anyone in here due to my job experience in landscaping and hospitality. They come here to work. Thats the only reason they come here. For the money.
The work opportunities.
I’ve had extensive experience with immigrants. I’d wager more than anyone in here due to my job experience in landscaping and hospitality. They come here to work. Thats the only reason they come here. For the money. And btw the immigrants of yesterday were met with just as much hostility and just as much lying about their motivations. Wanna discuss how the irish and italians were perceived?

I worked for twenty years in the restaurant business. I'm aware of why some immigrants come over here, but it isn't all of them, and it drives down wages.
I’ve had extensive experience with immigrants. I’d wager more than anyone in here due to my job experience in landscaping and hospitality. They come here to work. Thats the only reason they come here. For the money. And btw the immigrants of yesterday were met with just as much hostility and just as much lying about their motivations. Wanna discuss how the irish and italians were perceived?
Very true.
Because they shouldn't get s*** until every single citizen is taken care of.

That lady getting food stamps did not prevent you from getting food stamps. Food assistance programs are a drop in the bucket of the federal budget. We can easily afford to take care of both of you. You’re demonizing the wrong group of people. Go after the people who defund the social safety net instead of people who are lucky enough to be caught by it.
That lady getting food stamps did not prevent you from getting food stamps. Food assistance programs are a drop in the bucket of the federal budget. We can easily afford to take care of both of you. You’re demonizing the wrong group of people. Go after the people who defund the social safety net instead of people who are lucky enough to be caught by it.

It isn't just me. It's everyone. I'll be okay, but people will die over this. Is that okay with you?
Do you know how many times I've been behind someone at Walmart, who had two overflowing carts of food, didn't speak English, and they pulled out an EBT card that they didn't even know how to use properly? Now imagine that you're really poor like I was once upon a time and you're scrounging up a couple bucks to buy bologna and bread, just so you can eat. Do you know how that looks to the citizens of this country?

Ya, that's just the tip of the iceberg. It's when you see them try to buy cigarettes with the EBT (successfully on occasion depending on how bleeding heart the cashier is) and then hop into their Mercedes in the parking lot that you know you've seen a real schemer.
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I mentioned in an earlier poast that I have a hard time reconciling my thoughts on abortion. On one hand, it's hard to say I support the killing of an unborn child - for any reason. But on the other hand, many of these kids will grow up in poverty and many of them go on to be a drain on society. So what do you do?

At that point you stop referring to a fetus as a child, and then it becomes clear that "the other hand" is the more important situation to prevent.

Or maybe just be responsible about having sex. Or don't have sex.

That would work too. But it's easier to convince someone to get rid of the problem, than it is to convince them to not have sex (or even be responsible about it).
Those people also get free medical care.
This is barely even a half truth. They get the same emergency care you're entitled to. Some states, but not all, provide them with perinatal care. That's it.

Something that I couldn't afford due to laws like the ACA.
You might have qualified for a subsidy if you were actually surviving on bologna sandwiches. If not, you could have simply chosen an off-exchange plan with less robust benefits but cheaper premiums.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is a non-profit tax exempt organization in the United States that self-identifies as an organization seeking to reduce both legal and illegal immigration.[7] The group publishes position papers, organizes events, and runs campaigns in order to influence US immigration policies. The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies FAIR as a hate group with close ties to white supremacist groups.[8]

FAIR was founded in 1979 by the ophthalmologist John Tanton, former historian of labor movements and director of the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions Otis L. Graham, Jr. and Sidney Swensrud, a former chairman of Gulf Oil and former governing board member of Planned Parenthood.[9][10][11]

The founding chairman, John Tanton, became leader of several anti-immigration groups[12] and held white supremacist beliefs while he led the organization.[13]


Yikes. There are many other websites out there, including truly non-partisan sites whose research suggests that both documented and undocumented immigrants pay more into public benefit programs than they take out.
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If you couldn't afford food then its liberals that would argue you should be able to get assistance. Its the right wing that would call you a lazy mooch that's stealing other's tax dollars.

And they'd both be right. People that need assistance should get assistance. But, there should be some element of "paying for it" that is required.

Maybe the EBT cards should have a chip inserted in them, where every time they're swiped, they emit a voice at about megaphone level sound that says "I'm a leech on society and can't support myself!!". Hell, who am I kidding, people probably wouldn't even be phased by that.
This is barely even a half truth. They get the same emergency care you're entitled to. Some states, but not all, provide them with perinatal care. That's it.

You might have qualified for a subsidy if you were actually surviving on bologna sandwiches. If not, you could have simply chosen an off-exchange plan with less robust benefits but cheaper premiums.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is a non-profit tax exempt organization in the United States that self-identifies as an organization seeking to reduce both legal and illegal immigration.[7] The group publishes position papers, organizes events, and runs campaigns in order to influence US immigration policies. The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies FAIR as a hate group with close ties to white supremacist groups.[8]

FAIR was founded in 1979 by the ophthalmologist John Tanton, former historian of labor movements and director of the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions Otis L. Graham, Jr. and Sidney Swensrud, a former chairman of Gulf Oil and former governing board member of Planned Parenthood.[9][10][11]

The founding chairman, John Tanton, became leader of several anti-immigration groups[12] and held white supremacist beliefs while he led the organization.[13]


Yikes. There are many other websites out there, including truly non-partisan sites whose research suggests that both documented and undocumented immigrants pay more into public benefit programs than they take out.

Is ABC better for you?

The information is all over the web, dude. And how do you hold illegal immigrants responsible for medical coverage if they don't have a SS#? They can just disappear and not pay it. I don't have that advantage.

And you can stow that non-partisan BS. Nobody is non-partisan anymore, and I rather doubt anyone ever was. Besides, how can you come up with how much they're paying in if you don't even know how many are in the country? Those numbers sound like a lot of BS.
I mentioned in an earlier poast that I have a hard time reconciling my thoughts on abortion. On one hand, it's hard to say I support the killing of an unborn child - for any reason. But on the other hand, many of these kids will grow up in poverty and many of them go on to be a drain on society. So what do you do?
$25k tax free to any individual who signs up to have their tubes tied/vasectomy. Process can only be reversed with full repayment of the $25k.

The people dumb enough to take this deal should not be procreating. If by some measure they understand the error of their ways and pay it back, more power to them.
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