Applied for our visa to India

I've traveled in Asia pre & post smart phones.

I like to unplug, but the internet is an amazing tool. If you have plenty of time to chat with locals for a restaurant recommendation, bus schedule, pricing estimates for travel/accomodation/events, then great, but if not, wifi and your phone are a beautiful thing.
Or carry an IPad with you. An IPad does all I need when I need it but I don't have to carry it around with me all the time
Y'all act like he's totally disconnected. He has an iPad and is obviously using it when he needs or wants to, including (I assume) to post these updates here. He's just doing it on a tablet using wifi instead of a cellular phone in his pocket. Not much of a difference.
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Or carry an IPad with you. An IPad does all I need when I need it but I don't have to carry it around with me all the time

ipad? For some reason I think this anti-cellphone talk was all about minimalism. Disregard me, and i'll exit the thread now ;)
Cool can you provide some examples of what you are talking abut?
I'm in an area I'm not familiar with and I'm starving, let me pull my big ass iPad out of my pants to check and see what's good around here.

My car broke down in the middle of nowhere. Oh well.

Let me quickly text my wife to remind her what to pick up at the store. I think I forgot to tell her.

I don't know how to get to this place, too bad I dont have a convenient GPS.

Just to name a few.
I'm in an area I'm not familiar with and I'm starving, let me pull my big ass iPad out of my pants to check and see what's good around here.

My car broke down in the middle of nowhere. Oh well.

Let me quickly text my wife to remind her what to pick up at the store. I think I forgot to tell her.

I don't know how to get to this place, too bad I dont have a convenient GPS.

Just to name a few.
That's just the point I'm not going to carry something around 24/365
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Y'all act like he's totally disconnected. He has an iPad and is obviously using it when he needs or wants to, including (I assume) to post these updates here. He's just doing it on a tablet using wifi instead of a cellular phone in his pocket. Not much of a difference.
I assumed he was borrowing one of the homeless people's cell phone.
That's just the point I'm not going to carry something around 24/365
Do you not have something to carry your credit/debit cards, drivers license, etc? Whats the difference? You're acting like you're hauling a laptop around or something. You don't even know your phone is even there most of the time.
Do you not have something to carry your credit/debit cards, drivers license, etc? Whats the difference? You're acting like you're hauling a laptop around or something. You don't even know your phone is even there most of the time.
Not me bro! I like to know its there.

I'm in an area I'm not familiar with and I'm starving, let me pull my big ass iPad out of my pants to check and see what's good around here.

My car broke down in the middle of nowhere. Oh well.

Let me quickly text my wife to remind her what to pick up at the store. I think I forgot to tell her.

I don't know how to get to this place, too bad I dont have a convenient GPS.

Just to name a few.
Those are conveniences, not necessities. It's amazing how much we've allowed to believe that conveniences *are* necessities.
Those are conveniences, not necessities. It's amazing how much we've allowed to believe that conveniences *are* necessities.
I never said it was a necessity. I stressed convenience.
If you purposely want to make things more difficult and a lot less convenient, then I don't have a problem with it.
Nowhere in there did I imply that people need cell phones. They make things a lot easier and convenient.
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I'll try to wrap this thread up. No way in hell would I ever go back to India but I wouldn't take anything for the experiences I had there. The cities and towns are filthy with a lot of smog. You can walk a block or two and see camels sitting along the road, monkeys, beggars, cows roaming the streets halting traffic eating whatever they can find. If you are on a one lane street they will be 2 or 3 lanes of traffic blowing their horns trying to get ahead of everybody else. But, if you peel back the layers of all the bad stuff you find a very interesting country. The people as a whole are very friendly but on the street everyone is trying to sell you something or begging. The people will try to tell you that the caste system no longer exist but it's clear that it does. Some of the country's landmarks are well maintained and some are left to ruin.
But would you recommend someone else going, assuming that person enjoys international travel? That's the real question.

I still wanna see pictures if you're able to poast them. Thanks for the updates, and safe travels home.
Yes, I would recommend India to someone who has traveled a lot but it's no place for a newbie to go. We are still sorting out the pictures we got home Saturday and I still have a bad case of jet lag.
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But would you recommend someone else going, assuming that person enjoys international travel? That's the real question.

I still wanna see pictures if you're able to poast them. Thanks for the updates, and safe travels home.
I would; like @prlyles said, it's not a trip you'd send somebody on for their first trip overseas, but it's a place that can't fully be described/understood without experiencing it. And there are some parts of that experience that are definitely worthwhile.
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I would; like @prlyles said, it's not a trip you'd send somebody on for their first trip overseas, but it's a place that can't fully be described/understood without experiencing it. And there are some parts of that experience that are definitely worthwhile.
I agree, you put it a lot better than I am able to.
This is the only thing we brought back with us. The elephant is carved from a solid block of India marble. If you could see inside you would see another elephant carved just like the one on the outside.

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The nightly celebration on the Ganges River. The picture was taken from the river in a boat. Close by they were cremating the bodies of people who had died that day. They have mountains of wood and they cremate bodies 24 hours a day on the banks of the Ganges.

This will be my last one. This poor guy was begging at the airport. His body was normal except his feet were the size of basketballs.
