Feds Arrest Man in Possible Connection with Bomb Packages . .

So it’s okay for trump to lie because previous presidents lied? Lol okay...

I didn't say that. My outlook is more along the lines that I expect all politicians to lie to me because almost all of them do at some point. I'm not going to give myself an ulcer over stuff like this. That doesn't mean I'm right, and it doesn't mean I'm wrong. It's a subjective position. If you get upset everytime a politician lies to you, you're going to have a miserable life.
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I didn't say that. My outlook is more along the lines that I expect all politicians to lie to me because almost all of them do at some point. I'm not going to give myself an ulcer over stuff like this. That doesn't mean I'm right, and it doesn't mean I'm wrong. It's a subjective position. If you get upset everytime a politician lies to you, you're going to have a miserable life.

This has been studied. No other politician lies as often as trump does. If he tells the truth its an accident.

Those articles expect me to take their claim on faith. I was hoping for something more substantial. Did I just miss that in those articles?

You could have just ignored The New Yorker article, because that was based off the WaPo article, which didn't give many specifics, and at least one of those specifics was a subjective argument.
Those articles expect me to take their claim on faith. I was hoping for something more substantial. Did I just miss that in those articles?

You could have just ignored The New Yorker article, because that was based off the WaPo article, which didn't give many specifics, and at least one of those specifics was a subjective argument.

Lol their lie counter is widely accepted as accurate. Kinda hard to go through 5000 lies individually. This kind of crap is why nobody takes trump supporters seriously.
Lol their lie counter is widely accepted as accurate. Kinda hard to go through 5000 lies individually. This kind of crap is why nobody takes trump supporters seriously.

Widely accepted by who? You're offering up a lot of statements that you claim as fact without much support. However, to be honest, I don't care if Trump takes credit for some benefit that other people claim came from someone else. Trump is a blowhard. He's a marketer. It's why people call him DT Barnum. That doesn't mean that his rhetoric is causing issues.

Maybe he'll prove you right and he'll end up destroying the country more than every president since Jimmy Carter. That would be a great thing, right? It would prove you correct.

Edit: I really meant he'll become the worse president since Reagan. I think Jimmy Carter got a bad rap. You could actually go back to Nixon, since I think Kennedy was the best president in the 20th century.
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Widely accepted by who? You're offering up a lot of statements that you claim as fact without much support. However, to be honest, I don't care if Trump takes credit for some benefit that other people claim came from someone else. Trump is a blowhard. He's a marketer. It's why people call him DT Barnum. That doesn't mean that his rhetoric is causing issues.

Maybe he'll prove you right and he'll end up destroying the country more than every president since Jimmy Carter. That would be a great thing, right? It would prove you correct.

Edit: I really meant he'll become the worse president since Reagan. I think Jimmy Carter got a bad rap. You could actually go back to Nixon, since I think Kennedy was the best president in the 20th century.

Widely accepted by the general population outside of trump supporters. They’ve been running the count since his inauguration. If you want to try and dispute that, go ahead, but it’s not my job to do your homework for you. Pretty much everyone knows he lies with unprecedented frequency. It’s almost comical at this point.

His rhetoric is clearly causing issues. I don’t think that’s even debatable. He’s brought out some of the ugliest characteristics of human behavior. From insane trump supporters mailing pipe bombs to people that trump claimed are the enemy of the public, all the way down to high schoolers chanting “build that wall” at Hispanic students. It’s gross. But I’m not surprised that trump supporters still are in denial. We now live in a version of America where people think their political opponents should be “locked up.”

He’s already destroyed the concept of objective truth. People in his bubble think they are entitled to their own facts. They are living in an entirely different universe than the rest of the population.
Widely accepted by the general population outside of trump supporters. They’ve been running the count since his inauguration. If you want to try and dispute that, go ahead, but it’s not my job to do your homework for you. Pretty much everyone knows he lies with unprecedented frequency. It’s almost comical at this point.

His rhetoric is clearly causing issues. I don’t think that’s even debatable. He’s brought out some of the ugliest characteristics of human behavior. From insane trump supporters mailing pipe bombs to people that trump claimed are the enemy of the public, all the way down to high schoolers chanting “build that wall” at Hispanic students. It’s gross. But I’m not surprised that trump supporters still are in denial. We now live in a version of America where people think their political opponents should be “locked up.”

He’s already destroyed the concept of objective truth. People in his bubble think they are entitled to their own facts. They are living in an entirely different universe than the rest of the population.

I'm not a "Trump supporter". Maybe you missed the points where I named Kennedy the best president in the 20th century, or acknowledged that Jimmy Carter was underrated. I'm not a party line guy. Those are both Democrat presidents. I'm a registered independent, and I voted for more Democrats than Republicans in 2016. I have no dog in this fight. All that being said, the never-Trumpers are the most irrational people I have ever met in my life. It doesn't matter what the guy does, you all will attack him. For people like me, that makes you all look like zealots.
I'm not a "Trump supporter". Maybe you missed the points where I named Kennedy the best president in the 20th century, or acknowledged that Jimmy Carter was underrated. I'm not a party line guy. Those are both Democrat presidents. I'm a registered independent, and I voted for more Democrats than Republicans in 2016. I have no dog in this fight. All that being said, the never-Trumpers are the most irrational people I have ever met in my life. It doesn't matter what the guy does, you all will attack him. For people like me, that makes you all look like zealots.

I never said you were a trump supporter. I made a general statement. I attack him for the moronic shit he does. At this point it’s pretty much impossible to even keep up. There’s no need to attack him for illegimate grievances when the legitimate ones are never ending.

He’s a fukkin clown, and a narcissistic, pathological liar.
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Widely accepted by the general population outside of trump supporters. They’ve been running the count since his inauguration. If you want to try and dispute that, go ahead, but it’s not my job to do your homework for you. Pretty much everyone knows he lies with unprecedented frequency. It’s almost comical at this point.

His rhetoric is clearly causing issues. I don’t think that’s even debatable. He’s brought out some of the ugliest characteristics of human behavior. From insane trump supporters mailing pipe bombs to people that trump claimed are the enemy of the public, all the way down to high schoolers chanting “build that wall” at Hispanic students. It’s gross. But I’m not surprised that trump supporters still are in denial. We now live in a version of America where people think their political opponents should be “locked up.”

He’s already destroyed the concept of objective truth. People in his bubble think they are entitled to their own facts. They are living in an entirely different universe than the rest of the population.

BTW, it isn't my job to prove your point for you. Making a statement, and then saying that "it's accepted" without providing any proof doesn't make it my job to prove that your unsubstantiated comment is true. At some point, you need to provide some kind of real proof that you are correct. Post the 5,000 "Trump lied" incidents. That puts the onus back on me. If you can't do that, then you don't have much of an argument.

Edit: BTW, you did call me a Trump supporter, because you claim that only Trump supporters dispute the claim that you made. I dispute it, so in your mind I must be a "Trump supporter", right?
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BTW, it isn't my job to prove your point for you. Making a statement, and then saying that "it's accepted" without providing any proof doesn't make it my job to prove that your unsubstantiated comment is true. At some point, you need to provide some kind of real proof that you are correct. Post the 5,000 "Trump lied" incidents. That puts the onus back on me. If you can't do that, then you don't have much of an argument.

Edit: BTW, you did call me a Trump supporter, because you claim that only Trump supporters dispute the claim that you made. I dispute it, so in your mind I must be a "Trump supporter", right?

You expect me to post 5000 incidents of trump lying before you're going to believe the count? Lol that's ridiculous. All you have to do is use google and you can follow along as they've counted. Just because you don't like it, or you're too lazy to try and refute the count, doesn't make it unsubstantiated.

Here's the detailed account of the first 100 days. But you're probably not going to accept that either, and then whine about how I should list every single lie for you.

Here is the fully searchable record of those lies. You can read each and every one if you choose to
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You expect me to post 5000 incidents of trump lying before you're going to believe the count? Lol that's ridiculous. All you have to do is use google and you can follow along as they've counted. Just because you don't like it, or you're too lazy to try and refute the count, doesn't make it unsubstantiated.

Here's the detailed account of the first 100 days. But you're probably not going to accept that either, and then whine about how I should list every single lie for you.

Here is the fully searchable record of those lies. You can read each and every one if you choose to

I mean, that's a lot of subjective and ticky tack stuff. There are statements like:

Trump: 4 million people are off of food stamps.
WaPo: It's more like 3 million.
Trump: The economy is doing great.
WaPo: Well, it isn't really because of *insert some cherry-picked arbitrary number here*.
Again, the guy is a liar, a blowhard, a narcissist, etc... but his lies aren't like "There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq" or "You can keep your health insurance." If you really care about being glad-handed, then I completely understand why you hate him so much. The guy isn't what most would deem "presidential". However, that doesn't matter to me. Only his policies matter, and there's enough there to go after him, IMO. The massive outrage over these little things just overshadows the much bigger issues with our government. That's just my two cents though, feel however you want.
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I mean, that's a lot of subjective and ticky tack stuff. There are statements like:

Trump: 4 million people are off of food stamps.
WaPo: It's more like 3 million.
Trump: The economy is doing great.
WaPo: Well, it isn't really because of *insert some cherry-picked arbitrary number here*.
Again, the guy is a liar, a blowhard, a narcissist, etc... but his lies aren't like "There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq" or "You can keep your health insurance." If you really care about being glad-handed, then I completely understand why you hate him so much. The guy isn't what most would deem "presidential". However, that doesn't matter to me. Only his policies matter, and there's enough there to go after him, IMO. The massive outrage over these little things just overshadows the much bigger issues with our government. That's just my two cents though, feel however you want.

I don’t like getting gladhanded either. I want a government that serves the people instead of serving them bullshit.

But when trump lies about trivial things on a daily basis, and those things can readily be fact checked and disproven then we have an issue. It undermines confidence in our government institutions. But the even bigger problem is that he simultaneously attacks the media and convinces his supporters that the fact checking is ‘fake news.’
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Trump has taken lying to a whole new level. Saturday he told the story of Bill Grasso talking to him about how hard it was to open the stock exchange the day after 9/11. Told told us how he said that it was best for the country if he opened it. Trump said all this to give himself an excuse to continue his rally planned for last Saturday night after the shooting.
The stock market didn't open until about a week after 9/11. No way to excuse that lie and make it anything else but what it is, a planned, thought out, lie. Period.
Trump has taken lying to a whole new level. Saturday he told the story of Bill Grasso talking to him about how hard it was to open the stock exchange the day after 9/11. Told told us how he said that it was best for the country if he opened it. Trump said all this to give himself an excuse to continue his rally planned for last Saturday night after the shooting.
The stock market didn't open until about a week after 9/11. No way to excuse that lie and make it anything else but what it is, a planned, thought out, lie. Period.
I doubt Trump plans or thinks through anything.
No way to excuse that lie and make it anything else but what it is, a planned, thought out, lie. Period.

Great point. Trump masterminded that sick plan of trying to pass off a meaningless story from 17 years ago as fact, so that he could just further spit on the Pittsburgh victims after he coerced that guy into killing them in the first place.

He probably would have gotten away with it too, if he didn't have a sleuth like you checking his every move. You've saved the Republic, sir.
Great point. Trump masterminded that sick plan of trying to pass off a meaningless story from 17 years ago as fact, so that he could just further spit on the Pittsburgh victims after he coerced that guy into killing them in the first place.

He probably would have gotten away with it too, if he didn't have a sleuth like you checking his every move. You've saved the Republic, sir.
He didn't pass off a meaningless story, he made it up. Yes, he did spit on the people in Pittsburg but he did it because he didn't want to cancel the rally and he knew it would look bad if he didn't cancel it.

Saw this in another thread:

Trump understands voters very well. As long as he appeals to their basest emotions and fears, a significant portion of voters will forgive anything he actually does.
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Trump has taken lying to a whole new level. Saturday he told the story of Bill Grasso talking to him about how hard it was to open the stock exchange the day after 9/11. Told told us how he said that it was best for the country if he opened it. Trump said all this to give himself an excuse to continue his rally planned for last Saturday night after the shooting.
The stock market didn't open until about a week after 9/11. No way to excuse that lie and make it anything else but what it is, a planned, thought out, lie. Period.

Not to mention he misnamed the actual head of the stock exchange and instead referred to a segregationist from Georgia... you’d think he’d remember his good friend’s names...
Maybe... but, there's at least a possibility that they were paid handsomely to keep quiet, if he did.

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In Beaver City.......ok
That's one of those names that you can pounce all over. Imagine the prostitutes in Beaver City. That's a natural habitat. Well, it would have been in the 70's and 80's. Beavers started getting scarce after that.

It's like being a hooker in Bangkok. That's where you'd flourish, I would imagine.
That's one of those names that you can pounce all over. Imagine the prostitutes in Beaver City. That's a natural habitat. Well, it would have been in the 70's and 80's. Beavers started getting scarce after that.

It's like being a hooker in Bangkok. That's where you'd flourish, I would imagine.
I tried to get my buddy to name his liquor store "Beaver Liquors" but he decided against it.
Great point. Trump masterminded that sick plan of trying to pass off a meaningless story from 17 years ago as fact, so that he could just further spit on the Pittsburgh victims after he coerced that guy into killing them in the first place.

He probably would have gotten away with it too, if he didn't have a sleuth like you checking his every move. You've saved the Republic, sir.

Right?!! What f*ckin difference does it make if it was the next day or a week later? What a weird thing to get all bent about.
I'd rather have someone who is off the cuff than someone who is cold and calculating. The latter are the ones that really scare me.

A compulsive liar and a calculated liar aren’t the only two options. They also aren’t mutually exclusive...

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