Gene chizik is expected to be new DC

There are two things to remember about Bob Lee.

1 - He's both a confirmed fraud and confirmed liar.
2 - Number 1 are his BEST attributes by far.
Raising Heel you are correct mostly. I knew he was hired at Tex just had him there to long. He was there in 2004 and for some reason I thought he was there thru the NC run. I was Akina with Chizik in 05 and 06. Gene in fact left for Cuse as HC in 05 so a couple of my points are off. However I still think it could be a good match with their backgrounds
and he's on carolinas pregame show for an hour with art chansky.
does this give you some idea of how much some people want carolina football to succeed?
Just call him FREDO!

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