George Floyd death

Here is my take on all this mess.

Chauvin should be tried for murder, 2nd degree. I don't know that he killed Mr. Floyd because Mr. Floyd was black. The optics may appear this is true but I would like to know the background on the complaints against Chauvin. Were the complaints from mostly black individuals? Does his past record show disregard for black citizens? If so, then race probably played a role in his actions. If not, then he is just a POS that happens to be a LEO.

I don't like to think every negative interaction between whites and minorities is based solely on race. I believe people can have differences that are not race based. Unfortunately, the media likes to blow things up to create ratings.

Here is what I would like someone to explain. Why is it that people want to judge a person by the color of the work uniform are the same ones that claim you shouldn't judge people by the color of their skin?

Would there be as much, if any, uproar if the cop were black and the victim was black, too? How about if the cop was Latino and the victim was black? Or any other combination without a white person involved? Would there be demonstrations, protests, riots, etc?

Another thought I have. Is it acceptable to the black community for black on black crime to continue? An honest question for honest people. Why does it seem that a black life is not important unless it is taken by a LEO or a white person? Why is there not demonstrations and rallies like there are now? I just looked up online and from Friday til Monday in Chicago, there were 84 shootings, 23 fatally. Why is that not being covered? To me it looks as if that type of behavior is expected and accepted. It reminds me of a song from the late 80's called Self Destruction. Was by a group of rappers who talked about black on black crime and how horrible it is for blacks to be killing blacks. 30+ years later and still happening but it is more acceptable now. Some stuff will never change because the wrong things are acceptable and no one wants to face the truth.

Tying together the COVID response and the justice for George Floyd response, and what is/isn't allowed by our wise, benevolent, competent, loving, virtuous pols and media (of any / no political persuasion):

1) "you citizens CANNOT, must not congregate in groups of ten or more - inside or outside - or get closer than 6 feet from another person - or go without a mask anywhere - or everyone (especially grandma) is going to die. Disregard that in many places (like here in MN) we (govt) actually killed grandma by botching LTC facilities...sending COVID positive people into LTC's to spread death like wildfire.
Footnote: Target, Lowes, WalMart? no risk, with hundreds in a store. Churches, outdoor funerals, graduations, kids sports, celebrations, gather on the beach? even spaced out in smaller numbers? no way!"

2) "you citizens CAN peacefully protest, and riot and loot, and block interstate highways (a federal crime), and disobey curfews, and gather generally everywhere in close-together masses of thousands even....
....what's that? What about grandma?! In this case we are saying "screw grandma. The risk of grandma dying is worth it, just one we (govt) has deemed we need to take. Our cause is just too important. Our message trumps the fore-mentioned risk."

Maybe its just me, but the government and media subjective decision for allegedly free citizens on what risks we can and can't take, and what things are important enough in each of our lives - to take on each individual's COVID risk - I believe that is a scary path for govt and media to be able to mandate / dictate to free people.
sooo much WINNING!

Dude, this isn't just the reaction to what one man did. It's decades of abuse layered on top of each other. That's what you're not understanding. For too long police have not been held accountable for abuse or mistreatment and it's long overdue that changes. This happens to people of all races, but the black community bears the brunt of it.

Black on black crime isn't the focus here. That's something else entirely.
Shitholes just getting more shitholey. These animals can keep their shitholes.
Awesome! That building is a piece of stone. It's a symbol... that's all.
free for all on symbols at @strummingram ’s house!
Yeah don’t know why you’re referring to people as animals but it’s ignorant as hell.
What’s ignorant about it? Words have meanings. The one you’re referring to follows:

  1. a living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli.
    "wild animals adapt badly to a caged life" · 
    beast · brute · 
    1. relating to or characteristic of animals.
      "a wide range of animal species" · 

      ...yeah, you’re just wrong, again.
Can’t agree with you there. Monuments shouldn’t be vandalized or destroyed to appease rioters. They are important to our nation. The movement taking place has to emphasize reform.

The guys that did it were fire and have been charged no go to the police station and raise hell without damaging stuff or hurting others until the police chief and the people that hire these officers are fired.

Then move on up the ladder to the political leaders that had anything to do with hiring the ones responsible for these people being in charge.

Thats how you get change when you damage and hurt innocent people you turn those people off to your message.

Who can blame anyone that has there stuff destroyed or they family member hurt or killed if they lose sympathy for them and make the hate even stronger.

If someone does that to me I don't give a damn what color you are I am going to hate you because your rage effects me or them and maybe those people would love to fight with them for what is right. They dont know if those people are hurting for them becasue of what they have to go through everyday becasue they are right the killing of people by the police has to stop!
Can’t agree with you there. Monuments shouldn’t be vandalized or destroyed to appease rioters. They are important to our nation. The movement taking place has to emphasize reform.
Where did I say, or even imply, that they SHOULD be vandalized?
Maybe you should invite them over to your house and use it for practice looting. After all, its just a building.
Those stone memorials have no practical use, technically. They're symbolic gestures made to glorify or memorialize people's ideas of a person, or the country, whatever. They'll keep you dry if it rains (some of them). I'm not saying that they SHOULD BE vandalized. Looting and vandalizing ANYTHING isn't going to advance a cause. I realize, too well, monuments play a role in peoples' minds. But, they're not essential.

A person's home and business is a helluva lot more important than some marble statue.
Right with that said there is no reason for idiots to damage it, it won't change a thing that has happened.
No, it won't. But, it's a reflection of how far this thing has spiraled out of control.

President Shit-For-Brains is handling this crisis as poorly as he has handled every crisis.
No, it won't. But, it's a reflection of how far this thing has spiraled out of control.

President Shit-For-Brains is handling this crisis as poorly as he has handled every crisis.

Especially the failing economy he inherited from President Racist in Charge. Trump did a horrible job of turning it around.

Carry on, fluffies!!
Well, you certainly didn't speak out against the vandalism. And if I've learned anything in the last week, it's if you don't voice vehement opposition to something "your [sic] apart [sic] of the problem".
I feel like Jim Jeffries before his comedy bit about Bill Cosby and rape.

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You didn’t. But you implied they didn’t mean much. They do.
Much is relative. Much is extremely relative. I also didn't imply that they didn't mean much, or that they did mean much, or a little, or a lot, or a bunch, or some. I just said what they are- pieces of stone carved into an image. They don't mean that much to ME, no. If they mean something to you, that's fine.

I don't think it's wise to vandalize and destroy them. If you have some kind of cause, or thing you want changed, then, destroying property isn't an effective way to go. Whether it's monuments or anything else. Those statues and monuments aren't necessary at all. Same goes with the confederate statues and monuments. In fact, those are perfect examples. They meant "much" to someone... to a lot of people, I'd say. Do (did) they deserve to be vandalized and torn down? They don't mean squat to me. People claim that removing them is erasing history. It's not. History is the events and experiences that have already happened to people, society, the world, and so forth. Statues and monuments are reminders, or whatever it is people make them for, that enhances their ego or makes them feel better about who they are, or who their ancestors were, etc..

My reason for posting the picture was to show how the situation has gotten totally out of control that citizens would even consider vandalizing monuments. I guess kneeling wasn't working.

We have armed troops all over the place.
You need an assistant to proofread your posts.

You think they even put the Lincoln freed the slaves and they would destroy his monument if not guarded together?

Since you resorted to being the grammer police, that tells me you are not sure how to respond to the amount of irony in the question.
Says the one Incapable of commenting on anything without putting his political agenda into it
LOL really? Then please identify a political agenda in the comment of mine that you just responded to, gasbag.
George Floyd had the coronavirus at the time of his death. Per coronavirus death count protocol, this means he died of covid-19.

P.S. He also had Fentanyl and Methamphetamine in his system.
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You think they even put the Lincoln freed the slaves and they would destroy his monument if not guarded together?

Since you resorted to being the grammer police, that tells me you are not sure how to respond to the amount of irony in the question.

It's "grammar", by the way.
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George Floyd had the coronavirus at the time of his death. Per coronavirus death count protocol, this means he died of covid-19.

P.S. He also had Fentanyl and Methamphetamine in his system.
Fentanyl helped kill Prince. Coincidence???
George Floyd had the coronavirus at the time of his death. Per coronavirus death count protocol, this means he died of covid-19.

P.S. He also had Fentanyl and Methamphetamine in his system.

“Heard Floyd died of an overdose from swallowed drugs. The officers aren't being charged with murder. A lot of takes are going to look really foolish”

yea this didn’t age well did it?
“Heard Floyd died of an overdose from swallowed drugs. The officers aren't being charged with murder. A lot of takes are going to look really foolish”

yea this didn’t age well did it?
Lol, no that comment aged like old milk.

But to the comment you replied to: the fentanyl and methamphetamine being in his system was confirmed in the autopsy, so isn't the same conjecture.
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Hope you're not falling for that Brees hates black people crap.

It was a joke.

Drew Brees is what he's always been, a very very conservative rich white guy. He just had zero awareness yesterday with his comments when you think about his locker room and the climate of America this week.

He's a really good dude, I like Brees a ton. He should have just shut up yesterday. His apology, as far as apologies go, was spot on. Just wonder if he lost that locker room.

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