Heels vs wolpfack game thread

Plus, we’ve already negated a 3rd down stop with a 15 yard face mask penalty. Now our 3rd 3 and out. We are inept in every aspect of the game.
Fortin is throwing the balls right into reciver's arms and they drop or worse, let it get deflected...

moo intercepts. 2 UNC turnovers so far.
Over the last 7 years, UNC must hold a record for the number of times they’ve stopped the opponent on 3rd down, only to extend their drive with an unsportsmanlike penalty.
One of the things that first alerted me that Fed wasn’t the man for the job was a complete lack of discipline by the players. And it hasn’t improved.
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If the receivers would catch Fortin's passes, that are dead-on target, it would really help.
Fortin, who lost almost all his SR HS season to injury and who has been injured half of this season, already has better passing game skills than both 4th year JR Nathan Elliott has and than 4th year JR Marquise Williams had.

The idiot Fedora would not have played him unless injuries forced his hand.
Good stop by the D...Day like today need to see a lot of Javonte Williams and Jordan Brown....
They caught a few this drive. Fortin botched a TD pass in the RZ, though.

Another FG
He got drilled right over his chest just as he let go, earlier than he wanted. With more experience, he will throw that pass with more air, and it will be a TD.