Hot Takes Thread

You think it's ok that a racist owns a team in a league that is 75% of the very people he's racist against?

I'd love to hear an explanation of this position.

First of all, there's no proof Donald Sterling is a racist. All you know is that he made a racist comment IN THE PRIVACY OF HIS OWN HOME AND NOT IN A PUBLIC FORUM. Is everyone that has ever made a racist comment a racist?

Secondly, as my capitalization indicates above, his remarks weren't meant for the public. What if while laying in bed one night, you have a racist thought? Should you lose your job because of that too?

Thirdly, if I recall correctly, he didn't even really say anything derogatory about black folks. I think it was just him lambasting his girlfriend for hanging out with black folks. Did he ever say a slur or anything like that?

Lastly, it's hard for me to call him a racist seeing that he directly brought hundreds of poor black kids out of poverty (thousands if you factor in the families of the Clippers players throughout his tenure).
First of all, there's no proof Donald Sterling is a racist. All you know is that he made a racist comment IN THE PRIVACY OF HIS OWN HOME AND NOT IN A PUBLIC FORUM. Is everyone that has ever made a racist comment a racist?

Secondly, as my capitalization indicates above, his remarks weren't meant for the public. What if while laying in bed one night, you have a racist thought? Should you lose your job because of that too?

Dude. Two things, he didn't make A racist comment. He made many, tons, that have been pulled from a bunch of different people.

I can't get on board with "you're only a racist if you say your racist things in public." That's a really weak argument and I can't believe you actually feel that way.

Thirdly, if I recall correctly, he didn't even really say anything derogatory about black folks. I think it was just him lambasting his girlfriend for hanging out with black folks. Did he ever say a slur or anything like that?

"Don't bring black people to my games" isn't derogatory?

He got sued twice for refusing to rent apartments to black people in which he paid a combined 7.275 million to settle those cases. That's not derogatory?

Elgin Baylor said Sterling told him he would like to have "A southern white coach to coach poor black players" when Baylor asked why he didn't hire a certain coach (who was black). That's not derogatory?

When negotiating the contract of Danny Manning, Sterling said "well, that's a lot of money for a poor black kid." That's not derogatory?

But all of this is fine because he didn't say it in a press conference? Come on man. You don't need to be caught saying the N word to be a racist.

Lastly, it's hard for me to call him a racist seeing that he directly brought hundreds of poor black kids out of poverty (thousands if you factor in the families of the Clippers players throughout his tenure).

So you think he owned the Clippers because out of the goodness of his heart he wanted to help those young black kids and not because it made him money? REALLY?
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So you think he owned the Clippers because out of the goodness of his heart he wanted to help those young black kids and not because it made him money? REALLY?

Well, I'm not going to go back and forth with you on all the shit I didn't quote. Frankly, I'm over feeling like I have to justify my opinions to people, especially people I don't know. But I will at least speak to this last part. What f*cking difference does it make why he brought thousands of blacks out of poverty? He did it. Who gives a shit why? I doubt any former Clippers players care. At least I didn't see any of them giving their money back when the news about Sterling broke.
Dang, you thunder stealer! I was about to post that the Panthers need to trade Newton. :eek:

They are now 5-0 with Allen under center, but lost 8 straight before that with Cam.

Its bizarre. My thinking is that cam is such a strong personality and freak athlete everyone just waits on him to make the play and he in turn tries to make too much happen. With him out though they have to play a more complete game and its given some guys opportunities to prove themselves. They are better without cam even though i would say hes a much more skilled qb than allen.
Its bizarre. My thinking is that cam is such a strong personality and freak athlete everyone just waits on him to make the play and he in turn tries to make too much happen. With him out though they have to play a more complete game and its given some guys opportunities to prove themselves. They are better without cam even though i would say hes a much more skilled qb than allen.
True; it does look like they are a more well rounded team, and they aren't just waiting for Cam to make a play.

If Cam can get back to 100% (or at least close to it) towards the back half of the season then I'd prefer to see him under center. He definitely gives the Panthers some options that Allen can't. I saw a stat where they are struggling on 3rd/4th and 1, 2 yards to go without Cam since opponents don't worry about Allen running. However, it's good to know that they have a backup capable of winning games.
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Buster: a derogatory term, usually for a man, similar to calling him a bitch or implying he is weak; not worthy of respect. He's a buster.

@TarHeelMark - thanks for supplying the definition. Now that it's clear what the term means, my hot take is nominating LeBron James as the biggest pro sports buster of the current generation.

What a non-self-aware, idiot, fool, cringeworthy, poorly-spoken, first grade education level clown. He can have disagreements about this or that, but to call some MIT grad "misinformed" and "uneducated" especially rich coming from him, who comes across as woefully uneducated, inarticulate.

LeBron could have - if he were smart and social-commentary-astute (which of course he isn't), could've just said "no comment", and let it go at that. But I suppose that would preclude LBJ from taking more brave, woke, wrong takes (straight up lies and misstatements) on social issues in the US.

Dude is getting destroyed on Twitter from all angles and I love it.
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@TarHeelMark - thanks for supplying the definition. Now that it's clear what the term means, my hot take is nominating LeBron James as the biggest pro sports buster of the current generation.

What a non-self-aware, idiot, fool, cringeworthy, poorly-spoken, first grade education level clown. He can have disagreements about this or that, but to call some MIT grad "misinformed" and "uneducated" especially rich coming from him, who comes across as woefully uneducated, inarticulate.

LeBron could have - if he were smart and social-commentary-astute (which of course he isn't), could've just said "no comment", and let it go at that. But I suppose that would preclude LBJ from taking more brave, woke, wrong takes (straight up lies and misstatements) on social issues in the US.

Dude is getting destroyed on Twitter from all angles and I love it.
I tend to roll my eyes at much of what LBJ says, but it get his sentiment here. He has much more at $take here than does Morey, who hurt the league’s bottom line by taking a political stance.
I tend to roll my eyes at much of what LBJ says, but it get his sentiment here. He has much more at $take here than does Morey, who hurt the league’s bottom line by taking a political stance.
Sure. He has a lot to lose financially. But then its entirely hypocritical if LBJ over time says he is a champion of social justice and human rights (in safe US where it costs him nothing)….but he totally bends the knee, shuts up, kowtows to the Chinese - who he damn well knows is guilty of horrible human rights atrocities.....concentration camps, forced abortions, persistent beatings, human organ harvest.

Google Uyghurs.

To paraphrase what another said about LeBron, Kerr, Harden, et al: "we've clearly established what they are, now all we're doing is haggling over the price".
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Sure. He has a lot to lose financially. But then its entirely hypocritical if LBJ over time says he is a champion of social justice and human rights (in safe US where it costs him nothing)….but he totally bends the knee, shuts up, kowtows to the Chinese - who he damn well knows is guilty of horrible human rights atrocities.....concentration camps, forced abortions, persistent beatings, human organ harvest.

Google Uyghurs.

To paraphrase what another said about LeBron, Kerr, Harden, et al: "we've clearly established what they are, now all we're doing is haggling over the price".
What’s your point? Lebron is doing what’s best for Lebron financially. He’s always played a part. Don’t you think Kerr knows his audience when he speaks out?
I think his point is that LeBron is a big sellout, phony and we need not pay any attention to anything he has to say. Or maybe that’s just my point.
I don’t pay attention to him. He’s a lot like Trump IMO. Both have an unwavering base of supporters who continually dismiss their hypocrisy
I don’t pay attention to him. He’s a lot like Trump IMO. Both have an unwavering base of supporters who continually dismiss their hypocrisy

And also like Trump he has a slew of detractors who will bring his name into any argument that has nothing to do with him to try to get a rise out of people.
And also like Trump he has a slew of detractors who will bring his name into any argument that has nothing to do with him to try to get a rise out of people.
Sure. Usually I like to bag on Lebron for a variety of issues but I can’t here. He’s right. Morey is an employee who doesn’t have nearly the stake as the owners and many of the players.
Sure. Usually I like to bag on Lebron for a variety of issues but I can’t here. He’s right. Morey is an employee who doesn’t have nearly the stake as the owners and many of the players.

No one is saying LeBron is wrong about that. Morey's tweet absolutely may cost people a lot of money, and the owners and players have considerably larger stakes in it than a GM.

What people are ripping on LeBron for is how he claims to be Mr. Social Justice trying to weigh in on every possible injustice that happens - yet when he is faced with a large injustice that he would undoubtedly weigh in on if it was happening to inner city people in the US, he just "shuts up and dribbles" because it would hurt his income. And I have no problem with people being in it for their own financial benefit, but expect to be called out on the hypocrisy when that's the case.
Sure. Usually I like to bag on Lebron for a variety of issues but I can’t here. He’s right. Morey is an employee who doesn’t have nearly the stake as the owners and many of the players.

If the owner of the Rockets wants to discipline him then I guess they can. But Morey doesn't owe LeBron or his wallet anything. So what if it costs LeBron money? Why does Morey need to care about that?
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No one is saying LeBron is wrong about that. Morey's tweet absolutely may cost people a lot of money, and the owners and players have considerably larger stakes in it than a GM.

What people are ripping on LeBron for is how he claims to be Mr. Social Justice trying to weigh in on every possible injustice that happens - yet when he is faced with a large injustice that he would undoubtedly weigh in on if it was happening to inner city people in the US, he just "shuts up and dribbles" because it would hurt his income. And I have no problem with people being in it for their own financial benefit, but expect to be called out on the hypocrisy when that's the case.

I get all that and find it amusing LeBron trying to dance around his hypocrisy. But a lot of people are laughing that LeBron would call Morey uneducated on the matter when it happens that he was a little bit.

If the owner of the Rockets wants to discipline him then I guess they can. But Morey doesn't owe LeBron or his wallet anything. So what if it costs LeBron money? Why does Morey need to care about that?

Morey didn’t just cost LeBron, he cost the league. As an employee, you are expected to not put the league in a situation that could potentially cost over $1B (early estimates thus far).
I get all that and find it amusing LeBron trying to dance around his hypocrisy. But a lot of people are laughing that LeBron would call Morey uneducated on the matter when it happens that he was a little bit.

Morey didn’t just cost LeBron, he cost the league. As an employee, you are expected to not put the league in a situation that could potentially cost over $1B (early estimates thus far).

Exactly and if he is using that standard for Morey (which i agree with) don't lecture those that use that standard for Kaepernick. when an owner says this guys talent doesn't outweigh his antics and potential financial drain on our team that is not being blackballed as much as it is a financial calculation. It doesn't make an owner a racist or not sympathetic to Kap's underlying cause--its just about the money. i have no problem with Lebron being pissed because he and his pals lost alot of money--he is a great businessman but so are NFL owners.
Exactly and if he is using that standard for Morey (which i agree with) don't lecture those that use that standard for Kaepernick. when an owner says this guys talent doesn't outweigh his antics and potential financial drain on our team that is not being blackballed as much as it is a financial calculation. It doesn't make an owner a racist or not sympathetic to Kap's underlying cause--its just about the money. i have no problem with Lebron being pissed because he and his pals lost alot of money--he is a great businessman but so are NFL owners.

Oh, well, see,...that's different.
Starbucks, of all places, always has them at the drive-thru window. Starbucks having tip jars is hilarious. It's like having a tip jar at your accountant's desk, or at the doctor's office.
The tips at an odd location conversation made me think of concessions at a ball park. Specifically baseball, but it could be any stadium or arena. The ones I've been to have gone to more and more automated order and pay via a kiosk.

The auto-pay kiosk - with your credit card - always pops up a screen with a recommended tip, starting at 15% and going up to 30%.....
for a $11 (craft) or $9 (domestic) beer that likely cost about $1 total to produce and deliver (easilty an 8X markup)…. (same goes for food)
and a guy standing behind the counter either handing me the prepared item or pouring a beer -trying to make it be less than 50% foam....

NFW are you ever getting one penny of tips - ever. A person working hard in a busy bar is another thing entirely.
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The tips at an odd location conversation made me think of concessions at a ball park. Specifically baseball, but it could be any stadium or arena. The ones I've been to have gone to more and more automated order and pay via a kiosk.

The auto-pay kiosk - with your credit card - always pops up a screen with a recommended tip, starting at 15% and going up to 30%.....
for a $11 (craft) or $9 (domestic) beer that likely cost about $1 total to produce and deliver (easilty an 8X markup)…. (same goes for food)
and a guy standing behind the counter either handing me the prepared item or pouring a beer -trying to make it be less than 50% foam....

NFW are you ever getting one penny of tips - ever. A person working hard in a busy bar is another thing entirely.
Yeah... I forgot about tip jars/cups in airport restaurants, etc.. I'm already paying you $28 for a turkey sandwich, and you think I'm going to leave a tip? AYFKM!
The tips at an odd location conversation made me think of concessions at a ball park. Specifically baseball, but it could be any stadium or arena. The ones I've been to have gone to more and more automated order and pay via a kiosk.

The auto-pay kiosk - with your credit card - always pops up a screen with a recommended tip, starting at 15% and going up to 30%.....
for a $11 (craft) or $9 (domestic) beer that likely cost about $1 total to produce and deliver (easilty an 8X markup)…. (same goes for food)
and a guy standing behind the counter either handing me the prepared item or pouring a beer -trying to make it be less than 50% foam....

NFW are you ever getting one penny of tips - ever. A person working hard in a busy bar is another thing entirely.

Couldn't agree more.
People look like idiots when they tuck their ears inside baseball caps


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