Hot Takes Thread

Mystery Science Theater 3000* is the greatest tv comedy of all time.

*the original first few seasons with Joel
That guy from Baltimore died. You know, the one that looked like a Basset Hound. Elijah...something.

Yea, I didn't really care either.
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I'm guessing this is already in this thread somewhere....I'm too lazy to check....

Epstein did not commit suicide. He was murdered.

(Posting this today because a couple different autopsy stories came out yesterday with forensic guys stating they clearly think it was a different person strangling him, vs. what his neck would look like if he hung himself). Throw in the facts of guards falling asleep, cameras breaking down, no other suicides in that facility in 40 years, etc.

I totally think somebody got to Epstein.

Maybe this isn't a hot take. Maybe its more of a room temperature take. o_O

Sorry - I'll show myself out now.
Despite his own words/actions since his playing days, Rashad McCants deserves better treatment from the Tar Heel fanbase.
Ingame mccants, yes
Off court/real life, no.
Forgiveness is everything, but did he ever apologize for trying to capitalize on our situation at that time?

Straight up head case IMO
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He was pretty irritating during his playing days too.
Fair enough. Still a Tar Heel, though.
Ingame mccants, yes
Off court/real life, no.
Forgiveness is everything, but did he ever apologize for trying to capitalize on our situation at that time?

Straight up head case IMO
True, and not that I know of. But people act like they want to straight up disown him, and I don't think that's right. Roy'd not have won that first 'ship without him, and who knows how things would have gone since then if that were the case. On the court he played a huge role in UNC history.

If you're gonna take pride in the Carolina Family, and the notion of "once a Tar Heel, always a Tar Heel," you can't just turn your back on a member of that family just because he's a head case.
True, and not that I know of. But people act like they want to straight up disown him, and I don't think that's right. Roy'd not have won that first 'ship without him, and who knows how things would have gone since then if that were the case. On the court he played a huge role in UNC history.
I don't really want to disown him, but I would prefer him not to have any UNC records. Anytime a record of his is broken, that means that someone had a great game and I don't have to role my eyes whenever that record comes up. It's a win-win situation. I appreciate his on the court contributions, but he was irritating even while he was here. He was just easier to put up with because he was helping us win.

McCants is like the weird uncle that gets invited over for the holidays because he's family, but you secretly hope he doesn't show up so you don't have to deal with him. Same thing for Larry Brown.
Good poast @JuleZ '02 HEEL .

I'm going @coryfly on this one. I can see both sides. McCants was one of the most ridiculously talented offensive players we've ever had and we absolutely don't win Roy's first title without him. And Julez makes a good point that if we don't win that title, who knows the trajectory of the program or Roy's career. And so for that, McCants deserves some respect.

But on the flip side, what an ass.
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I think we should take the mafia approach here. If you're in the family, you're good, but if you stab the family in the back you sleep with the fishes. McCants tried to stab the family in the back but was too stupid to do it effectively, so I guess I'm not sure where that puts him.
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I think we should take the mafia approach here. If you're in the family, you're good, but if you stab the family in the back you sleep with the fishes. McCants tried to stab the family in the back but was too stupid to do it effectively, so I guess I'm not sure where that puts him.

Same place as this guy:

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I think we should take the mafia approach here. If you're in the family, you're good, but if you stab the family in the back you sleep with the fishes. McCants tried to stab the family in the back but was too stupid to do it effectively, so I guess I'm not sure where that puts him.

We're not gangster but we're soooo Tom Hagen here.
Good poast @JuleZ '02 HEEL .

I'm going @coryfly on this one. I can see both sides. McCants was one of the most ridiculously talented offensive players we've ever had and we absolutely don't win Roy's first title without him. And Julez makes a good point that if we don't win that title, who knows the trajectory of the program or Roy's career. And so for that, McCants deserves some respect.

But on the flip side, what an ass.

He clearly has some serious mental issues. His dad doesn't help him there either. He feeds into it. He could have gotten help from Tar Heels though and instead chose to turn bad guy for the money. He was fun as hell to watch play though.