It's starting to look like Trump will get to nominate another SCOTUS judge...

not really...keep in mind, the last president got shit canned daily on here by a bunch on a message board.

acosta’s job isn’t to be nice and feed his ego, his job is to hold those in power accountable...he also didn’t lay a hand on the female aide who forcibly grabbed his hand to try and snatch the microphone away...those are the facts, you’re and others are choosing to ignore.

Bullshit. His job, as he sees it, is to grandstand and act like he's sticking it to the Pres. That's what feeds the needs of his CNN minions. He's a hack and he's not holding shit accountable. His questions are garbage. If I'm Trump, I answer his questions the same way. "You can call it whatever the f*ck you want. I'm calling it an invasion." Trump tried to give him an out by saying, "we have a different opinion." And that should have been it. That's when the antagonizing should have ended. Trump is the mf'er President. Ask your question, get what you get and then sit down and shut the f*ck up and let someone ask a different question.
Bullshit. His job, as he sees it, is to grandstand and act like he's sticking it to the Pres. That's what feeds the needs of his CNN minions. He's a hack and he's not holding shit accountable. His questions are garbage. If I'm Trump, I answer his questions the same way. "You can call it whatever the f*ck you want. I'm calling it an invasion." Trump tried to give him an out by saying, "we have a different opinion." And that should have been it. That's when the antagonizing should have ended. Trump is the mf'er President. Ask your question, get what you get and then sit down and shut the f*ck up and let someone ask a different question.

you’re wrong...and based on how you would’ve handled it if you were trump, you’re nailing it.
from what i’m seeing and reading, you probably feel most comfortable during a day on a message you keep being positive for your own well being.

I have no idea what that was supposed to mean. If it was some sort of snarky comment, it was so lame it didn't register. If it was a serious thought regarding our discussion, it wasn't clear at all. So either way, you wasted 30 seconds by typing that message.
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The obsession with “globalists” usually comes from anti-semites on the right who think there is some grand conspiracy for Jewish elites to take over the world and install a one world government.

FFS, can you stop with this? People that refer to opposing globalists are looking to be more "America First", domestically focused, maybe some want more isolationist tendencies, but for most it's not even about trade. It's certainly not whatever anti-semetic boogeyman you're trying to create.
FFS, can you stop with this? People that refer to opposing globalists are looking to be more "America First", domestically focused, maybe some want more isolationist tendencies, but for most it's not even about trade. It's certainly not whatever anti-semetic boogeyman you're trying to create.


Nobody here has even given a concise definition of a “globalist.” Is that a billionaire with business interests in multiple countries that wants free trade across borders to maximize his/her profits? Someone who supports foreign aid?

“America first” is a dumb, vague, populist term that doesn’t even mean anything. Free trade maximizes efficiency, and is the best thing for America’s economy.

Let’s hear some examples of “domestically focused” tendencies. I’m guessing it’s going to be a bunch of typical right wing talking points about immigration and foreign aid.

There are certainly a lot of people who use “globalists” as a euphemism for Jews.
“America first” is a dumb, vague, populist term that doesn’t even mean anything. Free trade maximizes efficiency, and is the best thing for America’s economy.

Let’s hear some examples of “domestically focused” tendencies. I’m guessing it’s going to be a bunch of typical right wing talking points about immigration and foreign aid.

Foreign aid and immigration are certainly two topics that people who push for less global involvement generally care about. I actually agree with you on the free trade part. And as I mentioned, trade isn't what a lot of people are referring to with "America First". You can disagree with the idea of putting the USA first in terms of foreign aid and immigration, that's fine.

But you sound like a moron saying that Trump and others that oppose these Globalist ideals are a bunch of anti-semites
Foreign aid and immigration are certainly two topics that people who push for less global involvement generally care about. I actually agree with you on the free trade part. And as I mentioned, trade isn't what a lot of people are referring to with "America First". You can disagree with the idea of putting the USA first in terms of foreign aid and immigration, that's fine.

But you sound like a moron saying that Trump and others that oppose these Globalist ideals are a bunch of anti-semites

Immigration and foreign aid aren’t “globalist” ideals. They’re humanitarian ideals.
Immigration and foreign aid aren’t “globalist” ideals. They’re humanitarian ideals.

Sure, call them whatever the hell you want.

The point is that it's those ideals of open immigration and foreign aid that are the ones that are being questioned/opposed. Not Jews.
Immigration and foreign aid aren’t “globalist” ideals. They’re humanitarian ideals.

Couldn't the caravan stop in Mexico if its about humanitarian ideals? Didnt the Mexican gov't offer them all the things they can get here? If they didnt offer them everything they can get here, what can the US offer that Mexico can't or didn't?
Sure, call them whatever the hell you want.

The point is that it's those ideals of open immigration and foreign aid that are the ones that are being questioned/opposed. Not Jews.

Just because you’re not an anti-Semite doesn’t mean that other people aren’t
You think Trump is?

No, and I never said that. I think he’s a populist that plays to his base. I don’t think a majority of his base are anti semites but pretty much all of the anti semites and white nationalists do support him. That tells me his rhetoric is palatable to them at the very least.

He’s playing to a nationalist populism that can be extremely dangerous.
No, and I never said that. I think he’s a populist that plays to his base. I don’t think a majority of his base are anti semites but pretty much all of the anti semites and white nationalists do support him. That tells me his rhetoric is palatable to them at the very least.

He’s playing to a nationalist populism that can be extremely dangerous.
Which of the 2016 candidates didn't play to their base?
Which of the 2016 candidates didn't play to their base?

Both of the 2016 candidates sucked. Why do you compare trump to politicians that you supposedly hate whenever he is criticized?

We aren’t discussing Hillary. We are discussing trump. So please stop with the deflections
Both of the 2016 candidates sucked. Why do you compare trump to politicians that you supposedly hate whenever he is criticized?

We aren’t discussing Hillary. We are discussing trump. So please stop with the deflections
I was referring to all the candidates before the primaries. Which ones didn't pander to their base?
Just because you’re not an anti-Semite doesn’t mean that other people aren’t

Obviously not. But you stated:

"The obsession with “globalists” usually comes from anti-semites on the right"

Which simply isn't true. There majority of people that oppose the open immigration and foreign aid aren't anti-Semetic. I'm not even sure why an anti-Semite would care about the immigration piece, as I feel like Jews immigrating to the USA is a tiny fraction of the overall numbers. I guess I could see them being heated about the amount of money we give to Israel in foreign aid, but the amount we give to Egypt, Jordan, Afghanistan, and Iraq combine for more than we give to Israel, and those countries would love to blow Israel to smithereens.

Then you calling Trump anti-semetic because he has the same opinions on those issues is even more ridiculous.
Obviously not. But you stated:

"The obsession with “globalists” usually comes from anti-semites on the right"

Which simply isn't true. There majority of people that oppose the open immigration and foreign aid aren't anti-Semetic. I'm not even sure why an anti-Semite would care about the immigration piece, as I feel like Jews immigrating to the USA is a tiny fraction of the overall numbers. I guess I could see them being heated about the amount of money we give to Israel in foreign aid, but the amount we give to Egypt, Jordan, Afghanistan, and Iraq combine for more than we give to Israel, and those countries would love to blow Israel to smithereens.

Then you calling Trump anti-semetic because he has the same opinions on those issues is even more ridiculous.

I literally just said I don’t think trump is an anti-semite.

Anti-semites tend to also be ethnonationalists so it’s no surprise that they hate immigration from brown people.

Quite a lot of people who rant about “globalists” do subscribe to the conspiracy theories about Jews taking over the world. Not all of them, but it’s a significant proportion. There’s also a differnce between the obsession I described and nuanced policy positions.
You think Trump is [an anti-semite]?
No, and I never said that.

Following a poast from Strum that said "Trump is not to blame, directly, at all. People buying the BS he sells and how they act on it are more to blame."

Your response was:

He's [Trump's] revealing the ugly side of the right. When you can appeal to your base by separating children from their parents at the border, that says more about your base than anything. Its despicable that someone would engage in that kind of opportunism, but the truly scary part is that there are people who respond positively to that kind of shit. And the thinly veiled anti-semitic rhetoric about "globalists" is the exact same thing.

Following a poast from Strum that said "Trump is not to blame, directly, at all. People buying the BS he sells and how they act on it are more to blame."

Your response was:

Like I just said in my recent post, he uses rhetoric that they find palatable. He is a populist that is catering the nationalistic wing of the right. That’s not the same thing as believing he himself is an anti semite. If he genuinely believes the shit he says then he truly is a lunatic. I’m giving the benefit of the doubt by assuming he’s an opportunist.
I think we should be more humanitarian to our own citizens.
See... I've sorta moved away from the "our own" ideology. A person in Honduras is just as much my fellow human being as someone in Pickens County. My immediate access to them, and ability to "help" them will obviously vary. But, my empathy and desire to TRY and help them are fairly equal.
See... I've sorta moved away from the "our own" ideology. A person in Honduras is just as much my fellow human being as someone in Pickens County. My immediate access to them, and ability to "help" them will obviously vary. But, my empathy and desire to TRY and help them are fairly equal.

That's nice, and I don't disagree with a point. There are a finite amount of resources in this country, and they should be used for our own citizens.
That's nice, and I don't disagree with a point. There are a finite amount of resources in this country, and they should be used for our own citizens.
Yeah, the hell with what Jesus tried to teach us....
See... I've sorta moved away from the "our own" ideology. A person in Honduras is just as much my fellow human being as someone in Pickens County. My immediate access to them, and ability to "help" them will obviously vary. But, my empathy and desire to TRY and help them are fairly equal.

I can certainly respect this. And hopefully we can bank on Honduras being just as willing to help out the guy in Pickens County as they would the guy in Tegucigalpa
I can certainly respect this. And hopefully we can bank on Honduras being just as willing to help out the guy in Pickens County as they would the guy in Tegucigalpa
Well, it's not my job to wait for them to start first. I'm responsible for how I think and act.
That's nice, and I don't disagree with a point. There are a finite amount of resources in this country, and they should be used for our own citizens.
I'm okay with that. What I'm talking about is a bit more esoteric and exceeds the structure/systems we have in-place.

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