Kanye and Chance the Rapper

I do like him. Why should I not . . ?
I'll answer that question, Billy.

Raising Heel doesn't want you or anyone else to like me because most cowards, after biting off more than they can chew, tend to beckon the support of others in what is commonly referred to as "having my back." A prime example of this is how he blatantly lied about the leghumper comment in hopes of turning you against me.

So far today his clown posse includes such feckless bottom feeders (a.k.a. leghumpers) as tarheel0910, Hark_the_Sound, poopslingerdick, and they-botched-my-brain-transplant, all of whom love piling onto each others' posts with multitudes of "likes" and unimaginative comments until it resembles little more than a bathhouse circle jerk.

And what's up with all the popularity nonsense anyway? Is Raising Heel still in the seventh grade or is he an adult who just hasn't fully matured? I feel like I'm on the playground again staring down some pimple-face kid whose only line of defense is "Nobody likes you!"

Who gives a crap about being liked? Other than Raising Heel, of course. It's no surprise he's the one who created the Everybody Jump on the Like Train thread, or whatever it was called. Is his life so empty that he needs emotional reaffirmation every single day? On an Internet message board?!

I know he's a smart guy, but unfortunately he isn't smart enough to know when to quit.
So far today his clown posse includes such feckless bottom feeders (a.k.a. leghumpers) as tarheel0910, Hark_the_Sound, poopslingerdick, and they-botched-my-brain-transplant, all of whom love piling onto each others' posts with multitudes of "likes" and unimaginative comments until it resembles little more than a bathhouse circle jerk.
Grow some balls and tag people if you're going to call them out.

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So far today his clown posse includes such feckless bottom feeders (a.k.a. leghumpers) as tarheel0910, Hark_the_Sound, poopslingerdick, and they-botched-my-brain-transplant, all of whom love piling onto each others' posts with multitudes of "likes" and unimaginative comments until it resembles little more than a bathhouse circle jerk.

I want a cute nickname too :(

And OOTB is the first result on google for bathhouse circle jerk, so things are going exactly to plan.
You can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.
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I'll answer that question, Billy.

Raising Heel doesn't want you or anyone else to like me because most cowards, after biting off more than they can chew, tend to beckon the support of others in what is commonly referred to as "having my back." A prime example of this is how he blatantly lied about the leghumper comment in hopes of turning you against me.

So far today his clown posse includes such feckless bottom feeders (a.k.a. leghumpers) as tarheel0910, Hark_the_Sound, poopslingerdick, and they-botched-my-brain-transplant, all of whom love piling onto each others' posts with multitudes of "likes" and unimaginative comments until it resembles little more than a bathhouse circle jerk.

And what's up with all the popularity nonsense anyway? Is Raising Heel still in the seventh grade or is he an adult who just hasn't fully matured? I feel like I'm on the playground again staring down some pimple-face kid whose only line of defense is "Nobody likes you!"

Who gives a crap about being liked? Other than Raising Heel, of course. It's no surprise he's the one who created the Everybody Jump on the Like Train thread, or whatever it was called. Is his life so empty that he needs emotional reaffirmation every single day? On an Internet message board?!

I know he's a smart guy, but unfortunately he isn't smart enough to know when to quit.
Also, you bunch of lazy mofos should be begging me to start threads more often.

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