Kanye and Chance the Rapper



Noir is the 2018 Chick

LOL . . if, his feelings got hurt, he responded in a most magnificent way.

And JFTR, I doubt his feelings got hurt . .

You're a good dude @BillyL. I can appreciate you throwing a lifesaver to @Heels Noir. I mean, I wouldn't do it. Hell, I'd throw him an anvil. But I can appreciate that you're helping those that can't help themselves.
I was down by 69 when I dunked on your mom.
Seriously, man?

So in the past 24 hours the revered and wildly popular Raising Heel has been reduced to little more than a babbling moron whose only comeback at this point is taking pathetic cheap shots at my mother? I thought family was strictly off-limits on this message board, but I guess when you've had your ass handed to you and you're desperate for attention anything goes, eh?

We both live in Charlotte. Would you like to meet up and call me an idiot and talk crap about my mother to my face, chump?
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Seriously, man?

So in the past 24 hours the revered and wildly popular Raising Heel has been reduced to little more than a babbling moron whose only comeback at this point is taking pathetic cheap shots at my mother? I thought family was strictly off-limits on this message board, but I guess when you've had your ass handed to you and you're desperate for attention anything goes, eh?

We both live in Charlotte. Would you like to meet up and call me an idiot and talk crap about my mother to my face, chump?
You seem upset.
Even after threats of physical violence, wheeeeeee!
Trust me, RH, there would be no physical violence. You don't have the balls. It would simply be us sharing a few beers in a bar and then you paying the tab. What do you say?

Yeah, I can't tell if he wants to fight you or take you out for a nice steak dinner and never call you again.

I want to thank everyone that has liked the above quoted poast. I kind of thought it would be funny but it sure has done my ego some good to have that validated through "likes".
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