Late stuff (uk game)...


Hall of Famer
Jan 27, 2003
Parts Unknown
...and this will be VERY quick. usual free tix for these ATL events didn't come thru this time, so I had to stream the game on paramount +... Ok fine, except at precisely 8 pm (which just so happened to be when the game was entering crunch time) the feed switched to f***ing elevator music and some "cannot stream" message. Apparently some jabronie at paramount hadn't figured on a delayed start leading to a delayed finish. Un-f***ing-real, and yes, I'm still pissed.

Anyway, sorry... still not in the mood for any analysis, other than one big thing:
Yes, uk is talented and gifted, but young and loose with the ball. So... for the life of me, I cannot fathom why we would NOT scramble and terrorize them with switching defenses instead of letting them play one-on-one and/or goad us into accepting up-down switches and resulting mismatches. During the 37+ minutes I watched live, we scrambled exactly once and, lo and behold, forced a TO.

I fully support the staff, but this was not one of their better game-plans.

That's it. Talk and vent amongst yourselves... :mad::rolleyes:
I mean… just an utter fallacy that Kentucky is loose with the ball. Kentucky is 3rd in the country in turnover percentage. They hadnt been as good at protecting the ball the last 2 games coming into this game but they’re literally the 3rd best team in the country at protecting the ball relative to their tempo.

Not saying that more pressure would’ve or wouldn’t have worked. But presently, Kentucky is not a team that’s loose with the ball.
...and this will be VERY quick. usual free tix for these ATL events didn't come thru this time, so I had to stream the game on paramount +... Ok fine, except at precisely 8 pm (which just so happened to be when the game was entering crunch time) the feed switched to f***ing elevator music and some "cannot stream" message. Apparently some jabronie at paramount hadn't figured on a delayed start leading to a delayed finish. Un-f***ing-real, and yes, I'm still pissed.

Anyway, sorry... still not in the mood for any analysis, other than one big thing:
Yes, uk is talented and gifted, but young and loose with the ball. So... for the life of me, I cannot fathom why we would NOT scramble and terrorize them with switching defenses instead of letting them play one-on-one and/or goad us into accepting up-down switches and resulting mismatches. During the 37+ minutes I watched live, we scrambled exactly once and, lo and behold, forced a TO.

I fully support the staff, but this was not one of their better game-plans.

That's it. Talk and vent amongst yourselves... :mad::rolleyes:
Bad take on the Kentucky ball control.
I mean… just an utter fallacy that Kentucky is loose with the ball. Kentucky is 3rd in the country in turnover percentage. They hadnt been as good at protecting the ball the last 2 games coming into this game but they’re literally the 3rd best team in the country at protecting the ball relative to their tempo.

Not saying that more pressure would’ve or wouldn’t have worked. But presently, Kentucky is not a team that’s loose with the ball.
Kentucky's starting lineup does not have a true point guard or multiple good ball handlers. This was also the first time all season that starting lineup was used, as 7'1" Bradshaw has only been available a couple games.

You noted they hadn't been as good protecting the ball the past two games. Why do you think that is? Could it be because the return of their 7 footers has Cal playing new, taller lineups with less ball handlers?

But leave it to Hubert to not even try to press until the final defensive possession of the game.
...and this will be VERY quick. usual free tix for these ATL events didn't come thru this time, so I had to stream the game on paramount +... Ok fine, except at precisely 8 pm (which just so happened to be when the game was entering crunch time) the feed switched to f***ing elevator music and some "cannot stream" message. Apparently some jabronie at paramount hadn't figured on a delayed start leading to a delayed finish. Un-f***ing-real, and yes, I'm still pissed.

Anyway, sorry... still not in the mood for any analysis, other than one big thing:
Yes, uk is talented and gifted, but young and loose with the ball. So... for the life of me, I cannot fathom why we would NOT scramble and terrorize them with switching defenses instead of letting them play one-on-one and/or goad us into accepting up-down switches and resulting mismatches. During the 37+ minutes I watched live, we scrambled exactly once and, lo and behold, forced a TO.

I fully support the staff, but this was not one of their better game-plans.

That's it. Talk and vent amongst yourselves... :mad::rolleyes:
Best thing that has happened all year…Don’t have to read a Auburn football fan tell me about UNC basketball…Let’s hope this happens more often…
After an 11 day layoff I figured we would come out sloppy. When a team gets 18 offensive rebounds and we commit 17 turnovers that is always going to be hard to overcome. RJ and Bacot were responsible for 11 of the 17 turnovers. Veteran players making freshmen turnovers is unacceptable. We had plenty of chances to steal this game away at the end but when Withers and Cormac lost the rebound on Bradshaw’s missed free throw that was huge. Right after that it should have been a shot clock violation instead of a foul by RJ on the ensuing inbounds play by uk. The shot clock didn’t start for almost a second and a half on the missed air ball three pointer by uk. Hubert has to stop switching everything 1 through 4. Good teams are just waiting to get the mismatch that they want so they can take advantage of that opportunity. The bright side was that Cormac’s shot and overall play tonight were exactly what this team needed. This team has a lot of potential and if Cormac’s shots start falling like it did tonight it could make us a very dangerous team going forward. Right now this team is a top 15 team but if Cormac’s shot starts to fall then we are a top 10 team and if Hubert stops switching everything and throws out the press and traps at opportune times throughout the game than we can be a top 3 team. Hubert has to realize what’s working and what’s not working and make the necessary adjustments in order for this team to have a shot at being a contender. Also I couldn’t believe he called a timeout when we were making our run at the end of the first half with 14 seconds to go. He does it in every game. It rarely ever works but in this case it was even more questionable as uk was scrambling on defense and we were in the flow of the game. We had all of the momentum and he kills it by calling a timeout and lets uk setup their defense and it settled them down mentally and physically. I hated we lost especially to them but I still feel that we are headed in the right direction.
I'll add more:

- Bacot was way below expectations. Couldn't get a rebound from our all-time leading rebounder (18 to 6 offensive rebounds). 6 shots and 6 turnovers. Sad performance.
- Cadeau was atrocious on both ends. Just atrocious. Got smoked defensively, was basically an automatic bucket/foul when giving the ball to his man. Several complete giveaways -- the clean strip at halfcourt, the prayer shot going for a righty layup in the first half, and of course that game ending turnover was inexplicable.
- Ingram disappeared in a game that I think we needed him to step up in. UK doesn't have a stopper wing defensively, but 10 points in 10 shots isn't getting it done.
-Our bench continues to be our bench. There aren't a lot of contributors there. Seth played well; otherwise nada. Withers had a couple plays but gave that value back with wasted offensive possessions.
- to have those two rebounds at the end slip out of our hands.... tough man.

On the bright side, you have Davis and Ryan. Completely salvaged the rest of the team laying an egg offensively. Davis is the best offensive player on this team, even if he isn't a great passer. He did have at least 3 awful turnovers though (2 step outs and a terrible pass that led to a Sheppard dunk). Wiped the shine off his game, but he dominated in spurts.

Ryan similarly was hitting shots, after the worst 2-3 minutes of play you'll ever see at the start of the game when he had back-to-back-to-back horrible passes. That's good because he doesn't add value in many other ways. We added a much better offensive player than Leaky, but of course are missing Leaky's defense and rebounding. The Cadeau, Davis, Ryan backcourt is just so small and undynamic defensively. It's the teams biggest flaw and really a headscratching way to assemble a team. If you're going to start two tiny guards you need a big rangy wing to cover their mistakes, not a third undersized guy. I screamed for another wing in the off-season....

Bottom line, couldn't buy a rebound, ~10 horrible turnovers, and really little offense from Bacot/Ingram/Cadeau. We deserved to lose.
Bottom line--Bacot, Cadeau and Ingram have to step up in physical games. I was actually relieved when Trimble and Withers came in as they looked more energized. Washington for Bacot was close. But again, for us to get where we want to be, Bacot, Cadeau, and Ingram have to produce in tough games.
Ryan had a very nice game but getting smoked 18-6 on the offensive glass and the just plain stupid turnovers were not our friends. That and putting EC back in for that last play pretty well sealed the deal. EC looked like a freshman today in more ways than one.
It seems like in the bigger games this year, UNC has had one of the big guns have a bad offensive game. Bacot against Nova, Ryan against UConn and Ingram last night.

Again, need to rebound better and not turn the ball over, but would be nice to see the offense click in a big game.

Also, who had Davis missing a free throw in the last minute and Kentucky’s 50% shooter knock down 2 at a critical time.
The Cadeau, Davis, Ryan backcourt is just so small and undynamic defensively. It's the teams biggest flaw and really a headscratching way to assemble a team. If you're going to start two tiny guards you need a big rangy wing to cover their mistakes, not a third undersized guy. I screamed for another wing in the off-season....
This is why some of us were calling for Ingram to start at SF, with Ryan playing starter minutes off the bench at SG and SF.

Unfortunately, Withers has yet to be the guy we hoped he'd be and the other bigs aren't ready.

Somebody needs to turn the corner up front. Especially when Armando is still getting pushed around by any team with size.
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Our bench continues to be our bench. There aren't a lot of contributors there. Seth played well; otherwise nada. Withers had a couple plays but gave that value back with wasted offensive possessions.
We still had 4 guys playing over 30 minutes in this game. And it probably would have been 5 if Cadeau or Withers were good enough. We're doing a little better for the year, but not this game.

That said, would you trust our bench if you were Hubert? Seth is OK, but we seldom need another short guy.

Whereas Kentucky's bench rose to the challenge.

TeamBench Minutes -- %Bench Points -- %
UNC47 min -- 23.5%14 pts -- 16.9%
UK77 min -- 38.5%36 pts -- 41.4%
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Loose with the ball to start the game and rebounding, rebounding and rebounding, my god our rebounding was atrocious!
What would Roy do? Rebounding seems like one of the biggest differences from his era.

I was thinking that this might just be the trade-off for having a better 3pt shooting team, but a quick glance at Roy's pre-COVID numbers doesn't seem to bear that out. Comparable 3pt shooting percentage, but better rebounding.

Are we maybe defending against the three better - meaning less packed in where defensive rebounding is easier?

Are we taking more treys - meaning fewer guys in position for offensive rebounding?
Ryan had a very nice game but getting smoked 18-6 on the offensive glass and the just plain stupid turnovers were not our friends. That and putting EC back in for that last play pretty well sealed the deal. EC looked like a freshman today in more ways than one.
Hopefully Cadeau will bounce back. Last year when Seth was getting better and better, he ran into a brutal UVa defense and never seemed to recover. As Ted Lasso would say, Elliot needs to be a goldfish.
Kentucky's starting lineup does not have a true point guard or multiple good ball handlers. This was also the first time all season that starting lineup was used, as 7'1" Bradshaw has only been available a couple games.

You noted they hadn't been as good protecting the ball the past two games. Why do you think that is? Could it be because the return of their 7 footers has Cal playing new, taller lineups with less ball handlers?

But leave it to Hubert to not even try to press until the final defensive possession of the game.
I’ll defer you to speak in certainties when it comes to hypotheticals. I’ll also defer to you for taking absolutes out of 2 game sample sizes. And in those 2 games, it isn’t as if they’re turning the ball over at an alarming rate either.

And I’m choosing to focus on Ryan airballing the wide open corner 3 late in the 2H. Then RJ bricking a wide open corner 3 a few possessions later. I’m pretty sure one of those would’ve given UNC a 4 point lead.

RJ misses a free throw in the final couple of minutes. I know he had made 45 in a row before. But gotta make your free throws.

I’ll also focus on Ryan and Withers miscommunicating on a rebound. We allowed an offensive rebound on a missed FT.

Do a few more simple things better.

Btw, I don’t see anyone giving credit to Hubert when he slowed down the pace one possession to call a set play to have Bacot screen and dive. Don’t see anyone giving credit to Withers for making a nice pass to Bacot from the corner. Hey, that one play worked. Maybe we should call set plays to Bacot every play!

Losing brings the crazies out. Do a few more simple things better and you win these coin flip games.

The issues I see are more smaller details and late game execution. This team isn’t blowing any team out that can score the ball efficiently. They’ll have to win nail bitter games against them. So they need to shore up the final 2 minutes and eliminating dumb unforced mistakes.

I can’t wait to hear that we’re Seth Trimble minutes away from being a National Title favorite now.
After an 11 day layoff I figured we would come out sloppy. When a team gets 18 offensive rebounds and we commit 17 turnovers that is always going to be hard to overcome. RJ and Bacot were responsible for 11 of the 17 turnovers. Veteran players making freshmen turnovers is unacceptable. We had plenty of chances to steal this game away at the end but when Withers and Cormac lost the rebound on Bradshaw’s missed free throw that was huge. Right after that it should have been a shot clock violation instead of a foul by RJ on the ensuing inbounds play by uk. The shot clock didn’t start for almost a second and a half on the missed air ball three pointer by uk. Hubert has to stop switching everything 1 through 4. Good teams are just waiting to get the mismatch that they want so they can take advantage of that opportunity. The bright side was that Cormac’s shot and overall play tonight were exactly what this team needed. This team has a lot of potential and if Cormac’s shots start falling like it did tonight it could make us a very dangerous team going forward. Right now this team is a top 15 team but if Cormac’s shot starts to fall then we are a top 10 team and if Hubert stops switching everything and throws out the press and traps at opportune times throughout the game than we can be a top 3 team. Hubert has to realize what’s working and what’s not working and make the necessary adjustments in order for this team to have a shot at being a contender. Also I couldn’t believe he called a timeout when we were making our run at the end of the first half with 14 seconds to go. He does it in every game. It rarely ever works but in this case it was even more questionable as uk was scrambling on defense and we were in the flow of the game. We had all of the momentum and he kills it by calling a timeout and lets uk setup their defense and it settled them down mentally and physically. I hated we lost especially to them but I still feel that we are headed in the right direction.
I never like to simplify, because I know there are always extenuating circumstances for why we lose games, but.....
After an 11 day layoff I figured we would come out sloppy. When a team gets 18 offensive rebounds and we commit 17 turnovers that is always going to be hard to overcome. RJ and Bacot were responsible for 11 of the 17 turnovers. Veteran players making freshmen turnovers is unacceptable. We had plenty of chances to steal this game away at the end but when Withers and Cormac lost the rebound on Bradshaw’s missed free throw that was huge. Right after that it should have been a shot clock violation instead of a foul by RJ on the ensuing inbounds play by uk. The shot clock didn’t start for almost a second and a half on the missed air ball three pointer by uk. Hubert has to stop switching everything 1 through 4. Good teams are just waiting to get the mismatch that they want so they can take advantage of that opportunity. The bright side was that Cormac’s shot and overall play tonight were exactly what this team needed. This team has a lot of potential and if Cormac’s shots start falling like it did tonight it could make us a very dangerous team going forward. Right now this team is a top 15 team but if Cormac’s shot starts to fall then we are a top 10 team and if Hubert stops switching everything and throws out the press and traps at opportune times throughout the game than we can be a top 3 team. Hubert has to realize what’s working and what’s not working and make the necessary adjustments in order for this team to have a shot at being a contender. Also I couldn’t believe he called a timeout when we were making our run at the end of the first half with 14 seconds to go. He does it in every game. It rarely ever works but in this case it was even more questionable as uk was scrambling on defense and we were in the flow of the game. We had all of the momentum and he kills it by calling a timeout and lets uk setup their defense and it settled them down mentally and physically. I hated we lost especially to them but I still feel that we are headed in the right direction.
I hate to just make a blanket statement on why certain players don't play well, as it is never that simple, but.....I think in yesterday's game that R.J. turnovers were a direct result of him being forced to initiate offense and also BE that offense for a lot of the game.
This was the case because Eliott had by far his worst game as a Tar Heel. I would say he was a complete non- factor, but that is not the case, he did in fact factor into our poor team performance.
Bacots bad games have also, in part been when Cadeau has not played well, or not played a lot. I really thought EC would get Mando a lot more easy baskets this season, but that has not yet been the case.
EC in my mind, Is the key to how high our ceiling is. When he finally becomes comfortable and constantly drives this team from a distribution standpoint, but also as a scoring guard, then this team will be what it is capable of being.
Today was not that day. EC was terrible today, and I was dissatisfied with his competitive spirit in this game. He flat out got PUNKED by the 3 Freshman guards from Kentucky.
Moving forward I expect he will turn that proverbial corner and begin punking players in his own right. I hope that starts vs Oklahoma on Wednesday night. The Sooners are really good, but this is a must win game in Charlotte.
We still had 4 guys playing over 30 minutes in this game. And it probably would have been 5 if Cadeau or Withers were good enough. We're doing a little better for the year, but not this game.

That said, would you trust our bench if you were Hubert? Seth is OK, but we seldom need another short guy.

Whereas Kentucky's bench rose to the challenge.

TeamBench Minutes -- %Bench Points -- %
UNC47 min -- 23.5%14 pts -- 16.9%
UK77 min -- 38.5%36 pts -- 41.4%
Just posted else where. Kentucky is the exception with the 4 guards. Hubert's bench usage is quite normal. Your best play.

Yesterdays big matchups most minutes played.

Kansas - 40, 38, 37, 36
Indiana - 39, 38, 37
Purdue - 36, 36, 36
Arizona - 37, 35, 33
UNC - 37, 34, 33, 31
Kentucky 35, 33
OK, so first, I just have to ask, why try to watch this game streaming on Paramount, it was a CBS game? Has to be more there than I understand? No matter.

Over the years, this game, this first game back from exams and before Christmas is usually not a great game for us and last night it held true to form. I considered this to be a pickem game not knowing how Bradshaw would play because that may be the most talented back court in the college game, maybe not the best but the most talented. Already knew about Dillingham and Wagner but Sheppard really impressed me, he gives them X-factor minutes and seems to score at just the right time.

Not hard to understand why we lost this one, we got drilled on the boards and our experienced multi year UNC starters committed 11 of our 17 TOs. Second chance shots are killers, they got 18 offensive rebounds to our 6, our 17 TOs to their 14 gave them 3 more extra shots than we got. They put up 72 shots to our 57 shots, that is ball game... You simply cannot give the other team 15 more shots than your team gets and hope to win many games and actually keeping it as close as they did was a heck of a feat.

Bacot got a total of 4 shots, for the whole game? Now yes, they doubled him a ton so you would expect there to have been more from our 4 spot with the 4 defender doubling Bacot, Ingram got 10 shots and 4 rebounds? Bradshaw is pretty quick off his feet and has good timing, he was a menace rim protecting, he out worked Bacot. I have said this several times but I think it is a mistake to put Jalen at the 5 and his only minutes come from backing up Bacot and putting Ingram at the 4 just makes us smaller than we need to be against a long team like Ky. Move Ingram to the 3, I think he scores much better from the 3 but he has the size mismatch in his favor from the 3, he has a better block out assignment from the 3 with his size and girth. But more important is Jalen's ability to hit jump shots out of the 4 spot draws away a big man to cover him AND Jalen does not need as much room to get his shot off as Ingram does. Yet again, Jalen got 8 mins yesterday...

Cadeau showed us he is a freshman, not going to harp on him he just didn't seem comfortable, seemed a bit rattled. Good to see some shots start to drop for Ryan but did you notice the shots he took, they were wide open jumpers mostly, as opposed to the rushed coming off a screen variety that he has been missing so his shot selection was adjusted some, that is good. Felt Withers was OK, best I have seen from him so far but still, kid just tries to do to much and forces things that are not great decisions. Felt Paxon was giving us a little spark but that intention foul hurt us, bone headed from a Ivey League guy, you are beat, go ahead and let him score and live to fight on.

This game reminds me of a game we lost on a late shot to Ky a few years back and we itched all rest of that season wanting another shot at Ky, kinda feel that way now, we can beat those guys, I hope we do see them again in the post season, if we do I think we take them by about the same margin they beat us by yesterday.
I want to add, concerning the extra shots Ky got from our awful rebounding and and TOs, those are to me "hustle" stats, about want to, about whose will is stronger, about who is here to compete or who is just showing up. WE just didn't bring the effort/energy level for this level of game and that is not atypical of our after exams game, kind of used to it actually.
This is why some of us were calling for Ingram to start at SF, with Ryan playing starter minutes off the bench at SG and SF.

Unfortunately, Withers has yet to be the guy we hoped he'd be and the other bigs aren't ready.

Somebody needs to turn the corner up front. Especially when Armando is still getting pushed around by any team with size.
I just don't think Withers is the guy. We added someone who has the body type we need but his skill level isn't really there if his shooting from last year wasn't sustainable.

Imagine if any of the rumored wings had come and we had Ryan coming off the bench. My gosh this team would be good. Even if Ryan wouldn't have been willing to do that, frankly I would've been willing to lose him/Withers to get the right wing. Maybe it wasn't possible or we didn't have the NIL after Ingram, but there were lots of rumors that didn't come to fruition but would've made a lot of sense.

What would Roy do? Rebounding seems like one of the biggest differences from his era.

I was thinking that this might just be the trade-off for having a better 3pt shooting team, but a quick glance at Roy's pre-COVID numbers doesn't seem to bear that out. Comparable 3pt shooting percentage, but better rebounding.

Are we maybe defending against the three better - meaning less packed in where defensive rebounding is easier?

Are we taking more treys - meaning fewer guys in position for offensive rebounding?
Some of it is personnel: Roy wouldn't have a Davis/Cadeau/Ryan backcourt. Those guys got beat a lot boxing out last night. When Roy had Berry/Paige we played jumbo 3s/4s like Jackson/Hicks. Roy would probably have Ingram at 3 and start a bigger 4.

We still aren't terribly small with Bacot/Ingram. They got beat for rebounds a fair amount too, and that was the duo we needed more from rebounding-wise because they're capable.
OK, so first, I just have to ask, why try to watch this game streaming on Paramount, it was a CBS game? Has to be more there than I understand? No matter.

Over the years, this game, this first game back from exams and before Christmas is usually not a great game for us and last night it held true to form. I considered this to be a pickem game not knowing how Bradshaw would play because that may be the most talented back court in the college game, maybe not the best but the most talented. Already knew about Dillingham and Wagner but Sheppard really impressed me, he gives them X-factor minutes and seems to score at just the right time.

Not hard to understand why we lost this one, we got drilled on the boards and our experienced multi year UNC starters committed 11 of our 17 TOs. Second chance shots are killers, they got 18 offensive rebounds to our 6, our 17 TOs to their 14 gave them 3 more extra shots than we got. They put up 72 shots to our 57 shots, that is ball game... You simply cannot give the other team 15 more shots than your team gets and hope to win many games and actually keeping it as close as they did was a heck of a feat.

Bacot got a total of 4 shots, for the whole game? Now yes, they doubled him a ton so you would expect there to have been more from our 4 spot with the 4 defender doubling Bacot, Ingram got 10 shots and 4 rebounds? Bradshaw is pretty quick off his feet and has good timing, he was a menace rim protecting, he out worked Bacot. I have said this several times but I think it is a mistake to put Jalen at the 5 and his only minutes come from backing up Bacot and putting Ingram at the 4 just makes us smaller than we need to be against a long team like Ky. Move Ingram to the 3, I think he scores much better from the 3 but he has the size mismatch in his favor from the 3, he has a better block out assignment from the 3 with his size and girth. But more important is Jalen's ability to hit jump shots out of the 4 spot draws away a big man to cover him AND Jalen does not need as much room to get his shot off as Ingram does. Yet again, Jalen got 8 mins yesterday...

Cadeau showed us he is a freshman, not going to harp on him he just didn't seem comfortable, seemed a bit rattled. Good to see some shots start to drop for Ryan but did you notice the shots he took, they were wide open jumpers mostly, as opposed to the rushed coming off a screen variety that he has been missing so his shot selection was adjusted some, that is good. Felt Withers was OK, best I have seen from him so far but still, kid just tries to do to much and forces things that are not great decisions. Felt Paxon was giving us a little spark but that intention foul hurt us, bone headed from a Ivey League guy, you are beat, go ahead and let him score and live to fight on.

This game reminds me of a game we lost on a late shot to Ky a few years back and we itched all rest of that season wanting another shot at Ky, kinda feel that way now, we can beat those guys, I hope we do see them again in the post season, if we do I think we take them by about the same margin they beat us by yesterday.
I don't want to see Kentucky again
J Wash was brutal again defensively again yesterday and I am starting to get very apprehensive about him being the starter at the 5 next season.
Paxton fouling Dillingham was the right decision. ( No layups) but he received the flagrant for putting his left hand on Dillinghams backwhile raking the ball with the right hand.
I want to add, concerning the extra shots Ky got from our awful rebounding and and TOs, those are to me "hustle" stats, about want to, about whose will is stronger, about who is here to compete or who is just showing up. WE just didn't bring the effort/energy level for this level of game and that is not atypical of our after exams game, kind of used to it actually.
This game was so different from the Tenn game where it seemed like we got EVERY 50/50 Ball. This game exactly opposite.
This was a contract game for the uk players. Cal gets them ready for this game every time and I had no doubt they would out compete us with the countless NBA scouts watching.
I don't want to see Kentucky again
J Wash was brutal again defensively again yesterday and I am starting to get very apprehensive about him being the starter at the 5 next season.
Paxton fouling Dillingham was the right decision. ( No layups) but he received the flagrant for putting his left hand on Dillinghams backwhile raking the ball with the right hand.
The best matchups for us in March will be against teams that are good defensively but offensively inconsistent. Teams like Tennessee. Oklahoma is like that too so hopefully that ends in a win.

We don’t want to see offensively efficient teams because we can’t stop anybody, lol.

I would want to see a team like Kansas as opposed to Kentucky.
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Paxton fouling Dillingham was the right decision. ( No layups) but he received the flagrant for putting his left hand on Dillinghams backwhile raking the ball with the right hand.
I disagree with the foul there. When you are behind on a breakaway, you are going to get a flagrant more times then not if you swing through hard even toward the ball. 2 and the ball much worse then giving the layup.

If you don't go hard you give an easy and 1.
I disagree with the foul there. When you are behind on a breakaway, you are going to get a flagrant more times then not if you swing through hard even toward the ball. 2 and the ball much worse then giving the layup.

If you don't go hard you give an easy and 1.
Giving 2 points is giving 2 points. Paxton is a bench player so you don't worry about a foul there. His idea was correct, the execution was poor.
I mean… just an utter fallacy that Kentucky is loose with the ball. Kentucky is 3rd in the country in turnover percentage. They hadnt been as good at protecting the ball the last 2 games coming into this game but they’re literally the 3rd best team in the country at protecting the ball relative to their tempo.

Not saying that more pressure would’ve or wouldn’t have worked. But presently, Kentucky is not a team that’s loose with the ball.
There was literally nothing from watching that game flow that would indicate they are secure with the ball. And they are young. That screams for pressure. My take was sound.
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There was literally nothing from watching that game flow that would indicate they are secure with the ball. And they are young. That screams for pressure. My take was sound.
Watching the previous 9 UK games, which I did for the most part, does though. UK has not had hardly any issues with ball controll this season despite their young guards having the ball majority of the time.
OK, so first, I just have to ask, why try to watch this game streaming on Paramount, it was a CBS game? Has to be more there than I understand? No matter.
I can't pick up the local CBS channel, so P+ is my option for CBS games at home.
There was literally nothing from watching that game flow that would indicate they are secure with the ball. And they are young. That screams for pressure. My take was sound.
Their primary ball handlers (Dilly and Wagner) had 6 assists vs 3 TOs, our primary ball handlers (Cadeau and RJ) had 7 assists vs 7 TOs. That actually is a strong indicator of what team was more secure with the ball.
Giving 2 points is giving 2 points. Paxton is a bench player so you don't worry about a foul there. His idea was correct, the execution was poor.
OK, maybe, but I'm under the impression that when there is a clear path to the basket I think they call flagrant 98% of the time on the hard swing through from behind alone. I think you are giving away a possession and probably the points anyway as well. Clear path with contact from behind clearly going to foul.
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We still had 4 guys playing over 30 minutes in this game. And it probably would have been 5 if Cadeau or Withers were good enough. We're doing a little better for the year, but not this game.
Seems like Hubby is reverting back to the mean by leaving his bench .. on the bench. Another elephant in the room .. or maybe the elephant has now become furniture.
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Seems like Hubby is reverting back to the mean by leaving his bench .. on the bench. Another elephant in the room .. or maybe the elephant has now become furniture.
Caleb Love played 37 minutes against Purdue
Zach Edey (averaging less than 30 min) played 37 and 36 minutes against Alabama and Arizona

If you’re going to criticize Hubert, criticize every coach in America.
There was literally nothing from watching that game flow that would indicate they are secure with the ball. And they are young. That screams for pressure. My take was sound.
It wasnt sound. But you have a right to your opinion.
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I can't pick up the local CBS channel, so P+ is my option for CBS games at home.
I would think a terrestrial HD antenna would pick up a local affiliate .. but maybe not. You would not have liked the last 3+mins.

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