Lock Him Up . . Lock Him Up . .

You refuse to see any significance in anything that might implicate DT. Nobody is going to try to make you care about his campaign breaking the law and then lying about it and trying to intimidate witnesses.

I’m sure you don’t care about roger stone being implicated either. If this was Obama’s administration you wouldn’t need an explanation.

Ahh. Now we are getting somewhere.

How exactly do Manafort's woes translate into trouble for Trump?

And who is Roger Stone?
No, you asked why it was important to you . . I don't view it as a requirement that it is to be you.

Was the condiment thread important to every OOTB poaster . . ?

Does my NCAAF contest have to be important . . ?

The random pic thread isn't important to all . .

I hope this helps.

No, I asked this:

Im still waiting for an explanation as to why I should care about Manafort.
Ahh. Now we are getting somewhere.

How exactly do Manafort's woes translate into trouble for Trump?

And who is Roger Stone?

There’s two discussions to have here. One is whether or not manafort acted improperly on behalf of trump. Few people doubt that to be the case. The other discussion is whether or not it will legally implicate trump. Nobody knows if the paper trail directly ties to him.

Roger stone was a strategist and strong public advocate for Trump. He was working directly with the campaign, and lied about meeting with Russians during that time
There’s two discussions to have here. One is whether or not manafort acted improperly on behalf of trump. Few people doubt that to be the case. The other discussion is whether or not it will legally implicate trump. Nobody knows if the paper trail directly ties to him.

Roger stone was a strategist and strong public advocate for Trump. He was working directly with the campaign, and lied about meeting with Russians during that time

So did Mueller indict Manafort for acting improperly for Trump?

Im lost on Roger Stone. Start another thread for that if worth discussing.
Porn star from the 70's.
He wishes...


That dude has about 9 different kinds of "freaky" and twice as many side orders of "weird" going on.


Those hair plugs alone make me think "is this guy for real?"
I see I has me another 5 star thread rolling here . .

For those that care and it is important to you, I thank thee . .

Kinda looks like the real life version of Gordon Gekko.
Noooo... I don't think he has that kind of wealth, or angle. Gekko struck me as someone who stayed behind the scenes and made all the moves and owned everything. Stone LOVES the attention. Stone isn't wealthy on that level either, not even close. He's really a lot more like Trump, but I think he came from a much more humble beginning. He's much more of a political figure than Trump ever will be. But, Stone got where he is by his own methods and with very little, if any, silver spoon. They're both masturful bullshitters, however.
That Netflix doc on Stone is really good. It's interesting at least. He definitely helped Trump get elected. I guess that's the thing Billy is pushing here. He is a real unsavory character. He is the epitome of the Swamp in DC. I believe Trump tried to distance himself from Stone, but not before Stone had done what he needed him to do.
Noooo... I don't think he has that kind of wealth, or angle. Gekko struck me as someone who stayed behind the scenes and made all the moves and owned everything. Stone LOVES the attention. Stone isn't wealthy on that level either, not even close. He's really a lot more like Trump, but I think he came from a much more humble beginning. He's much more of a political figure than Trump ever will be. But, Stone got where he is by his own methods and with very little, if any, silver spoon. They're both masturful bullshitters, however.
Well, I literally meant looks like him. His style and his projection of an "I'm better than you" feel about him. I know absolutely nothing about him personally.
Well, I literally meant looks like him. His style and his projection of an "I'm better than you" feel about him. I know absolutely nothing about him personally.
Oh, okay. Yeah, I guess I could see that correlation.

I only learned about him since the Trump election. There was a really good documentary on HBO or some pay channel, back about 6 months after the election, that chronicled the Trump "rise to power" and Stone was featured in that, and it caught my attention. He's a piece of work, no doubt. The guy's home is a political museum.

He actually gives me a sort of "Political Liberace" vibe. He's definitely "fancy", but he's not gay like Liberace, just flamboyant.
Is there really no consensus that can be reached about this investigation? It doesn't have to be this be all, end all thing.

Mueller should be allowed to his job, while people hand wringing about Trump need to cool their tits until the President is directly indicted for abusing his office.
Is there really no consensus that can be reached about this investigation? It doesn't have to be this be all, end all thing.

Mueller should be allowed to his job, while people hand wringing about Trump need to cool their tits until the President is directly indicted for abusing his office.
I like this rainbows and lollipops land that you speak of.
So did Mueller indict Manafort for acting improperly for Trump?

Im lost on Roger Stone. Start another thread for that if worth discussing.

I don’t think he was specifically indicted for acting improperly for trump originally. He was indicted for money laundering first.

But he was sent to jail for tampering with witnesses in the Russia investigation, which he has also been implicated in.

Stone attempted to arrange a meeting with Russian agents the same way that don jr did. More importantly he denied meeting or even talking to “any Russians” for two years leading up to the campaign.

The issue for many folks is that these guys would be in jail for perjury if they were making these statements under oath. But they get out in front of the story, deny it, and then when the evidence comes out, half of the country has already been convinced it’s a “witch hunt” with the help of the Fox News spin machine.

It’s good strategy. Trump’s legal team is anticipating impeachment and have realized that the way to prevent it is to wage a political war. If they can convince enough of the public to vote against republicans who criticize trump they can possibly keep enough numbers on their side in the house and senate to prevent impeachment from moving forward if it comes to pass.
Is there really no consensus that can be reached about this investigation? It doesn't have to be this be all, end all thing.

Mueller should be allowed to his job, while people hand wringing about Trump need to cool their tits until the President is directly indicted for abusing his office.

I don’t think discussing this stuff qualifies as hand wringing. I think it’s hard to maintain the position that Trump didn’t know about the stuff that was going on that has actually been proven to have happened. Ill stand by the position that there is no chance he didn’t know about don jr trying to meet the Russians, stone doing the same thing, or even manafort’s witness tampering. By the standards of a court of law he may have maintained plausible deniability, but the court of public opinion doesn’t work that way.

Also, it doesn’t necessarily matter if trump is directly implicated. Legally you can’t charge him with a crime after he’s impeached without actual evidence, but if his campaign was blatantly corrupt, and colluding with Russian officials, then the case can be made that he should be removed from office, especially if it appears his winning the election was significantly helped by said collusion.

Another question is what happens if trump or his campaign attempted to collude with foreign agents (confirmed fact) but didn’t succeed. Criminal intent and conspiracy to commit a criminal act are still prosecutable crimes under both state and federal statutes. So that would also be pardon proof if it makes it to that point. People have already been charged with conspiracy against the US, so this isn’t at all a stretch. If there is a paper trail confirming Trump knew about that communication and didn’t report it, then he would be complicit and could also be charged with conspiracy, after being removed from office.
This clip demonstrates the extent to which many liberals have literally lost their mind over the election results. And he’s not alone, I know many of my liberal friends feel exactly the same way. And that is very sad. When Obama was in office, I never wanted our economy to fail or things to go badly just so he could be criticized for them or forced out of office.

That’s true derangement right there.
This clip demonstrates the extent to which many liberals have literally lost their mind over the election results. And he’s not alone, I know many of my liberal friends feel exactly the same way. And that is very sad. When Obama was in office, I never wanted our economy to fail or things to go badly just so he could be criticized for them or forced out of office.

That’s true derangement right there.

All due respect, archer, there were plenty of far right people that wouldn’t have pissed on Obama if he was on fire. This isn’t all one sided. And Trump is a 100 times more polarizing than Obama ever was.
All due respect, archer, there were plenty of far right people that wouldn’t have pissed on Obama if he was on fire. This isn’t all one sided. And Trump is a 100 times more polarizing than Obama ever was.
There’s a big difference between not pissing on someone if they’re on fire and hoping that the economy fails and millions of American people suffer. I agree that Donald is even more polarizing that Obama. He’s not a slick Washington politician like Obama was. And he comes across as a bull in a China shop. I think they’re both asses, and I’d love nothing better than to step out behind the woodshed with both of them.

But for someone to say that they hope the economy fails regardless of whether it hurts millions of people or not, that is is un-American as it gets to me.
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There’s a big difference between not pissing on someone if they’re on fire and hoping that the economy fails and millions of American people suffer. I agree that Donald is even more polarizing that Obama. He’s not a slick Washington politician like Obama was. And he comes across as a bull in a China shop. I think they’re both asses, and I’d love nothing better than to step out behind the woodshed with both of them.

But for someone to say that they hope the economy fails regardless of whether it hurts millions of people or not, that is is un-American as it gets to me.
He said that he thinks we are headed toward a recession and if we are he hopes it happens on Trump's watch. Anyone who doesn't think that a recession is in the future is crazy.
He said he thinks there’s going to be a recession, and he hopes there is. You can’t be any plainer than that. Let me ask you a question, do you hope there’s a recession?

I ask this question of all those never Trumper’s out there. Do you think the end justifies the means? Do you hope to economy does go in the tank so that Donald’s approval ratings will go so low that that the people want him gone?
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He said that he thinks we are headed toward a recession and if we are he hopes it happens on Trump's watch. Anyone who doesn't think that a recession is in the future is crazy.
Maher never said it was coming. One of his panelists said it was coming. And, it will probably level-off, or correct, or whatever it does. But, what Bill Maher said was really stupid. He hopes it comes so we can get rid of Trump. He said "root for a recession or lose your democracy." That's a really foolish thing to say. Donald Trump is ONE GUY! Just like people who freaked over Obama. He was ONE MAN. The way our country has so many stops and starts and checkpoints and openings for dissent, etc., to root for a catastrophe economically so the ONE GUY you really hate gets the boot is just pretty shameless, to me.

I can't personally pinpoint what is making the economy flourish, and it's probably multiple factors. But, I do know that it seems to be flourishing. Why anyone would want it to collapse for political reasons seems very selfish and short-sighted. Maher is going to be fine, regardless. That comment just made whomever he represents chances of gaining momentum even less.
He said he thinks there’s going to be a recession, and he hopes there is. You can’t be any plainer than that. Let me ask you a question, do you hope there’s a recession?

I ask this question of all those never Trumper’s out there. Do you think the end justifies the means? Do you hope to economy does go in the tank so that Donald’s approval ratings will go so low that that the people want him gone?
He said he think we are going to have a recession and he hopes it's on Trump's watch. To answer your question, Do I think the end justifies the means? I don't know what you mean by that. Do I hope the economy goes into the tank? No. Do, I want want Trump gone? Of course I do and every other person who loves this country should. For whatever reason, his supporters cannot see the damage he is doing to this country in so many different ways. But to get back to the main question, I don't think anybody who knows anything, thinks that a recession is not in our future. It's just a matter of how soon.
He said he think we are going to have a recession and he hopes it's on Trump's watch. To answer your question, Do I think the end justifies the means? I don't know what you mean by that. Do I hope the economy goes into the tank? No. Do, I want want Trump gone? Of course I do and every other person who loves this country should. For whatever reason, his supporters cannot see the damage he is doing to this country in so many different ways. But to get back to the main question, I don't think anybody who knows anything, thinks that a recession is not in our future. It's just a matter of how soon.
Maher never said he thinks we will. Maher said "The economy is going pretty good, you have to admit." Then a panelist said "Yes, it is... for now." And Maher immediately said he hopes it collapses so Trump will lose his appeal. He is hoping for a recession and "sorry if that hurts people." That is a very smug, selfish, stupid thing to say and and even dumber opinion to hold... in MY opinion. And, I am someone who thoroughly dislikes Trump.
Maher never said he thinks we will. Maher said "The economy is going pretty good, you have to admit." Then a panelist said "Yes, it is... for now." And Maher immediately said he hopes it collapses so Trump will lose his appeal. He is hoping for a recession and "sorry if that hurts people." That is a very smug, selfish, stupid thing to say and and even dumber opinion to hold... in MY opinion. And, I am someone who thoroughly dislikes Trump.
He said he thinks the bottom will fall out at some point and he hopes it falls out on Trump's watch. Like you, I don't want to see it happen on Trump's or any other person's watch. That said, anybody who thinks it's not going to fall out is crazy, like I said it's just a matter of time.
He said he thinks the bottom will fall out at some point and he hopes it falls out on Trump's watch. Like you, I don't want to see it happen on Trump's or any other person's watch. That said, anybody who thinks it's not going to fall out is crazy, like I said it's just a matter of time.
Dude, read and or watch what the man said. You are 100% wrong on this and @strummingram is correct. And I haven't seen anyone say it is going to fall out. Can you show me a legit source to back that statement up?
Maher never said he thinks we will. Maher said "The economy is going pretty good, you have to admit." Then a panelist said "Yes, it is... for now." And Maher immediately said he hopes it collapses so Trump will lose his appeal. He is hoping for a recession and "sorry if that hurts people." That is a very smug, selfish, stupid thing to say and and even dumber opinion to hold... in MY opinion. And, I am someone who thoroughly dislikes Trump.
Yeah, I dislike Trump myself. I couldn’t in good conscience vote for him or Clinton, I don’t like or trust either. Of course, I trust very, very few politicians. Period.

It disgusts me that I find myself in the position of defending Trump, but I’ve never seen a President get treated as badly as he has, both by the media and the opposing party. He’s done some things I dislike, undoubtedly. But everything he’s done hasn’t been bad, as many Dems seem to think.
Yeah, I dislike Trump myself. I couldn’t in good conscience vote for him or Clinton, I don’t like or trust either. Of course, I trust very, very few politicians. Period.

It disgusts me that I find myself in the position of defending Trump, but I’ve never seen a President get treated as badly as he has, both by the media and the opposing party. He’s done some things I dislike, undoubtedly. But everything he’s done hasn’t been bad, as many Dems seem to think.

Do you dislike his hatred of the free press . . ? He loves to be flattered, but, can't stand anyone that is critical of him.
He has to have the biggest crowds. He has to have his own military parade because he was jealous of the French for theirs. He is as narcissistic as anyone can possibly be IMO.
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Dude, read and or watch what the man said. You are 100% wrong on this and @strummingram is correct. And I haven't seen anyone say it is going to fall out. Can you show me a legit source to back that statement up?
Dude??? Look at history, if the bottom didn't fall out from time to time the stock market or the economy could not exist. Of course the bottom will fall out as sure as the moon and stars. Dude?? what are you 10 years old?
Dude??? Look at history, if the bottom didn't fall out from time to time the stock market or the economy could not exist. Of course the bottom will fall out as sure as the moon and stars. Dude?? what are you 10 years old?
My bad. Thought you knew what the difference was between the bottom falling out and a normal market correction.
You don't know the difference between a 5-10% correction and what happened in 2008? It makes a huge difference.
Can you not read? Yes, market corrections are in our future. Yes, the bottom falling out is also in our Future...
Can you not read? Yes, market corrections are in our future. Yes, the bottom falling out is also in our Future...
Yes I can read that you said "what difference does it make." If you knew the difference why ask? You say the bottom is falling out. Haven't seen anyone say that. Can you provide some proof or is that just your opinion?

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