Lock Him Up . . Lock Him Up . .

That’s funny coming from the “guy” who was so anxious he double poasted.

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The rate of change for the increase in family premiums went down from 4.1% annually to 3.7% annually after the ACA was implemented.

If you seriously think healthcare legislation that includes private insurance is "socialized medicine" then you clearly don't understand the definition of the word socialism.

Its actually hilarious that you picked another example of Obama being a corporatist and lining the pockets of the wealthy elite.
Obama made no bones about it. He repeatedly stated that he was in favor of a single payer medical system. Now just who do you think that single payer was going to be? Aetna? Blue Cross Blue Shield? Coventry? Of course not, it was going to be the government. That was his plan all along.
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Obama made no bones about it. He repeatedly stated that he was in favor of a single payer medical system. Now just who do you think that single payer was going to be? Aetna? Blue Cross Blue Shield? Coventry? Of course not, it was going to be the government. That was his plan all along.
I have no doubt that Barack Obama was "in favor" of Single Payer. I'm sure that would have been his personal preference. But, "his plan" was to at least get people health insurance they could afford. And, Republicans still haven't repealed it, and Trump isn't going to do anything about it, either. Trump claimed he had a better plan... that never materialized.
No kidding. How the heck do you think he got here? This whole board is turning into a few libtards spewing BS.

The whole board . . ? We spew far less BS than that POS potus . .

Does anyone here actually say the word "spew" when they peak IRL? Same with "ilk." I think I've asked this before, maybe a few times.
I’m sure you’re proud of their behavior. That’s exactly the way we want the FBI to conduct investigations and behave. Right?

Oh yeah, "inner circle" Comey, then the FBI director, sent a letter to Congress announcing the reopening of the email probe on Oct. 28, 2016, 11 days before the Nov. 8 election.

I gotcha . . LOL
That investigation should’ve never had to been reopened Billy. She was guilty as sin. If Strzok had left gross negligence in the wording like Comey originally wrote it, then she would’ve been found guilty. But you continue to bury your head in the sand.

Democrats and Hillary Clinton continue to blame everything under the sun for her losing the presidential campaign. The fact of the matter is she happened to be an even worse candidate than Donald Trump. And that’s saying a lot.
7 pages and 7 stars, tRumpanzees . .

It's how I roll . .

y'all can thank me later.

tRumpanzees . .

Not that it matters but I did vote for Trump over Hillary. I didn’t vote for him in the primary but it is what it is. Anywho I don’t mind being called this. Mine and T’s favorite thing in the world are chimpanzees. We absolutely love them. If you’re into animals at all you should check out the National Zoo in Miami.

Enjoy a picture of their most famous animal there, Limbani..
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Not that it matters but I did vote for Trump over Hillary. I didn’t vote for him in the primary but it is what it is. Anywho I don’t mind being called this. Mine and T’s favorite thing in the world are chimpanzees. We absolutely love them. If you’re into animals at all you should check out the National Zoo in Miami.

Enjoy a picture of their most famous animal there, Limbani..

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