National Anthem Question

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Me? No. Most people in the world? No. But there are some people who do need that. So that's why it's in place. It doesn't harm those that don't need it, and helps those that do need it.
Ooohhh, okay. Right. So, most of us can keep it under control. Those few that are going to murder anyway, that's why we have it. That will keep them from murdering... except it never does. Because, the few that do murder people? They have justified it when they do it.

The death penalty is state-sanctioned revenge. Advocating murder harms everyone. Well, assuming you believe that murder is harmful. I'm in doubt about that core belief, frankly. That needing and don't needing the threat of executions things is, well, bulllshit. But, if you think it's working for you, I'm glad.
Those few that are going to murder anyway, that's why we have it. That will keep them from murdering... except it never does.

This is where I believe your opinion is misguided. You have no way of knowing how many murders it prevents, because if it prevents a murder, you'll never be alerted to it. It's not like they keep track of how many time someone thinks to themselves "I'd kill that guy if I wouldn't be punished for it". If you don't think there would be additional murders if there were no repercussions for it, or if the repercussions were much less severe, then I think you're being very naive.
This is where I believe your opinion is misguided. You have no way of knowing how many murders it prevents, because if it prevents a murder, you'll never be alerted to it. It's not like they keep track of how many time someone thinks to themselves "I'd kill that guy if I wouldn't be punished for it". If you don't think there would be additional murders if there were no repercussions for it, or if the repercussions were much less severe, then I think you're being very naive.
I guess that's because I never think about murdering someone. As I said, I have my doubts that many people share that core belief. State-sanctioned execution is just revenge. If revenge is justice, then it's working.
I guess that's because I never think about murdering someone. As I said, I have my doubts that many people share that core belief. State-sanctioned execution is just revenge. If revenge is justice, then it's working.
I have my doubts that most people don't share that core belief.
I don't doubt you doubt it, but I doubt you know what you are talking about as most doubters of you do.
Awww, that's sweet. I don't mean to scare you, but you're just too easily frightened.

Everyone knows what they're talking about. It's just that, not everyone else understands.

I've got puppies to bury.
Awww, that's sweet. I don't mean to scare you, but you're just too easily frightened.

Everyone knows what they're talking about. It's just that, not everyone else understands.

I've got puppies to bury.
You got a lot of puppies to bury. Shame on you.
I guess that's because I never think about murdering someone.

You need to realize that just because you don't, that doesn't mean that others don't.

State-sanctioned execution is just revenge. If revenge is justice, then it's working.

I've given a few reasons as to why this isn't the case, if you don't care to address those, then there's not much else left to discuss.
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I read a thread like this and shake my head.I had two uncles who served in WW Two one of whom died at Okinawa.My dad served in Korea.I believe with every fiber of my being that if they and millions of other brave Americans had not made the type of sacrifices that I cannot even imagine people such as Strumingham would not even have the option to to think as they do much less post it on a message board.I think that their opinions are garbage but that is why they made their sacrifice
I read a thread like this and shake my head.I had two uncles who served in WW Two one of whom died at Okinawa.My dad served in Korea.I believe with every fiber of my being that if they and millions of other brave Americans had not made the type of sacrifices that I cannot even imagine people such as Strumingham would not even have the option to to think as they do much less post it on a message board.I think that their opinions are garbage but that is why they made their sacrifice
If Liberty means anything, it's the right to tell people things they don't want to hear.
I do know if you realize that this country is one of the few places in the world which allows people this right and without the people who you call murderers this right would not exist
One of the few? Liberty can be popular.

When did I call soldiers murderers?
I do know if you realize that this country is one of the few places in the world which allows people this right and without the people who you call murderers this right would not exist

One of the few places in the world where people have freedom of speech? Seriously? That is taking the whole American exceptionalism thing more than a bit too far.

If you don't have the freedom to smoke a plant, you aren't that free. America hasn't been the epicenter of freedom for quite some time now.

Since you enjoy the Bible and tossing around what Jesus said so much when you think it fits your narrative...

Matthew 10:28..."And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

Seems He sure thought hell was real. But I'm sure you know better...
Strumlee is all knowing.
Back to the point of this thread: Colin Kaepernick sat out the National Anthem last night, and then tweeted a picture of the American and Confederate flags and said something along the lines of, if you can't see that these two flags represent the same thing, you're an idiot.
Kaepernick is the idiot (aboslutely no decision making capability) and he absolutely sucks as a QB
One of the few places in the world where people have freedom of speech? Seriously? That is taking the whole American exceptionalism thing more than a bit too far.

If you don't have the freedom to smoke a plant, you aren't that free. America hasn't been the epicenter of freedom for quite some time now.
and so who would that be now?
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Maybe you need a common sense transfusion or either remove your head from so deep up strumlee's azzz so your brain can get more oxygen. The U.S. looks pretty damn. good

I never said the US wasn't great. I was pointing out we are among many, many other free countries. We need to enjoy it while we can because every year a few more freedoms are taken.
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I never said the US wasn't great. I was pointing out we are among many, many other free countries. We need to enjoy it while we can because every year a few more freedoms are taken.
uh well dumbazz , I didn't say that no one else was. I was just pointing out to Boy who was the shining beacon over the U.S.? No one. I think the kind of reading comprehension you need is way too late for college to help. I agree with your last sentence but it is sure damn funny that loss of freedoms has accelerated the last 7+ years. Hmmm just another liberal failure.
that would be one more than either of you have...LMFAO

I prefer freedom now. One marriage was enough for me. Now I'm free to enjoy my life with anyone I choose to enjoy it with and I don't have to answer to anyone but myself. If I were lonely perhaps it would be a problem but I'm not. I have companionship AND freedom. It's great!
Wow how kaepernick has fallen. A few years ago he made the packers look like idiots in the playoffs and set an nfl record for total yds in the playoffs. Then misses the superbowl by one play. Now hes fighting to make the team and this sure wont help.
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