New Year's Resolutions

So I might be a little late on this, but I didn't come up with the idea really until yesterday. My goal for 2017 is to exercise for 1000 miles, by combining biking, swimming, and walking/running. That averages out to just under 3 miles a day. I actually made a Facebook group about it yesterday, which can be found here in case any of you are interested in joining. I've kept up for the first 5 days, but still have 360 to go (including today, going to the Y after work). So that's my resolution contribution.
So I might be a little late on this, but I didn't come up with the idea really until yesterday. My goal for 2017 is to exercise for 1000 miles, by combining biking, swimming, and walking/running. That averages out to just under 3 miles a day. I actually made a Facebook group about it yesterday, which can be found here in case any of you are interested in joining. I've kept up for the first 5 days, but still have 360 to go (including today, going to the Y after work). So that's my resolution contribution.
Do you have a spreadsheet for tracking the miles? ;)
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So I might be a little late on this, but I didn't come up with the idea really until yesterday. My goal for 2017 is to exercise for 1000 miles, by combining biking, swimming, and walking/running. That averages out to just under 3 miles a day. I actually made a Facebook group about it yesterday, which can be found here in case any of you are interested in joining. I've kept up for the first 5 days, but still have 360 to go (including today, going to the Y after work). So that's my resolution contribution.
Not even joking, download Pokemon Go. It will encourage you to walk/bike further to hatch eggs.
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I have been using an app on my phone actually called "Lose It" where you input both your exercise time/activity and your food intake, and based on how much you want to lose, it gives you a daily budget of calories to reach that goal.
I have an activity tracker watch, but so far I don't see any way to break out the mileage from workouts separate from daily steps. I can guesstimate it fairly well I suppose. Best I can tell the device/app is considering a mile to be in the ballpark of 2,000 steps.
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So I might be a little late on this, but I didn't come up with the idea really until yesterday. My goal for 2017 is to exercise for 1000 miles, by combining biking, swimming, and walking/running. That averages out to just under 3 miles a day. I actually made a Facebook group about it yesterday, which can be found here in case any of you are interested in joining. I've kept up for the first 5 days, but still have 360 to go (including today, going to the Y after work). So that's my resolution contribution.
@strummingram should join. He already rollerblades and bikes several miles a day already. I'd be interested to see how many miles he actually gets in. A thousand should be easy for him.

I'd like to join since I keep track of how many miles I walk throughout the day already. It might motivate me to go walk the dike by Death Valley a few times a week with my dog in addition to what I do now ;)
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Reading this thread made me realize it's been a good long time since I've eaten out anywhere. I'm gonna run over to Arby's today and slam down a max roast beef sandwich and some curly fries.
FUKK you. I haven't had any since New Years and I'm jonesing so bad for some damn fast food. I don't want to eat this hame and cheese sandwich for lunch :[
His explanation will be way better.

Every male on my dad's side has had a heart attack. While I'm in way better shape than the rest of them and not overweight like they are I did smoke for a long time. Plus, I drank for a long time (have been going through a couple of fifths of rum a week lately, which is too much). Also, ate crappy for a long time. So, figured I should try and take care of my heart a little better. After my dad's triple bypass the doctor has him drinking a glass of red wine a night. So I'm doing it for my heart. Like, my physical heart. Not just to become more in tune with my hipster metro side or anything like that.
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I read somewhere that when you hit level 30, you get your virginity back.
Every male on my dad's side has had a heart attack. While I'm way sexier than the rest of them and not overweight like they are I did smoke for a long time. Plus, I drank for a long time (have been going through a couple of fifths of rum a week lately, which is too much). Also, ate crappy for a long time. So, figured I should try and take care of my heart a little better. After my dad's triple bypass the doctor has him drinking a glass of red wine a night. So I'm doing it for my heart. Like, my physical heart. Not just to become more in tune with my hipster metro side or anything like that.
Fat doesn't have as much to do with heart health as everyone thinks. It IS a factor but when you weight all the factors together it is low on the pole compared to other things. Cigarette smoking, eating greasy/fatty foods and being labile is significantly worse. Drinking is more harmful to your liver but even that can contribute as well. When I worked in Cardiology, far more normal sized or thin people had heart problems and most of them smoked. Fat people have more problems with type II diabetes, which is equally as dangerous.
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Fat doesn't have as much to do with heart health as everyone thinks. It IS a factor but when you weight all the factors together it is low on the pole compared to other things. Cigarette smoking, eating greasy/fatty foods and being labile is significantly worse. Drinking is more harmful to your liver but even that can contribute as well. When I worked in Cardiology, far more normal sized or thin people had heart problems and most of them smoked. Fat people have more problems with type II diabetes, which is equally as dangerous.

But they tend to go hand in hand. Eating crappy saturated fat and being sedentary lead to people being overweight. I'm pretty fit because I eat decent and am not lazy. I'm also lucky in that regard though. I could eat worse than most and still not gain a ton of weight. However, I do believe genetics plays a part in your overall heart health and that is one of the strikes against me. I also think the science behind red wine helping is pretty overwhelming.

No doubt about the diabetes though, which my father also has along with many others on his side. We are an old southern family that eats fried food like most good southern families. My wife and I eat relatively healthy though now though.
But they tend to go hand in hand. Eating crappy saturated fat and being sedentary lead to people being overweight. I'm pretty fit because I eat decent and am not lazy. I'm also lucky in that regard though. I could eat worse than most and still not gain a ton of weight. However, I do believe genetics plays a part in your overall heart health and that is one of the strikes against me. I also think the science behind red wine helping is pretty overwhelming.

No doubt about the diabetes though, which my father also has along with many others on his side. We are an old southern family that eats fried food like most good southern families. My wife and I eat relatively healthy though now though.
You're right. I wasn't saying being fat was a healthy thing. I just observed over the last 20 years in the medical field that more people who were not obese had heart problems than those who are obese. I always found that odd. My brother is a bean pole thin at age 41 and he has been unhealthy since aged 18 because he smoked up until two years ago and his diet has always been horrible. He lived on Mountain Dew, honey buns and candy bars on top of a greasy diet. He was always super thin. Now that he sits on his butt all day he is getting a bit of a gut on him but still he is what is considered thin.
I've never made any "New Year's" resolution. I think that will be my first acknowledged resolution - not having one.
How you guys doing with yours? Yesterday I reached mile 103 for my 1000 miles exercised challenge, and I'm a week ahead of schedule. Also, I'm down 10 pounds from when I had my physical in November, so I'm happy about that, hoping to keep it up.
Hey, bumping this thread because I'm actually really proud that I've kept this going so far. I'm over mile 500 (mostly biking, but have added some swimming and rowing lately) and am down nearly 35 pounds from when I started. I still have a ways to go to be where I want, but I'm really happy with the progress I've made. Just wanted to share with you guys.
Hey, bumping this thread because I'm actually really proud that I've kept this going so far. I'm over mile 500 (mostly biking, but have added some swimming and rowing lately) and am down nearly 35 pounds from when I started. I still have a ways to go to be where I want, but I'm really happy with the progress I've made. Just wanted to share with you guys.
Way to go KS!
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Hey, bumping this thread because I'm actually really proud that I've kept this going so far. I'm over mile 500 (mostly biking, but have added some swimming and rowing lately) and am down nearly 35 pounds from when I started. I still have a ways to go to be where I want, but I'm really happy with the progress I've made. Just wanted to share with you guys.
Great job, you'll be in that speedo before you know it!