NFL 2018-19

fantasy reasons, that’s why we watch this s.

having said that, two rookie qb’s in a game, i’m in no matter the franchise’s involved.
Mayfield has definitely turned the crowd on and made a lot more yardage than Taylor ever would.
word is garrett needs to win this week.

for certain, garrett needs a playoff berth to secure next year, but a loss this week and he’s out.
5 roughing the passer penalties in the first half of MNF... and the first half isn't over yet.

You can't tackle the QB with any force.
The rule which caused the penalty on Matthews for falling on Smith is ridiculous. If a defensive player can't hit the QB high or low and also can't tackle where they happen to fall on top of the QB as they hit the ground, how exactly are they supposed to tackle?
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william hayes tore his acl trying to avoid a penalty while hitting the qb.

heard jerry jones today say they called a meeting today to “discuss” this rule...not sure they can walk it back now, but certainly they can revisit it in the offseason.
What's really scary about is that college and even high school players have been diagnosed with it. It's definitely an issue for the sport of football. It's got to be difficult finding a balance between changing the rules to make the game safer and thus prevent CTE, and changing it so much that it alienates the fan base who want to see the big hits and who believe the game today is soft.
What's really scary about is that college and even high school players have been diagnosed with it. It's definitely an issue for the sport of football. It's got to be difficult finding a balance between changing the rules to make the game safer and thus prevent CTE, and changing it so much that it alienates the fan base who want to see the big hits and who believe the game today is soft.
From what I have read and seen on the condition, there's no balance to be had. The impacts that measure as concussion-level happen on virtually every play. The only way to prevent the condition is not engage in the sport. I've said before, and it's abundantly clear in the research, the brain can only be protected so much. I'm not sure that any helmet could stop the brain from going forward into the skull. The helmet protects the outside of the skull, not the inside.

And, what has happened over the last 30-50 years is an evolution of the athlete. These guys are bigger, stronger, faster, and basically wrecking machines. They've been taught to inflict damage. The object of the game is fairly simple. There's no way to go backwards with the athletic evolution, not to mention the product that fans are accustomed to seeing. It's already being phased-out with the younger ages. Now, when I see players like Matthews voicing what many are thinking- which is basically "We're here to hit and hit hard!"- and you'll have the seasoned veterans getting sick of having to play a game that they don't want to play.
From what I have read and seen on the condition, there's no balance to be had. The impacts that measure as concussion-level happen on virtually every play. The only way to prevent the condition is not engage in the sport. I've said before, and it's abundantly clear in the research, the brain can only be protected so much. I'm not sure that any helmet could stop the brain from going forward into the skull. The helmet protects the outside of the skull, not the inside.

And, what has happened over the last 30-50 years is an evolution of the athlete. These guys are bigger, stronger, faster, and basically wrecking machines. They've been taught to inflict damage. The object of the game is fairly simple. There's no way to go backwards with the athletic evolution, not to mention the product that fans are accustomed to seeing. It's already being phased-out with the younger ages. Now, when I see players like Matthews voicing what many are thinking- which is basically "We're here to hit and hit hard!"- and you'll have the seasoned veterans getting sick of having to play a game that they don't want to play.

I have heard and read similar research. In fact, Omalu even says the minor hits that occur more frequently do more damage to the brain than the hard hits that cause concussions but may occur less often. It's definitely a serious issue and is starting to become more publicized in soccer now as well due to heading and head-to-head contact plays .
The only way to prevent the condition is not engage in the sport.

Exactly. These guys get paid millions of dollars to be susceptible to CTE. No one is making them play the sport. If they don't want the CTE, then turn down the money and go get an office job. There will always be someone willing to take years off their life in exchange for the money.
Exactly. These guys get paid millions of dollars to be susceptible to CTE. No one is making them play the sport. If they don't want the CTE, then turn down the money and go get an office job. There will always be someone willing to take years off their life in exchange for the money.

I think football will always exist, but more kids will likely choose other sports. Major League Baseball has a huge opportunity to grab kids who may not have considered playing if the head injury / CTE issue didn't exist, and as an avid fan of the sport, I really hope they capitalize on it.
I think football will always exist, but more kids will likely choose other sports. Major League Baseball has a huge opportunity to grab kids who may not have considered playing if the head injury / CTE issue didn't exist, and as an avid fan of the sport, I really hope they capitalize on it.

Ya, the other sports need to capitalize on this. Baseball could definitely do it if they find a way to get the games down to 2.5 hours each, and probably shave 50 games off the regular season. Won't happen due to money, but the opportunity is there.
Ya, the other sports need to capitalize on this. Baseball could definitely do it if they find a way to get the games down to 2.5 hours each, and probably shave 50 games off the regular season. Won't happen due to money, but the opportunity is there.

With baseball, I don't think it's as much about the total game time as it is the amount of action that takes place during a game. I think if they shave some time off, but do a better job of eliminating the "Nomar" batters box routines to lessen the down times, I think they can drive interest. They seem to be heading in the right direction with the play ball initiative.
With baseball, I don't think it's as much about the total game time as it is the amount of action that takes place during a game. I think if they shave some time off, but do a better job of eliminating the "Nomar" batters box routines to lessen the down times, I think they can drive interest. They seem to be heading in the right direction with the play ball initiative.
I think the action has something to do with it. This narrative that baseball games are too long is dumb. The only sport that is relatively short is basketball and it still takes 2 hours. NFL games last over 3 hours (8 hours for Peyton Manning games) and they don't seem to be having a problem.

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