OOTB Rock Band Tournament Second Round: Lennon/Bennington Region

Best moment of the tournament for me so far: seeing U2 was out.

While you might not be a U2 fan (and I’m not really either although their early stuff was decent), they’re generally regarded as one of the most influential and successful bands of the last 40 years. I would have voted for Pink Floyd too just because I like they’re music way better. Tough matchup for the Irishmen.
While you might not be a U2 fan (and I’m not really either although their early stuff was decent), they’re generally regarded as one of the most influential and successful bands of the last 40 years. I would have voted for Pink Floyd too just because I like they’re music way better. Tough matchup for the Irishmen.
Sorry, I’m still pissed that Apple automatically downloaded that crappy album to my phone and I kept deleting it but it would show back up. :confused: