OOTB Rock Band Tournament Second Round: Lennon/Bennington Region


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jun 24, 2011
It’s time for the second round in the John Lennon and Chester Bennington regions. Your vote will determine who moves on to the sweet 16 and who heads back into the studio. I’ll give a brief summary of the matchups and my picks in a spoiler warning. You have until midnight on Wednesday to place your vote. Here we go.

John Lennon Region

1 Beatles vs 8 CCR

In a closer matchup than expected the Beatles pulled away in the late second half to move on to the next round. CCR took out a blind man to make it here. The Beatles are still the most popular band around by sales. CCR is trying to move on with its southern rock sound.

I’m not too excited about either band, so I’m going to go with the impact factor and the Beatles had a bigger impact on the music world.

5 U2 vs 4 Pink Floyd

U2 just barely escaped the 12 vs 5 curse to make it to this round. We have a two foreigners matchup here with the Irish going up against the English. Both bands have sold over 150 million albums, making this one of the biggest matchups so far.

Another brick in the wall, another vote for Pink Floyd.

11 Billy Joel vs 3 Eagles

One of two piano men left in the tournament Billy played his way into the second round while the Eagles soared by their competition. Two artist known for putting on great shows, one on the piano and one with great guitars.

I love both, but a piano vs piano matchup is too tempting. Mark me down for Billy.

10 Elton John vs 2 Tom Petty

Our second piano man is taking on the man inspired by meeting Elvis. Both artist have been successful in their genres, both critically and commercially, and both have made strong guest appearances on the Simpsons.

I’m really wanting that piano showdown. Elton John is my vote.

Chester Bennington Region

1 David Bowie vs 9 Linkin Park

Known for his stage shows, Bowie takes on one of today’s biggest bands. Both have inspired bands of their generation. Unfortunately both Bowie and Linkin Park’s lead singer, Chester Bennington, have passed away in the last two years. Despite that, they have given us memorable music that will last for generations.

Bowie had some great music and shows, but I’m going with my childhood here and voting for Linkin Park.

5 Incubus vs 4 Red Hot Chili Peppers

A band whose sound is hard to define takes on the Chili Peppers’ funk rock sound in this round. Both have found success and both are still going strong giving us new music in the past couple of years.

I think the Chili Peppers have a better body of work, so I’m going with them.

6 Genesis vs 3 R.E.M.

Genesis just barely survived their first round matchup to make it to this matchup. Despite having an iconic singer who left the band, Genesis never missed a beat with their replacement. R.E.M. is still here despite coming from a small college town, proving that you don’t have to come from a big city to have a big sound.

Genesis is just better.

7 Papa Roach vs 15 Radiohead

Radiohead had the tournament’s biggest upset by seed when they became the only 15 seed to advance. We have another American vs English matchup. Both bands have evolved their sound over the course of their careers, but have continued to stay successful.

I’ve never gotten into Radiohead that much. I’m going with Papa Roach even if that makes me a creep.
List of bands for easier voting.


Pink Floyd

Billy Joel

Elton John
Tom Petty

David Bowie
Linkin Park

Red Hot Chili Peppers


Papa Roach


Billy Joel

Tom Petty

Linkin Park

Red Hot Chili Peppers


CCR -- Run through the Jungle

-- I'm meh on both them and Pink Floyd tbh. Don't know enough of either's catalog.

-- flipped a coin because I couldn't pick which one I dislike more.

Tom Petty

Linkin Park
-- David Bowie... lol

-- Don't let the warmth bring you down. Not every one here is that fukked up and cold.

R.E.M. -- the only good Genesis is a Sega Genesis

-- Papa Roach probably shouldn't even be in this tourney tbh.
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I’m not participating and I’m looking forward to this tournament being over but I had to stop in and say that Incubus’ music is pure-t garbage. Linkin Park too. And if Pantera made this awful tournament, then f*ck them too.
I’m not participating and I’m looking forward to this tournament being over but I had to stop in and say that Incubus’ music is pure-t garbage. Linkin Park too. And if Pantera made this awful tournament, then f*ck them too.
Well after that, I think we're all glad you're not voting. Your horrible judgment in music could taint the results. You'd be like the Russians.

Pink Floyd-Best every don't lose.

Billy Joel

Elton John-Back to back terribly overrated bands with Eagles and Petty, though Elton would beat a lot of groups.

David Bowie-I want Bowie vs Floyd eventually.

Red Hot Chili Peppers-Suck, but better than Incubus.

R.E.M.-I like Geneses (Land of Confusion is an all timer for me) but R.E.M. is great.

Radiohead-Pretty easy here.
Pink Floyd
Elton John

David Bowie
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Also, this is the oddest collection of artists I've seen. Add "how we group things together" as another something we need to work on.
I look forward to the day you're willing to get off your ass and do one of these things. That way we can all highjack the contest by bitching and moaning about it just like you do.
I look forward to the day you're willing to get off your ass and do one of these things. That way we can all highjack the contest by bitching and moaning about it just like you do.

Let me assure you that I would botch it as bad or worse than anyone else that's taken this on. But "bitch and moan" is what we do here. I wouldn't be holding up my end of the deal if I let these things go. Surely you understand that.
Let me assure you that I would botch it as bad or worse than anyone else that's taken this on. But "bitch and moan" is what we do here. I wouldn't be holding up my end of the deal if I let these things go. Surely you understand that.
Actually, we don't bitch and moan when other posters run a contest (as long as they finish it). You are the only one that has bitched about this contest and the contests that @heelz2345 ran. But by all means, continue to be a dick. After all, that is your name.
Actually, we don't bitch and moan when other posters run a contest (as long as they finish it).
Hey, I resemble that remark! :rolleyes:

But forreal, school started for me, and I 10000000% underestimated how much of my time that would take up, so I had to bail. Up until I did, though, my methodical and scientific formulation of the seeding and brackets was top notch.
Hey, I resemble that remark! :rolleyes:

But forreal, school started for me, and I 10000000% underestimated how much of my time that would take up, so I had to bail. Up until I did, though, my methodical and scientific formulation of the seeding and brackets was top notch.
I just like messing with you about it since that was the second contest that @Raising Heel had to help you with. I completely understand about the time that it takes, although I've enjoyed it for the most part. I think I need just one more round to surpass your failings.
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I just like messing with you about it since that was the second contest that @Raising Heel had to help you with. I completely understand about the time that it takes, although I've enjoyed it for the most part. I think I need just one more round to surpass your failings.
I think that @heelz2345 and my contest also helped us figure out what does and what doesn't work. I like how you combined regions and aren't doing one at a time. I should've done that.

Pink Floyd


Tom Petty (this was a rough one)

David Bowie

Red Hot Chili Peppers


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I think @heelz2345 combined regions as well, but I'll take the credit if everyone agrees it was a good idea.
I did starting at the Sweet 16 but there's nothing wrong with doing it this round. It was personally easier for me to keep it separate in this round but I see how it would be easier for those voting, which is why I tried to do it for the remaining rounds.
Actually, we don't bitch and moan when other posters run a contest (as long as they finish it). You are the only one that has bitched about this contest and the contests that @heelz2345 ran. But by all means, continue to be a dick. After all, that is your name.

Wow. Looks like someone's feelings got a little hurt. Toughen up, Precious.
Rivals needs to add a feature to ignore poasters on a thread-by-thread basis.

Exactly! Also, how about an ignore thread by topic feature? I'd love to 86 all the political threads.

I present to you, the ultimate ignore feature:

Results are below. Winners are in bold.

John Lennon Region

1 Beatles- 12
8 CCR- 6

5 U2- 3
4 Pink Floyd- 15

11 Billy Joel-9
3 Eagles- 9 (+ tiebreaker)

10 Elton John-8
2 Tom Petty-10

Chester Bennington Region

1 David Bowie- 10
9 Linkin Park- 8

5 Incubus- 3
4 Red Hot Chili Peppers- 15

6 Genesis-10
3 R.E.M.- 8

7 Papa Roach- 4
15 Radiohead-14
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