Orlando Night Club Shooting

Guns are not the culprit either. That is another aspect of this that I will ever understand. It's like blaming booze for alcoholism. People make the choice. Protecting people from themselves is an effort in futility. Banning guns is like prohibition of alcohol or drugs... it will only make a black market thrive and a criminal element become even more uncontrollable.
That was my point. Guns aren't the culprit, but society -- fueled by the news media -- seem incapable of just blaming the individual(s) involved and leaving it at that. Something higher up or more vague needs to be at fault. Gun sellers need to be fault, or security measures need to be at fault, or something like that.
Guns are not the culprit either. That is another aspect of this that I will ever understand. It's like blaming booze for alcoholism. People make the choice. Protecting people from themselves is an effort in futility. Banning guns is like prohibition of alcohol or drugs... it will only make a black market thrive and a criminal element become even more uncontrollable.

The solution is within each person. I learned that whatever I do to someone else, I do it to myself. It's so simple, but it took a long time to understand.

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It is not that those of us who want to find ways to leave peacefully among people with which we differ believe there is no evil and by being nice suddenly every d*ckhead is going to just pause and say "you know, you're right, we need to change our evil ways..." I am saying by choosing how to react different CAN make a difference. Perfect example is those beautiful people in Charleston and how they reacted to that horrible tragedy they endured. They did not riot and retaliate by wanting to blow up every dumbass, flag toting redneck spewing hate and kill them in return, they chose to forgive and live in peace and pray for we as human beings find a way to live together in love and peace, something most of you twits obviously don't understand.

I KNOW there are going to be a bunch of idiots that are all too happy to blow us up, shoot up people they are afraid of or disagree with and honestly, I am not afraid to die, so if they choose to do that, fine. I will die knowing I tried to make a difference and show others how to love anyway. I get irritated as crap at the way some of you think, but I still want the absolute best for you and your families and love you regardless of how warped I think your mind is sometimes. I care about you too! If you don't like me for trying to be a good person and show how I believe we need to love one another, then that is your choice. I am fine with it.

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That was my point. Guns aren't the culprit, but society -- fueled by the news media -- seem incapable of just blaming the individual(s) involved and leaving it at that. Something higher up or more vague needs to be at fault. Gun sellers need to be fault, or security measures need to be at fault, or something like that.
Something "higher up" is at fault. Or, more specifically, something deep within is at fault. To certain liberal minds, the best solution is to curb the number of people that get killed by banning the implements being used. People will just find a way to get them, or make their own destructive devices. Humans seem really resourceful in that realm.
I'm all for the right to bear arms, but do any of us really need a death machine that can take 50 lives in a short amount of time?
It's not about "needing" these big, bad guns. Do we "need" a car that can go 150 miles per hour?

It's about our species, as a collective, learning how to respect itself and realizing that it has a choice to do harmful things or not do them.
No, instead they went after a flag that had nothing to do with the people being killed. Classic misplaced anger, as always happens after tragic shootings. We can't get mad at the culprit, we need to get mad at a symbol or something inanimate like gun control.

NO, I was simply giving an example of people choosing to forgive and love in light of a tragedy similar (albeit not as many people died) to the one yesterday! I never said those were similar. good grief!
NO, I was simply giving an example of people choosing to forgive and love in light of a tragedy similar (albeit not as many people died) to the one yesterday! I never said those were similar. good grief!
No clue what you're yammering on about. You said in the wake of the Charleston shooting, people were loving and didn't protest. All they did was pray and love. That's incorrect. They focused their anger/despair toward the Confederate Battle Flag that flew over the SC capital. My point is that flag didn't kill those people in that church. We (the collective "we," not necessarily me or you) as a society always have to blame something other than just the assailant.
No clue what you're yammering on about. You said in the wake of the Charleston shooting, people were loving and didn't protest. All they did was pray and love. That's incorrect. They focused their anger/despair toward the Confederate Battle Flag that flew over the SC capital. My point is that flag didn't kill those people in that church. We (the collective "we," not necessarily me or you) as a society always have to blame something other than just the assailant.

The families of those killed didn't direct their attention to the flag. They didn't need to. The Obama administration and their band of supporters did that for them.
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can someone tell me the need or desire to own an ar15?

is it a small penis thing?...get picked on in school or on a message board?

Well I am just gonna go ahead and say it and I really can handle the obvious repercussions I will get from this one, but being a former slut and screwing a few different sizes... I can state factually that the most aggressive, angry, "want to fight", fearful men do not have big ones at all! they are either average or less and the guys who are most peaceful and laid back have THE BIGGEST ones! (that does not equate to how good or not good they are, that really does not determine that) but as far as personality and character, peacefulness goes.... the big guys are on the positive side with that one! ;)
The families of those killed didn't direct their attention to the flag. They didn't need to. The Obama administration and their band of supporters did that for them.
Yeah, by "people" I didn't mean the immediate friends and family of the victims, I more just meant the black community in that general area as well as nationwide.
Well I am just gonna go ahead and say it and I really can handle the obvious repercussions I will get from this one, but being a former slut and screwing a few different sizes... I can state factually that the most aggressive, angry, "want to fight", fearful men do not have big ones at all! they are either average or less and the guys who are most peaceful and laid back have THE BIGGEST ones! (that does not equate to how good or not good they are, that really does not determine that) but as far as personality and character, peacefulness goes.... the big guys are on the positive side with that one! ;)
LOL, nice sweeping generalization.

As much as people joke about it, I'm not convinced the "small dick = need to compensate" thing is real. What a weird thing to feel the need to compensate for. And if a woman really rebuffs you because of your dick size, then her "number" is probably larger than your age, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
No clue what you're yammering on about. You said in the wake of the Charleston shooting, people were loving and didn't protest. All they did was pray and love. That's incorrect. They focused their anger/despair toward the Confederate Battle Flag that flew over the SC capital. My point is that flag didn't kill those people in that church. We (the collective "we," not necessarily me or you) as a society always have to blame something other than just the assailant.

No that started with the people outside of that church. I was talking about the people who lost loved ones or were survivors of Dylann Roof's shooting them.

I don't give two craps about that flag being brought down or if they put it back up. My brother proudly has it all over his house because he is a racist, yet my best friend has lots of confederate memorabilia and things with the flag on it displayed because of it's historical meaning and it not racist at all. I don't need it to be flying on state grounds to remember it and I realize the idiots in the KKK took the flag and turned into something else and that is why people wanted it removed.
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LOL I am patient, trust me, just trying my best to understand some of you and your way of thinking. Something I am sure I am (gladly) incapable of doing.

My way of thinking is this:

We are the only nation in the world that (willingly) allows in any-and-every nationality, religious group, sexuality name it. We have a culture in place where you do not dare insult anyone in any of these groups for fear of being sued or tossed into jail. Our police are scared to do their job for fear of public backlash, leading to the end of their career. Our leaders have defunded our military to the point where "efficiency" has lead to weakness and clearly this has been realized by the rest of the world.

If you want to live in a peaceful world, you simply cannot have this melting pot of people with differing opinions and ideologies. It...Will...Not...Work. The only solution is to have leaders in place with a backbone to make sure laws are followed or the consequences FAR outweigh any psychological gain the perpetrator may get from their action(s). There's a reason the "eye for an eye" approach worked in the old days, as barbaric as that sounds. We allow the most ruthless of people in this country just walk free...calling them "rehabilitated" or some shit like that.
LOL, nice sweeping generalization.

As much as people joke about it, I'm not convinced the "small dick = need to compensate" thing is real. What a weird thing to feel the need to compensate for. And if a woman really rebuffs you because of your dick size, then her "number" is probably larger than your age, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

well, gee, do your own research on it then LOL but please note I stated basically size does NOT matter when it comes to satisfying a woman... I was referring to the anger/personality issue.

They're fun to shoot. What's the need for a Ferrari?

that's asinine...neither are related

I think I'm pretty average but if you want I'll upload a pic and you tell me. Let me know.
try f*ckbook...its facebook, but for f*cking

What does them being related have to do with anything? The point I was making is that there are tons of things people buy and use that aren't "needed". To desire something is completely individualized. I don't need coffee. I don't drink it. What's the need for coffee? Oh, you like it? You need it?
well, gee, do your own research on it then LOL but please note I stated basically size does NOT matter when it comes to satisfying a woman... I was referring to the anger/personality issue.

Sex for dudes with big d**ks isn't any better than it is for dudes with a small one (or so I'm told :D). So what's the "need" for a big d**k?
My way of thinking is this:

We are the only nation in the world that (willingly) allows in any-and-every nationality, religious group, sexuality name it. We have a culture in place where you do not dare insult anyone in any of these groups for fear of being sued or tossed into jail. Our police are scared to do their job for fear of public backlash, leading to the end of their career. Our leaders have defunded our military to the point where "efficiency" has lead to weakness and clearly this has been realized by the rest of the world.

If you want to live in a peaceful world, you simply cannot have this melting pot of people with differing opinions and ideologies. It...Will...Not...Work. The only solution is to have leaders in place with a backbone to make sure laws are followed or the consequences FAR outweigh any psychological gain the perpetrator may get from their action(s). There's a reason the "eye for an eye" approach worked in the old days, as barbaric as that sounds. We allow the most ruthless of people in this country just walk free...calling them "rehabilitated" or some shit like that.

so America, having been the country that has always been welcoming of all races, religions and people from all around the world, should not be that way now? What should we do? Kick everyone out that is not a Native American (Indians)?
My way of thinking is this:

We are the only nation in the world that (willingly) allows in any-and-every nationality, religious group, sexuality name it. We have a culture in place where you do not dare insult anyone in any of these groups for fear of being sued or tossed into jail. Our police are scared to do their job for fear of public backlash, leading to the end of their career. Our leaders have defunded our military to the point where "efficiency" has lead to weakness and clearly this has been realized by the rest of the world.

If you want to live in a peaceful world, you simply cannot have this melting pot of people with differing opinions and ideologies. It...Will...Not...Work. The only solution is to have leaders in place with a backbone to make sure laws are followed or the consequences FAR outweigh any psychological gain the perpetrator may get from their action(s). There's a reason the "eye for an eye" approach worked in the old days, as barbaric as that sounds. We allow the most ruthless of people in this country just walk free...calling them "rehabilitated" or some shit like that.
Good post. It's long past time that we as a nation strongly "encourage" immigrants to assimilate and get on board or stay out. PC needs to go by the wayside and we need to start taking measures to protect safety, regardless of who we offend.

You're a Muslim or Arab and you're offended that you always get 'randomly selected' at the airport security? Sorry about that but we have people to protect. Want it to change? Write to the leaders of your religion and tell them to take steps to spread the message that these attacks are unacceptable. Hell, just a simple public apology or "we don't condone this" message from any Muslim religious leader would be a start. Until that starts happening, Muslims should be treated as though they are a potential threat; i.e. fuggin pat them down at airports and such. Don't like it? Move to a different country. I'm all for personal rights, but not when it comes to protecting the masses. Wire tap my phone all you want -- I have nothing to hide. Wire tap everyone. That's a "liberty" I'm willing to give up if it means catching terrorists before they can carry out their plans.
so America, having been the country that has always been welcoming of all races, religions and people from all around the world, should not be that way now? What should we do? Kick everyone out that is not a Native American (Indians)?

No. Kick out those that didn't come here legally. And stop letting so many damn people in. And especially stop letting people in who want to do harm to our country and way of life. That seems pretty elementary.
so America, having been the country that has always been welcoming of all races, religions and people from all around the world, should not be that way now? What should we do? Kick everyone out that is not a Native American (Indians)?

Thankfully, my ancestor is Pocahontas, so I'm safe! ;)

But no - you need clear laws in place and leaders with the backbone to enforce them. We do not currently have that.
Good post. It's long past time that we as a nation strongly "encourage" immigrants to assimilate and get on board or stay out. PC needs to go by the wayside and we need to start taking measures to protect safety, regardless of who we offend.

You're a Muslim or Arab and you're offended that you always get 'randomly selected' at the airport security? Sorry about that but we have people to protect. Want it to change? Write to the leaders of your religion and tell them to take steps to spread the message that these attacks are unacceptable. Hell, just a simple public apology or "we don't condone this" message from any Muslim religious leader would be a start. Until that starts happening, Muslims should be treated as though they are a potential threat; i.e. fuggin pat them down at airports and such. Don't like it? Move to a different country. I'm all for personal rights, but not when it comes to protecting the masses. Wire tap my phone all you want -- I have nothing to hide. Wire tap everyone. That's a "liberty" I'm willing to give up if it means catching terrorists before they can carry out their plans.

Okay, then what race/religion should be allowed in America? List them. Then we can let the Donald know so he can get on that for us!
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well, gee, do your own research on it then LOL but please note I stated basically size does NOT matter when it comes to satisfying a woman... I was referring to the anger/personality issue.
And I'm saying that I'm not convinced men actually feel the need to compensate for having a small dick. Like I know people joke about that being the case, but I have a hard time imagining it's a real thing. Seems like a very strange thing to change your behavior. Maybe some guys do though.
Thankfully, my ancestor is Pocahontas, so I'm safe! ;)

But no - you need clear laws in place and leaders with the backbone to enforce them. We do not currently have that.

I am a Cherokee so I am safe... you know, I might like that idea pretty well. Shipping everyone out that is not at least 1/16th of Native American.... hmmmmmm :) nice
As much as people joke about it, I'm not convinced the "small dick = need to compensate" thing is real. What a weird thing to feel the need to compensate for. And if a woman really rebuffs you because of your dick size, then her "number" is probably larger than your age, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Ya I've never gotten that one either. I guess I just never saw the logic in "Oh I have a small dick - I better go out and buy a huge truck and a huge assault rifle to compensate" mainly because 99.9% of the people seeing you drive that truck, or shoot that assault rifle will have never seen your dick anyways.

Seems more like a way to compensate for not having a legitimate rebuke on the part of the accuser. "Oh I don't like that you have a big assault rifle but I can't think of legit reason to say you shouldn't - so I'm just gonna say you must have small dick". I think I can get a hang of this: "Hey if you're a tree hugging liberal you must be trying to compensate for your small dick!"
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Okay, then what race/religion should be allowed in America? List them. Then we can let the Donald know so he can get on that for us!
Non-Muslim. No more Muslims should be allowed to enter this country. As for the ones already here, the gov't needs to give serious consideration to wire-tapping / monitoring any and all that seem like a threat.

Again, I know this is a breach of civil liberties, but the actions of Muslim extremists have driven us to the point where it is now necessary. Don't give me PC shit about "it could be ANYONE!" It's Muslims 99% of the time. Sorry, not sorry. If we don't ramp up security measures specifically against those of the Islamic faith, then we are dumbass ostriches with our heads in the sand and we cannot then cry and whine when more terrorist attacks happen.
Good post. It's long past time that we as a nation strongly "encourage" immigrants to assimilate and get on board or stay out. PC needs to go by the wayside and we need to start taking measures to protect safety, regardless of who we offend.

You're a Muslim or Arab and you're offended that you always get 'randomly selected' at the airport security? Sorry about that but we have people to protect. Want it to change? Write to the leaders of your religion and tell them to take steps to spread the message that these attacks are unacceptable. Hell, just a simple public apology or "we don't condone this" message from any Muslim religious leader would be a start. Until that starts happening, Muslims should be treated as though they are a potential threat; i.e. fuggin pat them down at airports and such. Don't like it? Move to a different country. I'm all for personal rights, but not when it comes to protecting the masses. Wire tap my phone all you want -- I have nothing to hide. Wire tap everyone. That's a "liberty" I'm willing to give up if it means catching terrorists before they can carry out their plans.

I can think of few poasts here ever that illustrate my feelings on this as well as this one does. I've been saying the same thing. If we have to offend some people to be safer, then I'm all for offending them. They'll get over it. Or they won't. But either way, we'll be better off.
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I am a Cherokee so I am safe... you know, I might like that idea pretty well. Shipping everyone out that is not at least 1/16th of Native American.... hmmmmmm :) nice

I'm not taking the bait. But my point (as has been mentioned by others) -- those here legally stay. Those here illegally do not. For those who are here - laws in place and properly enforced.

And FWIW, I had a size 12 shoe when by the time I started high school...and we know what is said about that. And mentally, I am clearly in the "high testosterone, mental twits" category I think you mentioned. Argument = invalid.
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I'm not taking the bait. But my point (as has been mentioned by others) -- those here legally stay. Those here illegally do not. For those who are here - laws in place and properly enforced.

And FWIW, I had a size 12 shoe when by the time I started high school...and we know what is said about that. And mentally, I am clearly in the "high testosterone, mental twits" category I think you mentioned. Argument = invalid.

Proof or it didn't happen.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
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Non-Muslim. No more Muslims should be allowed to enter this country. As for the ones already here, the gov't needs to give serious consideration to wire-tapping / monitoring any and all that seem like a threat.

Again, I know this is a breach of civil liberties, but the actions of Muslim extremists have driven us to the point where it is now necessary. Don't give me PC shit about "it could be ANYONE!" It's Muslims 99% of the time. Sorry, not sorry. If we don't ramp up security measures specifically against those of the Islamic faith, then we are dumbass ostriches with our heads in the sand and we cannot then cry and whine when more terrorist attacks happen.

Really??? Muslims? The extremists, sure! but a religion??? hmmmm That dude yesterday was born here, he was a homophobic extremist for ISIS apparently but his family isn't. I think doing that will piss the extremists off even more!
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I'm not taking the bait. But my point (as has been mentioned by others) -- those here legally stay. Those here illegally do not. For those who are here - laws in place and properly enforced.

And FWIW, I had a size 12 shoe when by the time I started high school...and we know what is said about that. And mentally, I am clearly in the "high testosterone, mental twits" category I think you mentioned. Argument = invalid.

You don't seem angry though... you have an opinion different from mine but maybe you are one of those "let's just shoot em all and get it over with" dudes.... oh well. My "stats" are not scientific haha... just a general thing I noticed over the years of being "bad." LOL

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