Orlando Night Club Shooting

Basically Strum, you fervently believe that if we all hold hands and sing Kumbaya long enough, this shit will stop.
Um, no, that is the condescending way you like to portray it.

The other links are just links to the organizations that I already know exist. I've shared them here before myself! I don't see any of our leadership trying to work with them in any serious way.

It's like you want to put your head in the sand, but at the same time run around and accuse everyone else of being wrong for also not putting our heads in the sand.
My head is not in the sand at all. I'm here discussing it. I'm not ignoring it. I just don't think trying to solve it, or improve it, by trying to out-fight these people is going to get a peaceful result. It hasn't up until now, and it's not going to suddenly stop. These people, especially in their homeland, are not going to give up. Every drone that kills innocent people is making their survivors primed for revenge.
Recognizing not everyone will agree with every point here, but it's time for....

The OOTB List of Proposals to Stem Radical Islamic Terrorism in the U.S.

1) Have federal and state leaders publicly meet with Muslim organizations and groups. Have them provide guidance in coming up with a solution so it is a bi-lateral solution.

2) Halt all Muslim immigration

3) Re-institute some type of assault weapons ban

4) Presidential public acknowledgement of the influence of radical Islam in such attacks

5) .....
See my post above.
I hate this argument. Absolutely hate it. They can't all be stopped, but the risk could be mitigated. And you're being contradictory by arguing statistics but not being willing to reduce the likelihood that a terrorist gets access to these kinds of weapons.

How did I get sucked into this thread? I don't like you anymore, OOTB.
You're doing fine, :D

Think this guy fell through a crack in the system that I think needs be closed. If you are ever implicated in or found to have association with known terrorist, then you should be banned from carrying any sort of firearm whatsoever...
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You guys enjoy... This thread is a waste of time and brain cells.

"What exactly would using this language accomplish? What exactly would it change? Would it make ISIL less committed to try and kill Americans? Would it bring in more allies? Is there a military strategy that is served by this? The answer is none of the above. Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away."

He's correct about all of the above. It would accomplish none of those things and wouldn't make the threat go away. But not calling it out obviously isn't working because it continues to happen. It doesn't put the Muslim community on notice that's it's time to get control of the fringe elements of its membership. It doesn't put the general public on notice that it's time to start speaking up when someone you know openly discusses killing others, particularly if that person is a Muslim. And it sure as hell doesn't place accountability where it belongs.

One thing that it would do is this - it would make me and people like me feel a lot better about where Obama's loyalty lies and say what you want, but that's important. I'm not calling Obama a muslim or anything like that. But he hasn't done jack shit to appeal to me - middle class white dude. In fact, he's done plenty to purposely thumb his nose at people like me. It's time he starts trying to appease me and not just minority groups.
I'm okay with it, yes. Why wouldn't it fly? (Besides [liberal] media pressure).

Look, I get it. America was born and became great because of immigration. That's all well and good but that's also history. It's 2016. This country can't sustain itself with the continual influx of new people. Hell, you've got baby boomers living so long that it's depleting social security.

I'd support a 10-year ban on all immigration. It would give this country time to (hopefully) fix internal problems and allow the improvement of life quality for those already here, before adding more people to the fold.

Again, you nailed my sentiments. See my avatar. Close the borders. Totally. Completely. End immigration. I like a 10 year time frame as well.
If everyone voted for the one that doesn't have a snowball's chance, then the snowball melts. It really is in people's hands.

To some of us, that's a massive risk to take. And without decent odds, it's an exercise in futility. Sure, you can feel good about your principles...while you're in line to get your govt cheese. Or worse, your govt ordered Holy Koran.
Fv(&-$tains wife knew of FV(&-$tains plans and did not report it. May have provided material support of the terror attack.
I didn't "ignore" it at all. I even put his religion in the same post. I just emphasized that he was a hater of homosexuals FIRST, and Muslim second. Not all Muslims hate homosexuals, just like not all Christians do.
Because you JUST KNOW THIS. Wow, a guy that can just peer into people's minds hundreds of miles away.....what an amazing talent....that YOU DO NOT POSSESS.
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I happen to love IPA beer. Maybe I align more with other millennials than I let on (are IPAs a millennial thing? I kind of chalk the craft beer movement up to millennials).

Unlike other millennials though I was born with a brain. And realize that the world isn't all rainbows and butterflies - and sometimes harsh actions need to be taken in order to accomplish things. For a generation that is so bent on killing off religion - they sure seem pretty dead set on praying that things will work out without actually doing anything to make those prayers come true.
(are IPAs a millennial thing? I kind of chalk the craft beer movement up to millennials).
Absolutely not. The craft beer movement was something of a local grass roots effort that began long before the oldest millennials could even drink legally, and before many of them were even born. They can have credit for expanding it, maybe.

I have very fond memories of drinking craft beers at Engine House 9 ("E House 9") in Tacoma, Washington circa 1998. It's a converted Fire Station that's on the Register of Historic Places. And they weren't even early adopters. There were plenty of other community breweries popping up before then, but that's just the one that always comes to mind first.
Hate is everywhere, it's here, it's there......Again, this is not ALL people HERE nor is is ALL people over THERE. There are stupid people, there are smart people, there are assholes and there are pleasant people, there are haters and there are lovers of ALL races, gender, sexual orientation and religions. Do you think people like this help or hurt?
Hogwash. That's a purposefully narrow view of a small part of what constitutes the crusades. You need to do some research.

Lol dude i said its just a taste. I'm a history major that graduated from unc btw. So dont need to do any more research. But i dont really care. Believe what u like. Education is a scarey thing i'm sure.
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Lol dude i said its just a taste. I'm a history major that graduated from unc btw. So dont need to do any more research. But i dont really care. Believe what u like. Education is a scarey thing i'm sure.
UNC alum here as well. The crusades are complex and have been interpreted many ways by many people, so we can disagree. But before you call someone uneducated you should learn to spell scary. Jus sayin.
And I usually agree with most of what you post.
The political parties are the problem and that is why NOTHING gets accomplished, too worried about which side will win, which side is correct, which side does this, does that.... completely divides this country and we end up with this crap we have right now... Trump and Hillary and no one will bat an eye to look at another candidate because "they have no chance of winning!" meanwhile, we all just lose instead :(

I know it is not possible to discuss these things without bringing it in because you all are conditioned to think that way now.

Imagine just hearing what a candidate wants to do for the country, lay out his/her plan in detail, and not say a word about what anyone else did in the past or might do in the future, just laid it out there for all to see without you knowing the person's name or political party where the people who just simply vote for someone because of the R or D and have no dang clue what they really stand for (I am not saying the guys here do that, but MANY people do whatever the TV tells them to do).. and then went into a polling booth and selected person A, B, C, etc. based on JUST the platform of the person running and not the party.... voting for the things you truly believe in.

Maybe strum knows what I mean and can explain this better. He seems to be like me with this political party BS.
Yeah he is definitely like you with the B.S.
Another purely hypothetical question -- imagine your loved one was just murdered in Orlando...or imagine the guy hit up Disney World instead (which apparently was a target) and you lost a son / daughter. Do you go over and just give this murderer a hug and pray for them? What's your honest reaction?

And what would your reaction be if your kid got blown to pieces by a predator drone?

False. Jesus was divine. We are only man. That's why he could hang there on the cross. And that's why he hung there on the cross - because he knew we were only men and incapable of that kind of forgiveness. So he took the punishment for us.

Huh. I would've thought it was the nails.
UNC alum here as well. The crusades are complex and have been interpreted many ways by many people, so we can disagree. But before you call someone uneducated you should learn to spell scary. Jus sayin.
And I usually agree with most of what you post.

Sorry i didnt mean to imply you're uneducated. Just uninformed on the crusades. If its an interpretation thing then u have my apologies.


Absolutely not. The craft beer movement was something of a local grass roots effort that began long before the oldest millennials could even drink legally, and before many of them were even born. They can have credit for expanding it, maybe.

I have very fond memories of drinking craft beers at Engine House 9 ("E House 9") in Tacoma, Washington circa 1998. It's a converted Fire Station that's on the Register of Historic Places. And they weren't even early adopters. There were plenty of other community breweries popping up before then, but that's just the one that always comes to mind first.
The local craft beer movement is beyond old and I'm so tired of it.
The beer bubble is bound to bust soon. I just dont get walking into these boring breweries to drink their beer that to me tastes I guess i need a man bun, close cropped beard, and flannel shirt to get the full effect.
That's what one of the two things that irritates me about the whole movement:

1). When did brewing and drinking beer -- once seen as a super "manly man" thing -- become such a hipster, nu-wave, trendy dbag thing? I HATE the type of people that frequent breweries.
2). Sometimes I wanna wash down my fuggin hamburger or chicken wings with a Yuengling, Bud Light, or Budweiser. I don't always want a GD milk stout or seasonal double IPA with extra hoppy aroma. JHC dude, craft beer has its time and place, and that time and place isn't EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME. Shit. Now I'm flustered.
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The beer bubble is bound to bust soon. I just dont get walking into these boring breweries to drink their beer that to me tastes I guess i need a man bun, close cropped beard, and flannel shirt to get the full effect.

Thank you. I never got into this trend anyway, but to me they all tasted the same. I never joined the "cool" crowd (sarcasm alert) who could waltz up to a bar and rattle off some local wheat IPA with a slight infusion of lemongrass and orange peel for a semi-sweet taste with a bitter finish.

F that - just give me a Corona and be done with it.
Like, yes, there are some local and national craft brews I do enjoy for sure, don't get me wrong. But I hate the fuggin snobs. Beer snobs who are small brewery owners have a saying and philosophy that goes, roughly, "once you start drinking quality [craft beers], you never go back [to big label beers]." Fugg that crap dude. I can drink a Monday Night Drafty Kilt tonight and then be perfectly content slamming back some Miller Lites tomorrow night. Quit acting like an elitist dbag because you drink really heavy beer that tastes like drinking cologne.

By the way, how in the everlasting **** do skinny girls drink these craft beers?! This is something that truly baffles me. I've got a pretty damn strong tolerance for alcohol, and even for me, after two strong craft beers I have to go into "wait it out before I can drive" mode. And yet I see these skinny, 120-lbs soaking wet girls who down 3-4-5 craft brews at a brewery or trendy drink spot. Like WTF? It makes me wanna take a nap immediately.
I don't understand the problem. You can still get a Bud Light or a Yuengling if that's what you want. How is the availability of more kinds of beer for those who do like them a bad thing? I like just about any IPA and love the fact that I can now try out different ones at just about any bar, or find them in the grocery store. But I'm still just as likely to buy Yuengling or Rolling Rock to stock the fridge at home.

I guess you're railing more at the hipstery extreme beer snob aspect of the scene rather than the beer itself, but if that's what has helped support this growing availability of good beer, I'm all for it.
I don't understand the problem. You can still get a Bud Light or a Yuengling if that's what you want. How is the availability of more kinds of beer for those who do like them a bad thing? I like just about any IPA and love the fact that I can now try out different ones at just about any bar, or find them in the grocery store. But I'm still just as likely to buy Yuengling or Rolling Rock to stock the fridge at home.

I guess you're railing more at the hipstery extreme beer snob aspect of the scene rather than the beer itself, but if that's what has helped support this growing availability of good beer, I'm all for it.

Because I am made to feel like the Dbag who knows nothing about beer when I'm surrounded by a bunch of hipsters discussing the intricacies of each beer...when all I can add to the conversation is that I prefer a Corona. F it, maybe this is a personal problem, but I don't care. I'm out of my element anyway -- people here prefer popped collars, pink polo shirts, a good golf or tennis match, and went so far as to ask me last week how many games are played int he NBA Finals (upon the surprise that the event was even occurring right now).

I'm off to enroll in anger management classes now. Thanks guys.
I don't understand the problem. You can still get a Bud Light or a Yuengling if that's what you want. How is the availability of more kinds of beer for those who do like them a bad thing? I like just about any IPA and love the fact that I can now try out different ones at just about any bar, or find them in the grocery store. But I'm still just as likely to buy Yuengling or Rolling Rock to stock the fridge at home.
Because a lot of places now -- especially in Midtown Atlanta, Old Fourth Ward, Decatur, and other trendy parts of Atlanta -- ONLY offer craft beer. I went to a place the other day called Grindhouse. Really, really great burgers, but their beer menu was only craft beer, and then their only two big label beers were Corona and Miller Lite. I hate Corona and I wasn't feeling Miller at the time. I was also driving so all I wanted was a damn Bud Light.

I'm fine with expanded beer selection, but you better make sure you have all the basics first. That's why Taco Mac is awesome. All the craft beer you could ever want, plus all the originals you could ever want, in a sports bar setting where you don't have to deal with hipsters with man bands and skinny jeans talking about safe spaces and mico agressions from their coworkers.
Because I am made to feel like the Dbag who knows nothing about beer when I'm surrounded by a bunch of hipsters discussing the intricacies of each beer...when all I can add to the conversation is that I prefer a Corona. F it, maybe this is a personal problem, but I don't care. I'm out of my element anyway -- people here prefer popped collars, pink polo shirts, a good golf or tennis match, and went so far as to ask me last week how many games are played int he NBA Finals (upon the surprise that the event was even occurring right now).

I'm off to enroll in anger management classes now. Thanks guys.
Dude where do you live? Lol. Sounds like a super trendy area that I don't want to be a part of it. But it also sounds like your area is crossing streams. You've got beer hipsters....who would never be caught dead wearing polo or playing golf. But then you've also got country club-sounding folks who love golf and tennis.

As I'm sure you appreciated as well, this past half season of South Park nailed it with the whole Shitty-Pa-Town and SoTaSoPa thing lol. Major cities are gentrifying EXACTLY like South Park depicted. I think that places and the people that live there try way, way, way too hard to be trendy. Not every single thing you do has to be unique, nu-wave, and all that shit. It's okay to drink a fuggin Bud Light and watch a normal American sport.
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Because a lot of places now -- especially in Midtown Atlanta, Old Fourth Ward, Decatur, and other trendy parts of Atlanta -- ONLY offer craft beer. I went to a place the other day called Grindhouse. Really, really great burgers, but their beer menu was only craft beer, and then their only two big label beers were Corona and Miller Lite. I hate Corona and I wasn't feeling Miller at the time. I was also driving so all I wanted was a damn Bud Light.

I'm fine with expanded beer selection, but you better make sure you have all the basics first. That's why Taco Mac is awesome. All the craft beer you could ever want, plus all the originals you could ever want, in a sports bar setting where you don't have to deal with hipsters with man bands and skinny jeans talking about safe spaces and mico agressions from their coworkers.
Taco Mac was my favorite drinking hole when I lived in Atlanta. I make sure to drop by whenever I go back.
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Sorry i didnt mean to imply you're uneducated. Just uninformed on the crusades. If its an interpretation thing then u have my apologies.


Hey man, no problem.
That's funny. That must be one of those that so many people have brutalized over the years that Webster finally decided to include it.
And I still disagree on your interpretation of the Crusades. The initial objective was to recapture Jerusalem which had been taken by the Muslims.
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... their beer menu was only craft beer, and then their only two big label beers were Corona and Miller Lite. I hate Corona and I wasn't feeling Miller at the time. I was also driving so all I wanted was a damn Bud Light.
LMAO at complaining about beer snobbery when you wouldn't drink a Miller Lite instead of BL.

LMAO at complaining about beer snobbery when you wouldn't drink a Miller Lite instead of BL.

GMAFBAGFY. I like what I like. I would've drank Bud, PBR, or a number of other big label beers at the time. Just wasn't feeling Miller.

Also, I'll admit the craft beer movement hatred on my part is also shaped by my taste buds. I just don't care for IPAs. I understand why all craft breweries brew IPAs and other ales (much shorter brew process than lagers), but I just prefer lagers. So the craft beer movement is sorta going against the grain of my taste. Mostly it's the hipster aspect of it though. I can't stand it.

The ales I do like are Scotch ales and certain brown ales. That's about it. Everything else I like is lager. I dislike all stouts.
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