Overly Sensitive People


Hall of Famer
Nov 10, 2009
So I just read this article on ESPN:

Apparently the Michigan State (and Duke) Athletic Programs were disgusted by a sign that was held up by a student at the MSU/dook game last night. The sign read "The water tastes better in North Carolina". Clearly it was a dig at the Flint water situation - but how the hell can people be so up in arms about something as benign as this?

Duke issued an apology, in part "Everyone in our program thinks the sign was reprehensible and disgusting". What was so reprehensible and disgusting about the sign? And on top that it became front page news on ESPN.

Feel free to use this thread to poast any other situations of people being blatantly over sensitive for no reason.
The sign certainly was in poor taste, but it's not a big deal. No need for press releases condemning it. They probably brought more attention to it by bitching about it. It would have been a story that might have shown up in the school paper, but that's it.
The sign certainly was in poor taste, but it's not a big deal. No need for press releases condemning it. They probably brought more attention to it by bitching about it. It would have been a story that might have shown up in the school paper, but that's it.

Bingo. But that's the way of the liberal. They can't just let people be silently disgusted.
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Bingo. But that's the way of the liberal. They can't just let people be silently disgusted.
Trump supporters said they liked him because he was not politically correct and look what a fit he pitched over the flag being burned. Can you think of anything more non-politically correct than burning a flag? Then the guys sends out tweets wanting to take their citizenship away. If he had ever read the 1st amendment he would know that is impossible. Burning a flag is despicable but who wants to ban free speech? Well, except Trump.
Trump supporters said they liked him because he was not politically correct and look what a fit he pitched over the flag being burned. Can you think of anything more non-politically correct than burning a flag? Then the guys sends out tweets wanting to take their citizenship away. If he had ever read the 1st amendment he would know that is impossible. Burning a flag is despicable but who wants to ban free speech? Well, except Trump.
Everyone wants to ban free speech when that speech disagrees with your personal views. People just tolerate it [right to free speech] because it's part our Constitution. People may not admit to this, but it's the truth.
Trump supporters said they liked him because he was not politically correct and look what a fit he pitched over the flag being burned. Can you think of anything more non-politically correct than burning a flag? Then the guys sends out tweets wanting to take their citizenship away. If he had ever read the 1st amendment he would know that is impossible. Burning a flag is despicable but who wants to ban free speech? Well, except Trump.
Trump must be a liberal in sheep's clothing.
Trump supporters said they liked him because he was not politically correct and look what a fit he pitched over the flag being burned. Can you think of anything more non-politically correct than burning a flag? Then the guys sends out tweets wanting to take their citizenship away. If he had ever read the 1st amendment he would know that is impossible. Burning a flag is despicable but who wants to ban free speech? Well, except Trump.

When I see Trump tweet things like that, I immediately understand that he is simply making a point and that he knows that revoking citizenship of people that burn flags can't be done. He knows he's not kicking flag burners out of America. But that's his way of saying that he strongly condemns that act. Frankly, I love it. That's the message that we've needed to send for years but everybody tiptoes around shit like that. I also would love for him to tweet out that he will arrest anyone associated with BLM. Of course he won't actually do that. But by making that statement, he's saying that BLM is going to get no quarter. When he talks about building the wall, he knows the likelihood of building a wall is remote. But he's sending the message that we are going to be extra tough on immigration policies. Why can I understand this and few others seem to get it?
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Yeah, I agree. You can saw all you want about sandusky (who, IMO deserves the death penalty), Paterno, the school President, etc. But I'm not on board with taking shots at the university now. None of the current players or coaches had anything to do with that disgusting mess. Similarly (though not nearly as repulsive)... none of our coaches and players had anything to do with the marvin austin crap, AFAM crap, etc. so it's not really fair to label them as cheaters either.
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When I see Trump tweet things like that, I immediately understand that he is simply making a point and that he knows that revoking citizenship of people that burn flags can't be done. He knows he's not kicking flag burners out of America. But that's his way of saying that he strongly condemns that act. Frankly, I love it. That's the message that we've needed to send for years but everybody tiptoes around shit like that. I also would love for him to tweet out that he will arrest anyone associated with BLM. Of course he won't actually do that. But by making that statement, he's saying that BLM is going to get no quarter. When he talks about building the wall, he knows the likelihood of building a wall is remote. But he's sending the message that we are going to be extra tough on immigration policies. Why can I understand this and few others seem to get it?
The leader of the free world cannot communicate that way. The people of the world are going to take the man for what he says and he better damn well mean what he says. What in the hell would have happened during the Cuban missile crisis if we had a leader like that saying one thing and meaning something else? So far he is coming off as someone way, way over their head and if he's not he better stop acting like he is.
When I see Trump tweet things like that, I immediately understand that he is simply making a point and that he knows that revoking citizenship of people that burn flags can't be done. He knows he's not kicking flag burners out of America. But that's his way of saying that he strongly condemns that act. Frankly, I love it. That's the message that we've needed to send for years but everybody tiptoes around shit like that. I also would love for him to tweet out that he will arrest anyone associated with BLM. Of course he won't actually do that. But by making that statement, he's saying that BLM is going to get no quarter. When he talks about building the wall, he knows the likelihood of building a wall is remote. But he's sending the message that we are going to be extra tough on immigration policies. Why can I understand this and few others seem to get it?
You may be right but other people WANT him to actually do all of those things, quite literally.
who wants to ban free speech?

Apparently the "sign police" at Duke. Also everyone who has ever said "that's a microagression" in a non-comedic fashion. I'm not offended by people burning the flag. Even if I was - I wouldn't cry about it and look for an apology. I wouldn't demand the media show it to expose those people for the meanies they really are. I'd be offended and then forget about it - like the rest of these overly sensitive bozos should be doing.
TarHeelMark said:
Yeah, I agree. You can saw all you want about sandusky (who, IMO deserves the death penalty), Paterno, the school President, etc. But I'm not on board with taking shots at the university now. None of the current players or coaches had anything to do with that disgusting mess. Similarly (though not nearly as repulsive)... none of our coaches and players had anything to do with the marvin austin crap, AFAM crap, etc. so it's not really fair to label them as cheaters either.

Awesome. I almost replied in that other thread with a link to this thread.
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Apparently the "sign police" at Duke. Also everyone who has ever said "that's a microagression" in a non-comedic fashion. I'm not offended by people burning the flag. Even if I was - I wouldn't cry about it and look for an apology. I wouldn't demand the media show it to expose those people for the meanies they really are. I'd be offended and then forget about it - like the rest of these overly sensitive bozos should be doing.
So, you're saying Trump is a "overly sensitive bozo" because he wants to take away their citizenship?
So, you're saying Trump is a "overly sensitive bozo" because he wants to take away their citizenship?

If he were to actually push for that, and whine and cry and demand an apology, then yes. If it was an off-the-cuff twitter remark with nothing behind it - then no.
BTW . . when did that overly sensitive douchebag Tramp actually become a Republican . . ?

I don't think he ever really did. He probably saw that the Dems were going to rig their primary for Hillary regardless of who she was against and how bad they were beating her, and that the Republicans had such shitty candidates that he'd waltz through their primary. A "path of least resistance" sort of thing. I don't think he resembles a Dem or a Republican.
If he were to actually push for that, and whine and cry and demand an apology, then yes. If it was an off-the-cuff twitter remark with nothing behind it - then no.
He has to cut out the "off-the-cuff twitter remark with nothing behind it" it's a whole new ballgame now and he needs to start acting like the POTUS, if he is capable of it and so far he has not shown that he is capable of it.
He has to cut out the "off-the-cuff twitter remark with nothing behind it" it's a whole new ballgame now and he needs to start acting like the POTUS, if he is capable of it and so far he has not shown that he is capable of it.

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. Personally, I don't think if he were to even go as far as calling Angela Merkel ugly on twitter, that all of a sudden Germany would nuke the USA.

But regardless - if we agree that it was an off-the-cuff remark, then we should be able to agree that he wasn't overly sensitive in that comment. It's the over-sensitivity in this country that drove people to vote for him in the first place. I mean you literally can't make a joke these days without someone being up in arms about who you're offending - and that's sad.
That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. Personally, I don't think if he were to even go as far as calling Angela Merkel ugly on twitter, that all of a sudden Germany would nuke the USA.

But regardless - if we agree that it was an off-the-cuff remark, then we should be able to agree that he wasn't overly sensitive in that comment. It's the over-sensitivity in this country that drove people to vote for him in the first place. I mean you literally can't make a joke these days without someone being up in arms about who you're offending - and that's sad.
I understand what you're saying but you elected the most overly sensitive, thin skinned person to ever run for the office. I just want to why..
When I see Trump tweet things like that, I immediately understand that he is simply making a point . . . that's his way of saying that he strongly condemns that act. Frankly, I love it. That's the message that we've needed to send for years but everybody tiptoes around shit like that.
That's all anyone else is doing by condemning the sign at Cameron -- just making a point. So if school representatives from Michigan State and dook do it, I suppose they are simply politically correct liberals, and yet when Donald Trump does something similar he is sending to the world a valid point?

Phooey! Talk about your typical double standard.
That's all anyone else is doing by condemning the sign at Cameron -- just making a point. So if school representatives from Michigan State and dook do it, I suppose they are simply politically correct liberals, and yet when Donald Trump does something similar he is sending to the world a valid point?

Phooey! Talk about your typical double standard.
I think what they are saying is you are being overly sensitivity if it is about Gays, God, Blacks, or guns, but when Trump says it it doesn't REALLY MEAN WHAT HE SAYS. so you should allow it.
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I understand what you're saying but you elected the most overly sensitive, thin skinned person to ever run for the office. I just want to why..

I'll agree that he's pretty thin skinned and sensitive in general. Not a good trait in my book. But, and maybe this is a bit of irony given how sensitive he has shown he can be, he showed the voters that he's looking to move the country in a direction away from the uber-sensitive, give me my blankie, society that we were starting to go down - which appealed to a lot of people.

So he can be as sensitive as he wants - as long as the society he leads isn't one that strives to be offended. A lot of people have made the mistake of not being able to separate his personal actions from his politics.
Trump supporters said they liked him because he was not politically correct and look what a fit he pitched over the flag being burned. Can you think of anything more non-politically correct than burning a flag? Then the guys sends out tweets wanting to take their citizenship away. If he had ever read the 1st amendment he would know that is impossible. Burning a flag is despicable but who wants to ban free speech? Well, except Trump.

Trump has you on a string. It's glorious to behold.

As far as the sign, we should rip on the Dook elitists for being such dooshes. It's just not appropriate for a basketball game because no one wants to think about shit like this during a basketball game. The reason we watch basketball is to get a break from that crap. The sign was neither funny nor clever, especially from a private school twerp who only drinks bottled water.
Everyone wants to ban free speech when that speech disagrees with your personal views. People just tolerate it [right to free speech] because it's part our Constitution. People may not admit to this, but it's the truth.

Not me. People can say what they want or burn the flag. And I can in return call them assholes if I do choose.
The sign certainly was in poor taste, but it's not a big deal. No need for press releases condemning it. They probably brought more attention to it by bitching about it. It would have been a story that might have shown up in the school paper, but that's it.

I think what they are saying is you are being overly sensitivity if it is about Gays, God, Blacks, or guns, but when Trump says it it doesn't REALLY MEAN WHAT HE SAYS. so you should allow it.
I think you may be right.
Not me. People can say what they want or burn the flag. And I can in return call them assholes if I do choose.
That's the point, your man can't. Thinking Trump has people "on a string" is giving this dumbass a lot more credit than he deserves. We have elected an idiot and he has been trying all along to tell us that and people like you refuse to listen to him. Forget Clinton, this man you elected is an idiot and he has been trying to tell you he is and you refuse to listen. Oh he does'nt really mean this, oh he does'nt mean that, He tweets because of the media is liberal etc. The damn media is reporting what is coming out of this idiots mouth. You won the bet but you lost the war...
The leader of the free world cannot communicate that way. The people of the world are going to take the man for what he says and he better damn well mean what he says. What in the hell would have happened during the Cuban missile crisis if we had a leader like that saying one thing and meaning something else? So far he is coming off as someone way, way over their head and if he's not he better stop acting like he is.

A couple things:

- Please stop using the "leader of the free world" expression when referring to the POTUS. It's antiquated and frankly, just not accurate anymore.

- Trump has shown that he can indeed communicate like that and it resonates with many people. If not, he never would have been elected. He has changed the game. So all those things that we've traditionally associated with the POTUS are not necessarily true with Trump.

- Trump is not saying something and meaning something entirely different. He often speaks in hyperbole. Is it ideal? Probably not. But it is what it is. Points are getting across and to me, that's far more important.

- Over his head? Probably. But he'll learn and I'm willing to give him time.
Trump has you on a string. It's glorious to behold.

As far as the sign, we should rip on the Dook elitists for being such dooshes. It's just not appropriate for a basketball game because no one wants to think about shit like this during a basketball game. The reason we watch basketball is to get a break from that crap. The sign was neither funny nor clever, especially from a private school twerp who only drinks bottled water.

Everything you said in this poast is entirely accurate and has my full support.
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That's the point, your man can't. Thinking Trump has people "on a string" is giving this dumbass a lot more credit than he deserves. We have elected an idiot and he has been trying all along to tell us that and people like you refuse to listen to him. Forget Clinton, this man you elected is an idiot and he has been trying to tell you he is and you refuse to listen. Oh he does'nt really mean this, oh he does'nt mean that, He tweets because of the media is liberal etc. The damn media is reporting what is coming out of this idiots mouth. You won the bet but you lost the war...

He absolutely has you on a string. Everything he says throws you into a fit.

I don't worry about what he says or does or does not mean with tweets. I worry about his actions. So far, Carrier has agreed to keep jobs in the US that were scheduled to be moved overseas.

Other than that, what has he done? He's still 7 weeks from inauguration for petes sake. Just let the man actually do something before you panic.
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Trump has us all on a string, but especially those who bought into his lies and voted for him . . . which includes YOU.

Doesn't have me on a string. I will be none too happy if Mittens gets the SOS.

But unlike you drama queens, I am waiting on actions and not paying attention to silly tweets.
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In the grand scheme of things, very recently. He's a devil in disguise.

He completely used the GOP to get a nomination because he knew he couldn't beat out Hillary for the Dem and he knew he couldn't win as an Independent. So be it. It worked and I'm happy as hell about it.
He has to cut out the "off-the-cuff twitter remark with nothing behind it" it's a whole new ballgame now and he needs to start acting like the POTUS, if he is capable of it and so far he has not shown that he is capable of it.

He kept 1000 jobs here. I couldn't care any less about his Twitter happenings or who it offends.
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