People who are the best of all time at what they do ...

Lol. Change what rules? The title of the thread you're trying to hijack is "People who are the best of all time at what they do".
That's right, genius, "of all time" meaning all of time, not just the portion of time that best suits your ridiculous argument.

Maybe what I poasted Bill to be the GOAT for was Super Bowl era coaches.
But maybe what TarHeelMark posted Vince to be the GOAT for was NFL head coach, period. In fact, I'm pretty certain that was his intent, so take that nonsense up with him, not me.

I never watched Lombardi coach, so I could be off-base.
In other words, you're a typical sports fan from Boston who thinks the Patriots and Belichick and Tom Brady have always been the GOAT no matter what evidence to the contrary is presented. Reason #2068 why I hate fans from Boston.
Ok, to catch up a little bit here:

@tarheel0910 and @Blue2010
Dre is the most important and most influential person in the history of rap. There were many better lyricists - Biggie, Rakim, Nas, KRS-one, just to name a few. In fact, Dre probably wouldn't be in the top 50. But he did more for rap music than anyone before him or since. And IMO, it's not close.

I love you man. But to say Romo is the greatest Cowboys QB might be the most insane thing you've ever written on this board and would rival some poasts from @chick_bleeds_carolina_blue or @strummingram. You attribute Romo's inability to win to his supporting cast, and that's fair. But being the greatest is largely happenstance. Tom Brady and Joe Montana are the greatest QBs of all time. Were they lucky to have played for two of the greatest coaches of all time? Sure. Were they lucky to have had great teammates? Sure. Would Dan Marino be the best ever if he had been drafted and got to play for Bill Walsh? Maybe. But the bottom line is that he didn't. And Joe did. And Joe took advantage of the situation to become arguably the greatest to ever play. It just worked out that way. Now, all that said, I don't think Romo would be any higher on my list had he played for Belichick, Walsh or Lombardi. He's emotionally and mentally weak. And he's obviously built out of paper mache. So, either retract your statement or forever be heckled for uttering such inane crap.

@Heels Noir and @Hark_The_Sound_2010
We're really splitting hairs when comparing Lombardi and Belichick. I consider those 2 on the Mt. Rushmore of NFL coaches. Both of you have good arguments as to who's better. I'd probably side with Belichick because (1) I'm a fan boy of the Patriots and (2) Belichick coached in a much more competitive league and (3) I wasn't around when GB ran shit.
Ok, to catch up a little bit here:

@tarheel0910 and @Blue2010
Dre is the most important and most influential person in the history of rap. There were many better lyricists - Biggie, Rakim, Nas, KRS-one, just to name a few. In fact, Dre probably wouldn't be in the top 50. But he did more for rap music than anyone before him or since. And IMO, it's not close.

I'll concede on this one, based on the entire body of work. And how he convinced Apple to give him that payout for some damn headphones... That's pretty legit.

P.Diddy / Puffy / whatever he calls himself now...he did a lot too (and is a terrible lyricist), but I would agree Dre is ahead of him.
In other words, you're a typical sports fan from Boston who thinks the Patriots and Belichick and Tom Brady have always been the GOAT no matter what evidence to the contrary is presented. Reason #2068 why I hate fans from Boston.

I'll listen to evidence. Your stats of a good record in all of 10 postseason games, and not having a losing record back when there were all of 13 teams in the NFL doesn't quite do it for me though.

You've been extra salty this past week since your queen lost.

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He produced arguably the greatest rapper of all time. As bad as he is personally, this puts him at least in the conversation.
Wow! One rapper. What an accomplishment. Call me back when he discovers multiple top rappers and changes the game stylistically. Puffy contributed almost nothing to the history of rap.
The man's got a valid point...

I understand the argument can be made for Fowler, but to me the failure rates are pretty similar but Debbie kills him with style points, especially in the area of fan interaction.
Wow! One rapper. What an accomplishment. Call me back when he discovers multiple top rappers and changes the game stylistically. Puffy contributed almost nothing to the history of rap.

Biggie is the equivalent of multiple "decent" contributions from others. Again...he struck gold with Biggie. Mase had a good album,
He produced arguably the greatest rapper of all time. As bad as he is personally, this puts him at least in the conversation.

He put Biggie on. So yes, that does earn him a lot of cred. And he was hilarious in Get Him To The Greek. But I too have a hard time putting him in the same sentence as Dre.
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@gunslingerdick thats complete garbage...i'd argue against montana also, but that's not the discussion here...that's your opinion about montana, but if you don't have elway with brady and peyton, then you're not watching football...for times that you or anyone else say that romo is soft physically or mentally weak, you also haven't paid attention...go look at the list of injuries he's played with and tell me what player would play...mentally weak was jeff george or ryan leaf, soft is jay cutler.

fact is it does matter who you are surrounded by in football...and if you measure a qb's greatness by sb titles, then the argument is stronger that he's the greatest cowboys qb ever because of who he played with...and all the media members that were on the fence about him or criticized him for years will now have to examine how important he was to that org when they had nothing.
@gunslingerdick thats complete garbage...i'd argue against montana also, but that's not the discussion here...that's your opinion about montana, but if you don't have elway with brady and peyton, then you're not watching football....

Elway is up there. But behind the two guys that won 4 Super Bowls. Super Bowls aren't everything. But they're weighted more heavily than any other metric simply because every QB that's ever played the game would have rather won one of those than any other kind of award.

Manning was great. But if you want to talk about doing less with more, it's Peyton Manning all day. He played with HOFers everywhere in Indy and could only muster up one SB...because he kept losing to a better QB in Brady.

Montana didn't have the numbers that Marino had. But look at the numbers when games were on the line. look at the numbers in the biggest games. Sure, he had Rice. And he took full advantage of it by producing 4 Super Bowls.

@gunslingerdick...for times that you or anyone else say that romo is soft physically or mentally weak, you also haven't paid attention...go look at the list of injuries he's played with and tell me what player would play...mentally weak was jeff george or ryan leaf, soft is jay cutler.

I assure you that it's not just me that thinks Romo is soft. I'd bet my line of thinking is far closer to that of most football historians than is yours. I'm sorry that he's been plagued by injuries. He seems like a likable guy. But as I stated, being the greatest has a lot to do with circumstance. And he has produced nothing in his time in Dallas except some somewhat gaudy numbers in an era where even Andy Dalton throws for 300 yards regularly.


fact is it does matter who you are surrounded by in football...and if you measure a qb's greatness by sb titles, then the argument is stronger that he's the greatest cowboys qb ever because of who he played with...and all the media members that were on the fence about him or criticized him for years will now have to examine how important he was to that org when they had nothing.

I don't understand this. So because Romo has never played with any great supporting talent and though he never won anything meaningful, that somehow solidifies your point that he's the best Cowboys QB ever? Strange.

Oh, and then there's this:
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Manning was great. But if you want to talk about doing less with more, it's Peyton Manning all day.
I'm not a huge Manning fan, but I don't totally agree with this. He had some good players, but for the majority of his time in Indy they had nothing on the defensive side of the ball.
Elway is up there. But behind the two guys that won 4 Super Bowls. Super Bowls aren't everything. But they're weighted more heavily than any other metric simply because every QB that's ever played the game would have rather won one of those than any other kind of award.

Manning was great. But if you want to talk about doing less with more, it's Peyton Manning all day. He played with HOFers everywhere in Indy and could only muster up one SB...because he kept losing to a better QB in Brady.

Montana didn't have the numbers that Marino had. But look at the numbers when games were on the line. look at the numbers in the biggest games. Sure, he had Rice. And he took full advantage of it by producing 4 Super Bowls.

I assure you that it's not just me that thinks Romo is soft. I'd bet my line of thinking is far closer to that of most football historians than is yours. I'm sorry that he's been plagued by injuries. He seems like a likable guy. But as I stated, being the greatest has a lot to do with circumstance. And he has produced nothing in his time in Dallas except some somewhat gaudy numbers in an era where even Andy Dalton throws for 300 yards regularly.

I don't understand this. So because Romo has never played with any great supporting talent and though he never won anything meaningful, that somehow solidifies your point that he's the best Cowboys QB ever? Strange.

Oh, and then there's this:

if i have to continue to explain it, then you're not paying attention.

you should also wait to see what these "historians" you speak of have to say...if you're gonna rely stephen a smith, then you're on your own.

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