Players taking a knee during The Song

Not to pile on, strum, but between using past tense verbs and dates in time, and then declaring time isn't real, your message is a discrepancy wrapped in a contradiction inside an incongruity.
I please to aim.

Time is not real. Measuring what we observe to be time is more of a "real" thing.
Of course he seems to be doing just fine. He's an asshole who has no recognition of his own asshole-ness. He calls people anything he feels like with no remorse or empathy at all. He's never accountable for it and moves on. Some people think that is honorable and applaud him for that kind of behavior.

Disagree. I'm pretty sure he knows he is an asshole. He just doesn't care.

Contrast that with other politicians who act like assholes and then pretend like they are holier than thou.

It is part of the appeal of Trump.
No, we had terrorists doing terrorist shit. It's been sold as "attacked" and it was working, apparently, to get soldiers into the ranks. Then, after 8 years of people dying and coming home missing half their body parts, it became more difficult to fill the ranks. Then you get the bombardment of the Pentagon, MIC and whatever else drenching the culture with more military glorification to keep going over there to fvck with these people in their homeland and wondering why they react harshly and suicidally.

You really need to watch the PBS documentary just released about Vietnam. More American butting-in and getting the indigenous people resisting and winning and dragging-it-out and costing us trillions.
Tell the 3000+ that died that day that America didn't get attacked.
Tell the 3000+ that died that day that America didn't get attacked.
That will be difficult since they can't hear me. It doesn't matter to them, either. They really couldn't care less.

The point of the meme was to make it very clear just WHY the players were suddenly standing during the anthem. They were being paid to in order to get people to join the military.
Hawaii was not our "country" in 1941. Hawaii wasn't a state until 1959.

I don't believe in time because it's not real.

No country's military has set foot on US soil since 1812. that led to a war.
So heels has no argument about Trump doing nothing in PR? It's not a state. Damn y'all are easy
That will be difficult since they can't hear me. It doesn't matter to them, either. They really couldn't care less.

The point of the meme was to make it very clear just WHY the players were suddenly standing during the anthem. They were being paid to in order to get people to join the military.
Weak. And disrespectful to those folks that died. I'm beginning to think strum, chick is a troll.
I honestly think this whole anthem thing is the beginning of the end of the NFL. All of the CTE issues will now be able to find toeholds in the cracks in the facade, which will ultimately be what brings it down.
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I honestly think this whole anthem thing is the beginning of the end of the NFL. All of the CTE issues will now be able to find toeholds in the cracks in the facade, which will ultimately be what brings it down.
I think you might be right. I used to love it, but I'll bet I don't watch more than half a dozen complete games a year now. I would much rather play golf on Sunday afternoons and maybe watch a few highlights. I don't think I'd really miss it if it went away. Also, only thing I really care about in the NBA is how the Carolina guys are doing.
I think you might be right. I used to love it, but I'll bet I don't watch more than half a dozen complete games a year now. I would much rather play golf on Sunday afternoons and maybe watch a few highlights. I don't think I'd really miss it if it went away. Also, only thing I really care about in the NBA is how the Carolina guys are doing.
5star poast
I did call them sheep. You got me there. But what exactly has been made easy? Because the last time you said that, I pointed out that in my first poast, I stated that I personally don't care what these guys do. That is indeed true. You avoided admitting you were wrong and made some feeble attempt at a burn. So by my view, what I've made easy is you tucking your tail.

You've contradicted yourself countless times in this thread. You obviously care. Its pathetic watching you try to convince yourself and others that you don't.

Funny enough, saying you don't care is like your own little form of virtue signaling.
I honestly think this whole anthem thing is the beginning of the end of the NFL. All of the CTE issues will now be able to find toeholds in the cracks in the facade, which will ultimately be what brings it down.
Could be. But it'll probably take 15-20 years before it becomes glorified flag football. I'll be too old to care by then.
I watch every Redskin game with my brother (we watch and talk on the phone). That's a cool bonding thing we have, since there's a huge distance between us, geographically. I don't watch other NFL games. i do watch college games, however.
Could be. But it'll probably take 15-20 years before it becomes glorified flag football. I'll be too old to care by then.
Maybe there will be some other sport by then.

When young kids aren't playing, it's pretty much over. The roots of the tree die.
You've contradicted yourself countless times in this thread. You obviously care. Its pathetic watching you try to convince yourself and others that you don't.

Funny enough, saying you don't care is like your own little form of virtue signaling.

Great. You win. I care.

Trick to betting the NFL is to do a lot of research and come up with your pick then go the other way

LOL. I completely agree with that.
There are few things as un american and spit in the constitution-ish as REQUIRING employees to behave a certain way re the anthem. That is fuking communistic, dictatorship-like BULL SHIT. Evidently neck-car thinks its a free country just so long as u agree with beer bellied middle aged white men wearing camo overalls and hell bent on getting colon cancer.
Actually, the constitution only applies to the federal government. I.e.: the Feds cannot prohibit freedom of speech, assembly, religion etc., but a private or publicly owned company can require whatever they wish as a condition of employment. Don't know what it has to do with beer bellied middle-aged white men, but I came a little late to this part of the conversation.
I don't remember people having an issue with Tebow praying. I remember the media weighing the attention versus talent argument in much the same way they have discussed the attention versus talent argument with Kap.

Very similar situations. Quarterbacks that suck, but put on very public displays of how they feel. Except of course that the race card got tossed into Kaeps situation cuz people couldn't accept that he's a shitty QB.

Honestly, I've tuned Trump out. I don't listen to much of anything he says until I read someone here in meltdown mode about the most recent Trump gaffe.

I knew the entertainment factor of his presidency was going to be high, with his opposition twisting themselves into knots over everything he says/does - but it's getting delivered in spades. Much more enjoyable than I could have imagined.

I'm a middle-class heterosexual white male.

You misspelled doormat.
So I guess the NFL is going to stop fining players for wearing patches of dead friends' initials, and unapproved cleats now. I mean, they'd be stifling the players' freedom of expression/speech, right?
Really? Tebow was widely mocked by people for his religion. It wasn't like it was a secret. Not sure how you missed it.

He really wasn't. He was always spoken of highly in terms of his convictions and likability. He was almost always spoken of as a stand up guy partly because of his convictions. He was sometimes criticized because of his views (on abortion and stuff like that) and how vocal he was. It was never about being a Christian. Everyone who is vocal about almost anything is going to face some noise from one corner or another. If anything, the person he was helped him more than it hurt him.
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Really? Tebow was widely mocked by people for his religion. It wasn't like it was a secret. Not sure how you missed it.
He was also widely defended by people for his religion. Both guys found a way to publicly speak out for something they believe in, both were criticized by some and defended by others. They're quite analogous situations; I'm a little confused by the attempt to hold Tebow up as some sort of drastic contrast to Kapernick (sp).
He was also widely defended by people for his religion. Both guys found a way to publicly speak out for something they believe in, both were criticized by some and defended by others. They're quite analogous situations; I'm a little confused by the attempt to hold Tebow up as some sort of drastic contrast to Kapernick (sp).
I think the point is that Tebow didn't take a knee during the anthem, Kap did. That's the difference. Those guys can do what they want but why protest a symbol that allows you the freedom to protest? That's contradictory to me.
He was also widely defended by people for his religion. Both guys found a way to publicly speak out for something they believe in, both were criticized by some and defended by others. They're quite analogous situations; I'm a little confused by the attempt to hold Tebow up as some sort of drastic contrast to Kapernick (sp).
I don't disagree with that and I'm not trying to hold Tebow up in any way. @coryfly said that no one mocked him. That's obviously incorrect and I was just letting him know that.

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