Quick stuff (GT game)...


Hall of Famer
Jan 27, 2003
Parts Unknown
...and where have you been, my long lost friend?

Before I get started, let me make this perfectly clear: This game was won in the FIRST HALF, and more importantly, it was won by rediscovering Carolina basketball -- in particular, that the basket is in the PAINT, and the best way to initiate offense is via TRANSITION.

- thankfully, at least for this day, the faddish futility of the 5-out nonsense we've been screwing with was cast aside in favor of finally playing our All-American 5-man where he can actually do damage (and he did).

- and to that note, thus, the long-lost Carolina staple of Offensive Rebounding returned from a long nap. Mando was obviously still huriting in that shoulder, but still, of his 13 boards, 7 were of the offensive variety.

- most --- and I mean MOST --- important was the reanimation of our SECONDARY BREAK. That was accomplished by two very simple and fundamental things --- a commitment to transition (pushing the ball and getting in lanes), but paramount was the return of the first Big SPRINTING TO THE BLOCK instead of pulling up and clogging the works (as we've been doing).

- speaking of which, as I've been preaching like a broken record of a Dean Smith clinic lecture, that's the key element of the Secondary, as it forces a retreating defense to account for him, lest we get a rim-run dunk (which we did today, BTW), but also faciliates a triangle post-up opportunity that makes the D vulnerable to the dump pass off a perimeter swing (we got a few of those as well).

- here's the thing though --- we were downright RUSTY at it. I lost count of just how many times we MISSED an open post hand (part of that is not having a PG) or being late with the entry. Still?.... we scored 24 transition points in the first half alone (that's the actual count as opposed to the context-free box score number), with 15 (!!!) coming off Secondary action. THAT, folks, is Carolina basketball.

- on that note, going into the game I was reduced to just hoping Pastner would Zone us so we could run an offense, but he was having none of it (until we were about to blow it open and he slowed things down in the second half). Fortunately, the return of the Secondary foiled his Man plans. I mean, in all seriousness, with even a decent improvement in execution we could've had a 25+ halftime lead.

- on the defensive end I was not as happy. Our footwork is still lacking in spots, and even Leaky looked like he was sluggish today. We did however clean the glass, and how 'bout little RJ mixing it up on the D-boards? I was also disappointed that the promised scrambles didn't materialize, but at least it's lurking (hopefully).

- finally, before I say "thank you, sweet baby Jesus" for the encouraging parts of today, this game needs to be taken by the staff and team as step toward RETURNING to where we need to be. We need to work, work, work on quicker ball-movement and feeding the post without hesitating and/or telegraphing. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... commit to continuing and getting this right over the next few weeks!!!

Anyway, this was much -needed and encouraging --- even a Washington sighting with what I believe will be his patented turn-around J at UNC --- just let it continue!.... :cool:
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Not an analyst or great bball mind but just some thoughts. 1rst half the defensive footwork and movement was good. On offense there was an effort to get an inside game going but there are still some serious issues with decision making and Love/Davis have yet to learn it's best not to force stuff .. or take shots out of flow/context.

Bacot had a decent game inside but unless he dunks he has no offensive game and no great $ future in the league. Someone in another thread said Bacot's game was below the rim was right big time.

Enjoyed seeing Trimble get some pg time and he has some serious potential when he plays within himself but he pressed to much to do his RJ imitation with some of his ill advised shots but really loved his head up look ahead pass first approach most times.

Even though Nance looked OK he still looks out of place or maybe still hasn't figured out what or where he's supposed to be or what he's supposed to be doing at times.

I'll have to go back and look at the DVR but it seemed Nichel did some good things in his short time especially with his movement in the sets.

Also was pleased to see Jalen Washington play. Sometime all you have to do is see someone for a minute and it's easy to see the fluid athleticism that young man seems to have .. and I could see the "Big Smooth" early comparison .. and his one shot I saw looked silky smooth and I seriously hope he stays healthy because that fellow might have some serious league potential.

There was some good and some bad again but my take away was Trimble and the under class men were the noticeable good parts of this one. jmo
Tech plays gimmick dee a 1-3-1 if it does not turn you over is plagued with holes, and gives almost no defensive rebound position. Fit well for what we needed to see.

We must shoot the 3ball better. Got good looks, still shot poorly from behind the arc. Caleb is better scoring in the paint, but he had good catch and shoot opportunities and his 1st he passed up and pump faked his way into a travel. In the 2nd half he took them, but missed. He, and the team as a whole needs to shoot the 3 better, I think they will.

Nance and Mando did well, but again the run and extend gimmick dee often left them with an undersized guy on them either in the post or for rebounds. Easy eating in that scenario.

Trimble was strong. He has earned time, Puff got 12 minutes, should of been a game for him to exploit. He seems more comfortable in the garbage man role. I would like to see a bit more confidence in his offense on his part. He and Seth have made the strong 7 rotation. Waiting on an 8th

Good to see Washington get his feet wet. He can be such a boost if able to get going after the multiple surgeries. Really looking forward to seeing him go.
...and where have you been, my long lost friend?

Before I get started, let me make this perfectly clear: This game was won in the FIRST HALF, and more importantly, it was won by rediscovering Carolina basketball -- in particular, that the basket is in the PAINT, and the best way to initiate offense is via TRANSITION.

- thankfully, at least for this day, the faddish futility of the 5-out nonsense we've been screwing with was cast aside in favor of finally playing our All-American 5-man where he can actually do damage (and he did).

- and to that note, thus, the long-lost Carolina staple of Offensive Rebounding returned from a long nap. Mando was obviously still huriting in that shoulder, but still, of his 13 boards, 7 were of the offensive variety.

- most --- and I mean MOST --- important was the reanimation of our SECONDARY BREAK. That was accomplished by two very simple and fundamental things --- a commitment to transition (pushing the ball and getting in lanes), but paramount was the return of the first Big SPRINTING TO THE BLOCK instead of pulling up and clogging the works (as we've been doing).

- speaking of which, as I've been preaching like a broken record of a Dean Smith clinic lecture, that's the key element of the Secondary, as it forces a retreating defense to account for him, lest we get a rim-run dunk (which we did today, BTW), but also faciliates a triangle post-up opportunity that makes the D vulnerable to the dump pass off a perimeter swing (we got a few of those as well).

- here's the thing though --- we were downright RUSTY at it. I lost count of just how many times we MISSED an open post hand (part of that is not having a PG) or being late with the entry. Still?.... we scored 24 transition points in the first half alone (that's the actual count as opposed to the context-free box score number), with 15 (!!!) coming off Secondary action. THAT, folks, is Carolina basketball.

- on that note, going into the game I was reduced to just hoping Pastner would Zone us so we could run an offense, but he was having none of it (until we were about to blow it open and he slowed things down in the second half). Fortunately, the return of the Secondary foiled his Man plans. I mean, in all seriousness, with even a decent improvement in execution we could've had a 25+ halftime lead.

- on the defensive end I was not as happy. Our footwork is still lacking in spots, and even Leaky looked like he was sluggish today. We did however clean the glass, and how 'bout little RJ mixing it up on the D-boards? I was also disappointed that the promised scrambles didn't materialize, but at least it's lurking (hopefully).

- finally, before I say "thank you, sweet baby Jesus" for the encouraging parts of today, this game needs to be taken by the staff and team as step toward RETURNING to where we need to be. We need to work, work, work on quicker ball-movement and feeding the post without hesitating and/or telegraphing. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... commit to continuing and getting this right over the next few weeks!!!

Anyway, this was much -needed and encouraging --- even a Washington sighting with what I believe will be his patented turn-around J at UNC --- just let it continue!.... :cool:
Thanks Gary.
In the game thread on Four Corners my usual 5-8 comments were reduced to just 2 today.
My first comment came less than 2 min into the game.
" First Carolina Big heading straight to the strong side block! Secondary break making early sighting today!😎"
Felt good to type, MUST be reinforced to become habitual.
Good points as always Gary.

1. Secondary transition was as the old saying goes "a sight for sore eyes" today.
2. I also agree with your "lurking" comment on the scrambling defense. HD is probably saving it for a better opponent.
3. We need Bacot to shoot better than 5-9 from the FT line.
4. And we surely need Caleb to shoot better than 1-6 from 3, and I will bet alot of money he will at some point.
5. Best team defense we have played in a while. The effort to "get in a stance" and move the feet was much better than the last 4 games.
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Thanks Gary.
In the game thread on Four Corners my usual 5-8 comments were reduced to just 2 today.
My first comment came less than 2 min into the game.
" First Carolina Big heading straight to the strong side block! Secondary break making early sighting today!😎"
Felt good to type, MUST be reinforced to become habitual.
Spot on. And I'll tell ya, readiing some other comments I hafta say that I wonder if enough folks appreciate just how vital that is...
I like Trimble. Tough defensively and facilitates well which is a pleasant surprise to see folks get the ball with an open shot where they actually get their feet set instead of going one on one all the time. And I think RJ and Caleb truly are better with him on the court. GT isn't real good, but they are going to shoot the 3 at every opportunity. Especially in the first half we just didn't get out on them. And Leaky was especially lazy for a man of his supposed defensive skills. Bacot looked good. But he is supposed to look good against the anemic defense GT puts on the floor in the post. I do think Hubert was sending a heavy message to Caleb as he sat him for Trimble for a long stretch of the first half and opened up the lead. Too early to tell about the new big man, but let's see where this takes us. Still early. The talent is obviously there, but does it mesh. Does the team play that can make this team elite get overtaken by the unending desire of RJ and Caleb to audition for the NBA at every opportunity. That problem is in Huberts court
Good to see our team playing with better fundamentals and a style that reflects Carolina basketball.
When the open looks from deep start finding the bottom of the net (fingers crossed!!!) we should
be able to play consistent, winning basketball. By all means, keep concentrating on assists and rebounding.

There are no real powerhouse teams in D1 hoops this season; lots of good teams that have a chance to
separate from the rest and we are certainly a team with lots of potential if we play to our strengths.
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Hello folks, looks like we got some of our mojo back, huh?

Gary's right in that this game was won in the last 3 minutes of the 1st half. To quote Hubert "It felt like Carolina basketball for the first time this year" and he was referring to the last 3 minutes of the 1st half.

Extra passes and better movement were key elements in our play. That sequence where RJ & Bacot passed to each other and RJ finding Pete open in the corner was a perfect example of proper sharing of the ball and going from a good shot to a great shot and resulted in a clean 3 pointer for Pete and he dropped it in. So pretty to watch.

The play in this game will hopefully impress upon the players that they can go from just good or mediocre, to great if 2 more things improve.

1. Shooting has to improve some more, and it will IF our guys continue to hunt for the better shots, as they did most of this game. Players go through periods where the basket seems just too small for the ball, but normally this is temporary.

2. Our defense has to get even better than it has shown. GT while not a bad team, does not have the mix of talent that we will see in other teams we are going to face soon. I hope that most understand that while a good offense is necessary and really fun to watch...., winning always comes down to defensive play and we can use some progress on that side of the ball.

My player of the game has to be RJ, he played his ass off followed by Armando, who is fighting through some tough injuries. There were several rebounds that he could have had but he let them go to Leaky and 2 to RJ because he didn't want to extend the right arm after that dunk he had. This may be with him the rest of this year keep in mind.

Sitting Caleb in the 1st half was the right decision as his defense was lacking and his shot selection and attempts were not within the flow of the offense. I guess everyone noticed the marked difference in team play when Trimble Subb'd him out. He came out in the 2nd half and played better, but his offense is just not there yet.

Caleb is hardheaded at times and will try to take over a game that doesn't need taking over and it completely deflates our offense. However, Caleb has proved he is a team player and while he wants the NBA, he has to do his thing within the normal flow of the offense and stop forcing offense and stop the stupid T/O's that are witnessed by scouts just as well as other parts of his game.

Our bench is growing game to game as it should. We got some good minutes from Nickel, Trimble, & Puff, and we finally got to see Jalen play a few minutes. He looked smooth and has a high release and soft touch. Just need to see more of his play to get a real feel for where he is going to help.

Nice to see some transition and fast break opportunities and secondary offense as well. We just looked visually like a well-coached team. Much like last year, we have the horses and more this year. Once the guys get balanced on both ends of the court, then we will be tough to beat. Right now, we are not that hard to beat, but we are improving again, much like last year, but with additional personnel that all has to be synchronized to make it great.

Now, on to the Citadel on Tues. Should be an opportunity to see more of Washington.
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Always enjoy your analysis Gary and and Tarheel 75. You should be paid by AJ!. I posted earlier that Trimble had a couple of passes that reminded me of Kendall back in the day. I love his speed, keeping his head up, and not afraid of a long bounce pass--the one to Bacot really stood out. I also like the message that Hubert sent to Caleb by letting Trimble have extended time. He fueled the first half run that in essence won the game.
Always enjoy your analysis Gary and and Tarheel 75. You should be paid by AJ!. I posted earlier that Trimble had a couple of passes that reminded me of Kendall back in the day. I love his speed, keeping his head up, and not afraid of a long bounce pass--the one to Bacot really stood out. I also like the message that Hubert sent to Caleb by letting Trimble have extended time. He fueled the first half run that in essence won the game.
Much appreciated, and I want to use this as an opportunity to mention a few things I omitted:

1. We missed Dunn, especially in the half-court --- a Guard who will play within the context of the offense, take and mostly knock down good shots, and play solid defense.

2. As @Tarheel75 said, commitment to ball-movement to get the better shot is vital moving forward, and yes, there was stark contrast in results from when we did --- and when we didn't. Caleb's spells of reverting to unneeded hero-ball were cases-in-point to the latter.

3. While I liked the use of the bench in the first half, I was not nearly as happy in the second. I was also disappointed that Hubert seemed to revert to playing "not to lose" by taking our foot off the transition accelerator and allowing Tech to get their Zones set. Also, Nickel in particular should have played more, ESPECIALLY when Tech went to Zones. I'm also concerned about Styles seemingly being the "forgotten man".

In general, I would caution folks ITT to NOT suddenly start attributing skills to players that frankly just aren't there. In fact, a close watch of this game actually REINFORCED the reality that we just don't have a PG on this roster. I believe we had 5 TOs resulting from the simple inability to make a basic entry pass (um, RJ). That again is why TRANSITION is the key to our offensive success. It creates its own passing lanes, simplifies decision-making, and thus less need for hero-ball. Seth is a case-in-point --- he does well in transition, but in half-court situations the lack of PG instincts becomes glaring.
Much appreciated, and I want to use this as an opportunity to mention a few things I omitted:

1. We missed Dunn, especially in the half-court --- a Guard who will play within the context of the offense, take and mostly knock down good shots, and play solid defense.

2. As @Tarheel75 said, commitment to ball-movement to get the better shot is vital moving forward, and yes, there was stark contrast in results from when we did --- and when we didn't. Caleb's spells of reverting to unneeded hero-ball were cases-in-point to the latter.

3. While I liked the use of the bench in the first half, I was not nearly as happy in the second. I was also disappointed that Hubert seemed to revert to playing "not to lose" by taking our foot off the transition accelerator and allowing Tech to get their Zones set. Also, Nickel in particular should have played more, ESPECIALLY when Tech went to Zones. I'm also concerned about Styles seemingly being the "forgotten man".

In general, I would caution folks ITT to NOT suddenly start attributing skills to players that frankly just aren't there. In fact, a close watch of this game actually REINFORCED the reality that we just don't have a PG on this roster. I believe we had 5 TOs resulting from the simple inability to make a basic entry pass (um, RJ). That again is why TRANSITION is the key to our offensive success. It creates its own passing lanes, simplifies decision-making, and thus less need for hero-ball. Seth is a case-in-point --- he does well in transition, but in half-court situations the lack of PG instincts becomes glaring.
In fairness, we need to include Caleb's miscues as each had 4 T/O's, but even given that, your points are well taken and yes, we definitely need a LG but will have to wait until next year to resolve that issue and as many on here say" it is what it is" until we get it fixed and help is on the way.
In fairness, we need to include Caleb's miscues as each had 4 T/O's, but even given that, your points are well taken and yes, we definitely need a LG but will have to wait until next year to resolve that issue and as many on here say" it is what it is" until we get it fixed and help is on the way.
As you said, it is what it is for this season, and moreover, opponents have throughly scouted our vulnerabilities --- particularly at the Guard positions --- so the fastest way to counter and mitigate those vulnerabilities is to, well... stop exposing them.

The good news there is that sound Carolina basketball offers up a quick fix. Dunno how many here saw Hubert's presser (I just watched it this afternoon), but the first answer outta his mouth was they used the practice time to revert the Secondary to its foundation, i.e., first Big sprinting to the hole --- that changes EVERYTHING.

Almost as gratifying, Hubert talked about getting back to a core concept - in his words: "we have to be inside-out -- plain and simple, period, the end -- we can't be outside-in." All I can add is, amen to that!
Drove down from Pennsylvania for the game and noticed a couple of things I don’t always see on tv. Guys are open in the post, but by the time we look, they are no longer in good position. Either the defense has recovered or the passing lane has closed. Again, it’s just a split second, but seemed to happen a number of times yesterday. The timing just seemed a hair off. When did they start with the in game emcee? I haven’t been to a game in a few years; but that was “interesting”.

Anyways, always good to be in the Dean Dome for a game and thanks to Gary and 75 for their analysis each game.
Guys are open in the post, but by the time we look, they are no longer in good position. Either the defense has recovered or the passing lane has closed. Again, it’s just a split second, but seemed to happen a number of times yesterday.

I didn't mention this specifically (I should have), but the coach bud I was watching with and I were both saying out loud "GET IT TO HIM!". If you wait that split second then the passing angle closes.

That drives coaches crazy, but again, we are rusty at that in general, and bless his heart. RJ just doesn't know how to make an entry pass. Hopefully, Hubert and staff will remain steadfast in returning to inside-out ball and we can improve as we go.

I didn't mention this specifically (I should have), but the coach bud I was watching with and I were both saying out loud "GET IT TO HIM!". If you wait that split second then the passing angle closes.

That drives coaches crazy, but again, we are rusty at that in general, and bless his heart. RJ just doesn't know how to make an entry pass. Hopefully, Hubert and staff will remain steadfast in returning to inside-out ball and we can improve as we go.
The guys in our crowd looked at each other knowingly when both RJ & Caleb made some really bad passes, and all said thank God we are getting us a PG or 2 next year.
You have to applaud their efforts, while we all cringe when we see it coming! We will see some more of this this year, and hopefully they will get better at it.
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The guys in our crowd looked at each other knowingly when both RJ & Caleb made some really bad passes, and all said thank God we are getting us a PG or 2 next year.
You have to applaud their efforts, while we all cringe when we see it coming! We will see some more of this this year, and hopefully thet will get better at it.
Yessir, PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. Run Secondary drills and post-entry stations til it comes outta their ears!
Drove down from Pennsylvania for the game and noticed a couple of things I don’t always see on tv. Guys are open in the post, but by the time we look, they are no longer in good position. Either the defense has recovered or the passing lane has closed. Again, it’s just a split second, but seemed to happen a number of times yesterday. The timing just seemed a hair off. When did they start with the in game emcee? I haven’t been to a game in a few years; but that was “interesting”.

Anyways, always good to be in the Dean Dome for a game and thanks to Gary and 75 for their analysis each game.
Completely agree, I am constantly yelling at my screen to " Get him the ball!!!".
Now I will admit, I am not merely a " Ball watcher" when viewing a game, and my view of an open player, may not be the same visual that the player with the ball has. But a quick, ball fake, or look off, can create the proper passing lane. THIS has been a weakness of our pg's for a few years now. We were spoiled by Berry, and even Pinson being very good at feeding the post. None were as good as Easy Ed Cota though, Jamison made post scoring look so easy because of Cota hitting the correct lead hand so often.
The guys in our crowd looked at each other knowingly when both RJ & Caleb made some really bad passes, and all said thank God we are getting us a PG or 2 next year.
You have to applaud their efforts, while we all cringe when we see it coming! We will see some more of this this year, and hopefully thet will get better at it.
This is why I was pleasantly surprised when Trimble showed some pretty good pg qualities yesterday. With the limited minutes and being a freshman, I’ve been impressed with his game. He may have had to be a scorer in hs but imo he could have what it takes to lead us as a pg.
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We were spoiled by Berry, and even Pinson being very good at feeding the post.
And those two tag-teamed a lot. Joel could think two passes ahead and if his intital entry wasn't there he had the ability to get the defense to react to create a better entry angle when he swung the ball to Theo. And I can tell ya, Meeks/Hicks/et al absolutely loved playing with those guys.
One issue contributing to the weakness in that area is the guards inability to handle the hard ball pressure. Being harassed on ball was not an issue for many PG's in UNC's past. They would create angles, head up, ready to deliver in an instance.
Precisely, and it's why opponents adjusted to all our ball-screen stuff by "blitzing" our Guards --- knowing that 1. they'd react by putting their heads down and dribbling into even more trouble, and 2. they don't have the instincts to make opponents pay as our aforementioned legit PGs would have.
Just received an e-mail from one of the guys that I attend games with that is a startling stat.

Carolina is outscoring opponents by 4 points per 100 possessions with Caleb Love on the court, but 26 points per 100 possessions with him on the bench.

The Heels have been 10 points per 100 possessions better offensively with Love on the court, but 32 points per 100 possessions worse on the defensive end.

Don't know how that shakes out in your mind, but I know how it does in my mind.


ETA: I am not a proponent of benching Caleb, so don't get that idea. I think that this stat shows his need to correct a severe lapse in defensive play and reiterates that his shot selection has been suspect at best. He was much, much better last season than he has shown thus far this season. He has it in him to do much better, Hubert has to hit the correct button(s). Being inefficient on offense and a net negative on defense ain't gonna get it guys.
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Just received an e-mail from one of the guys that I attend games with that is a startling stat.

Carolina is outscoring opponents by 4 points per 100 possessions with Caleb Love on the court, but 26 points per 100 possessions with him on the bench.

The Heels have been 10 points per 100 possessions better offensively with Love on the court, but 32 points per 100 possessions worse on the defensive end.

Don't know how that shakes out in your mind, but I know how it does in my mind.


ETA: I am not a proponent of benching Caleb, so don't get that idea. I think that this stat shows his need to correct a severe lapse in defensive play and reiterates that his shot selection has been suspect at best. He was much, much better last season than he has shown thus far this season. He has it in him to do much better, Hubert has to hit the correct button(s). Being inefficient on offense and a net negative on defense ain't gonna get it guys.
Wow 75. That’s telling for sure. What gives? Any clue on why he’s taken these steps backwards? Btw I’ve mentioned this to several of my friends here in SEC country that imo he’s our best and worst player all in one. So much potential but need to get it out him for sure.
I can’t figure out Love.. Not sure if he has a bad feel for the game or he just over thinking things offensively.. there are times I’ve seen him pass up good shots when he’s trying to facilitate and will force a pass just to do so.. he definitely lets his offense effect his D & multiple times over the years I can remember him not going after a loose ball only to start running toward the offensive end I guess looking for an easy bucket
Well finally, we saw Trimble handle a lot of the PG duty when he came in and I think just as clearly was the impact he has had the last 2 games. Not throwing shade at ya bama, just seems like for so long I have been screaming when folks say we don't have a real PG on this team, we do, his name just is not RJ or Caleb, his name is Seth Trimble. Some very vocal folks here do not agree, that is fine but I watched, I think most here watched 2 games in a row now where Trimble got extended PT and I think it is pretty darn clear in the difference this team plays with when that kid is on the floor.

Game yesterday, first, I am not nearly as worried about Love in the last couple games (speaking exclusively about the offensive end), he is taking much better shots and shots that usually he will knock down, he is in a bit of a funk right now but as long as he takes better shots they will begin to fall at a solid %. As much as I may not worry about Caleb's offense, I swear the kid is quickly becoming a defensive liability, not because he can't defend but because he loses focus after defending for a period of time. It looks like it will always be about decision making with Caleb and that is just a problem on both sides of the ball. If there is such a thing as Basketball ADD Caleb would be the poster child for it.

RJ, really good game, it just shows what RJ can do when he decides to make the extra pass and move to better position. He and in fairness Caleb did as well, make the extra effort to not only make sure the ball touched the paint each time but they made the extra pass but especially RJ. For his effort he went over 20 and snagged 10 boards and I really liked what I saw when he and Trimble were our back court. How about the smallest kid on the court getting 10 rebounds, good on ya RJ!

Bacot was clearly still hurting and while his production was strong keep in mind, he was playing guys 5" shorter, size makes a difference. I thought Nance was pretty solid but he is just a step slow and not real fluid but he is money on those mid range bankers, I love watching that. Not the best game from Leaky, he seemed a little bit off. I really do not like, don't think I will ever like Leaky camping outside taking jump shots. If I am coaching against this team I am leaving Leaky wide open for all the treys he wants, rather than close out hard on him I darn near would have my guys run away from him and invite him to shoot a trey, he would have to hit 4 or 5 in a row before I even considered not daring him to to shoot them. BTW, when Bacot looks like he may want to take a trey, gonna make sure he has all the room he wants to take it, I would love to see him 35ft from the rim as opposed to camped out inside the paint and snagging rebound after rebound.

I am hoping we can keep this from yesterday and build on it because FINALLY yesterday we looked like we had a solid foundation and yet I really do not think we played all that well. At most I would suggest yesterday we saw our C game, not sure we have played a C game this season, less than our C game as been more the norm. This team has the ability to beat our team last season as we played in the NCAAT by double digits, so far we have not played like that but we can.
Well finally, we saw Trimble handle a lot of the PG duty when he came in and I think just as clearly was the impact he has had the last 2 games. Not throwing shade at ya bama, just seems like for so long I have been screaming when folks say we don't have a real PG on this team, we do, his name just is not RJ or Caleb, his name is Seth Trimble. Some very vocal folks here do not agree, that is fine but I watched, I think most here watched 2 games in a row now where Trimble got extended PT and I think it is pretty darn clear in the difference this team plays with when that kid is on the floor.

Game yesterday, first, I am not nearly as worried about Love in the last couple games (speaking exclusively about the offensive end), he is taking much better shots and shots that usually he will knock down, he is in a bit of a funk right now but as long as he takes better shots they will begin to fall at a solid %. As much as I may not worry about Caleb's offense, I swear the kid is quickly becoming a defensive liability, not because he can't defend but because he loses focus after defending for a period of time. It looks like it will always be about decision making with Caleb and that is just a problem on both sides of the ball. If there is such a thing as Basketball ADD Caleb would be the poster child for it.

RJ, really good game, it just shows what RJ can do when he decides to make the extra pass and move to better position. He and in fairness Caleb did as well, make the extra effort to not only make sure the ball touched the paint each time but they made the extra pass but especially RJ. For his effort he went over 20 and snagged 10 boards and I really liked what I saw when he and Trimble were our back court. How about the smallest kid on the court getting 10 rebounds, good on ya RJ!

Bacot was clearly still hurting and while his production was strong keep in mind, he was playing guys 5" shorter, size makes a difference. I thought Nance was pretty solid but he is just a step slow and not real fluid but he is money on those mid range bankers, I love watching that. Not the best game from Leaky, he seemed a little bit off. I really do not like, don't think I will ever like Leaky camping outside taking jump shots. If I am coaching against this team I am leaving Leaky wide open for all the treys he wants, rather than close out hard on him I darn near would have my guys run away from him and invite him to shoot a trey, he would have to hit 4 or 5 in a row before I even considered not daring him to to shoot them. BTW, when Bacot looks like he may want to take a trey, gonna make sure he has all the room he wants to take it, I would love to see him 35ft from the rim as opposed to camped out inside the paint and snagging rebound after rebound.

I am hoping we can keep this from yesterday and build on it because FINALLY yesterday we looked like we had a solid foundation and yet I really do not think we played all that well. At most I would suggest yesterday we saw our C game, not sure we have played a C game this season, less than our C game as been more the norm. This team has the ability to beat our team last season as we played in the NCAAT by double digits, so far we have not played like that but we can.
Dude I’m with ya. Trimble has some pg chops for sure. Pretty dang obvious during that first half close out. He had a few plays that stirred up some memories. Lol
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Wow 75. That’s telling for sure. What gives? Any clue on why he’s taken these steps backwards? Btw I’ve mentioned this to several of my friends here in SEC country that imo he’s our best and worst player all in one. So much potential but need to get it out him for sure.
I think I can answer that. We took some shortcuts last season to compensate for not having a PG, and much of that sanctioned Caleb playing hero-ball. However, the schemes that got him opportunities then have now been shut off by opponents scouting last season's film.

In other words, he is the last of the starters to adapt to the new reality. IF he can learn and embrace what we did Saturday in returning to Carolina basketball, then his and everyone's games will become more effective.
I think I can answer that. We took some shortcuts last season to compensate for not having a PG, and much of that sanctioned Caleb playing hero-ball. However, the schemes that got him opportunities then have now been shut off by opponents scouting last season's film.

In other words, he is the last of the starters to adapt to the new reality. IF he can learn and embrace what we did Saturday in returning to Carolina basketball, then his and everyone's games will become more effective.
Thanks Gary. I tend to agree on those findings as well. Hear me out, I don’t mean this degrading at all (for whomever reads this) but I really think Caleb struggles to comprehend and process things on the fly at times. Not saying he’s dumb or anything but maybe just a little slow to react, therefore the defensive struggles.
Well finally, we saw Trimble handle a lot of the PG duty when he came in and I think just as clearly was the impact he has had the last 2 games. Not throwing shade at ya bama, just seems like for so long I have been screaming when folks say we don't have a real PG on this team, we do, his name just is not RJ or Caleb, his name is Seth Trimble. Some very vocal folks here do not agree, that is fine but I watched,
As I said above, PLEASE let's not fall into the fool's gold of thinking Seth is a PG. Granted, he does fine in transition (where passing lanes are created for him by default), but he CANNOT wrangle and run a half-court offense at this stage. He has no instinctive sense of creating space and constantly dribbles into no-man's land.

Again, he's a Combo, so MAYBE he'll learn at some point, but it ain't gonna be this season.
Thanks Gary. I tend to agree on those findings as well. Hear me out, I don’t mean this degrading at all (for whomever reads this) but I really think Caleb struggles to comprehend and process things on the fly at times. Not saying he’s dumb or anything but maybe just a little slow to react, therefore the defensive struggles.
I honestly don't think it's about slow, as much as feeling LOST. Caleb is an emotional player ---- EXTREMELY gifted, but rides the wave, so to speak. His challenge now is to find his niche within a scheme where our Guards are less ball-dominant.

Ironically, if he will embrace that, both he and the team will benefit. I mean, let's face it --- RJ is a terrible PG, but is a dynamic scorer who plays and tries hard. If Caleb can rein it in and pick his spots to be the hero, he can actually be a better facilitator.
Just received an e-mail from one of the guys that I attend games with that is a startling stat.

Carolina is outscoring opponents by 4 points per 100 possessions with Caleb Love on the court, but 26 points per 100 possessions with him on the bench.

The Heels have been 10 points per 100 possessions better offensively with Love on the court, but 32 points per 100 possessions worse on the defensive end.

Don't know how that shakes out in your mind, but I know how it does in my mind.


ETA: I am not a proponent of benching Caleb, so don't get that idea. I think that this stat shows his need to correct a severe lapse in defensive play and reiterates that his shot selection has been suspect at best. He was much, much better last season than he has shown thus far this season. He has it in him to do much better, Hubert has to hit the correct button(s). Being inefficient on offense and a net negative on defense ain't gonna get it guys.
We got the best of Caleb down the stretch last year, hard to capture something so rare like that more than once. I was glad he came back, and I had hoped he had matured to the point of getting past thise inconsistencies.
I for one, am looking forward to the next line of Carolina guards.....Sans Love.
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As I said above, PLEASE let's not fall into the fool's gold of thinking Seth is a PG. Granted, he does fine in transition (where passing lanes are created for him by default), but he CANNOT wrangle and run a half-court offense at this stage. He has no instinctive sense of creating space and constantly dribbles into no-man's land.

Again, he's a Combo, so MAYBE he'll learn at some point, but it ain't gonna be this season.
In time, you to will come around, I can wait. LOL
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Sorry. Blood outta turnips and stuff.... ;)
Can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear maybe? Trimble is not a LG but posing as one. He's most definitely a 2G with some serious hops and plays great defensively but does not have all the nuances needed to be a LG. Like a bull in a China shop most times with the ball and gets himself in trouble driving into the paint with nowhere to go. He is good with open lanes when we are on fast breaks, but..., as I have watched him a lot this season, he has trouble creating lanes for drives which is essential for a LG. His handle is also suspect for a LG, and that is a critical weakness.

However, with the experience that he is getting this year, he can be used on the ball for short stretches. If Hubert tries to make a LG out of him, it may create some future issues with recruiting possibly. Hubert has his eyes on 2 specific LG's and we have a great shot at both. And yes, you can have too many Chiefs and not enough Indians or in our case too many players for 1 spot.
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