Roy saw Zion last week

Heelswin is NOT a troll, as he is definitely a committed UNC fan. Maybe he is a little delusional since Zion will not choose UNC. But I will support any UNC fan, even if they are delusional.
PLEASE PUT A...BIG SMILE...on your face and go on. This is a SUGGESTON.

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!
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So my question is what is Roy's pitch to Zion??? Is he telling him I am going to play small ball again next year and you play the 4 and Luke plays the 5??
What I was told today. I have no idea who this gentleman was & had never met him.
My son is playing a AAU tournament in Memphis this weekend. I was talking to a coach of a High School team a few hours ago. He coached a team out of South Carolina. I have no idea if any of this is true but he said Zion was picking UNC. Said his dad wants Clemson but his mom is a big fan of Roy & UNC.
He said next Sat is his moms birthday & he’s picking UNC on her birthday.
I still think it’s UK but I thought I’d pass it along to see if anyone here has heard similar or can confirm it’s his moms bday.

Happy Birthday, Mom Z!!!!!!!!

See in CH at the Dome!
I remember when guys on here were making predictions about the sanctions , some going as far as having an insider and saying it was gloomy in the offices... Well that should tell you ( I have laughed for over a decade at people claiming to have an insider) that there are no right or wrong people on this board... Some are better guessers than others but that is where it ends... So this guys Rolls the dice and says Zion comes here and he does , then we claim this guy has insiders and we ask him about everything and anything for the next 2 years? Or Zion doesn't come here like most think and dude fades away into obscurity with the rest of the I have an insider guys... Hey I like it He's rolling the Dice.....
By the way my Favorite I have an Insider guys are the ones that don't relinquish the Insider...
The Closest I have ever come to an insider is Brian Reese live next door to me years ago and Told me what he thought on situations , he was about 50/50 also...
What I was told today. I have no idea who this gentleman was & had never met him.
My son is playing a AAU tournament in Memphis this weekend. I was talking to a coach of a High School team a few hours ago. He coached a team out of South Carolina. I have no idea if any of this is true but he said Zion was picking UNC. Said his dad wants Clemson but his mom is a big fan of Roy & UNC.
He said next Sat is his moms birthday & he’s picking UNC on her birthday.
I still think it’s UK but I thought I’d pass it along to see if anyone here has heard similar or can confirm it’s his moms bday.

You and I better hope this comes true sir!
I think we should have a thread where everyone names what exactly they have a source on and then we can go back to that to see if someone is BS-ing when they make a prediction based on source info.
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Any chance he's at the game tonight?

I'm planning to go and try to grab a ticket on the way in. It's a long ride but always worth it.
I will say this, currently, 99.9% of the insiders in the United States are predicting Zion is going to schools "other" than UNC. What if they are wrong? I predicted a few months ago that it was down to UNC and Duke for Zion. Then several weeks ago I predicted UNC for Zion and have not wavered on that prediction. I was the only person on this board that predicted Harrison Barnes to the Heels. I look at this recruitment as strikingly similar to the Barnes recruitment. In both situations, the mom was a big fan of Michael Jordan. In Zion's situation, mom is not only a big fan of Jordan but also a big fan of Phil Ford. Also, both Barnes and Zion's biological fathers were not in the households. Don't underestimate the influence that a mother has on player's decision. I'm a good friend of a Ram's Club member and he is not an insider. I'm not an insider, but I have heard rumbling from my AAU friend that Zion was definitely headed to Kansas if the FBI sting did not had hit. His step-father was given an AAU team this past summer and Zion would have attended Kansas and signed a lucrative Adidas shoe deal after spending his one year at Kansas. If I had to pick a darkhorse for Zion, it would be Kansas.

Don't underestimate Phil Fiord's influence in the Zion's recruitment. Phil told Zion that he could wear his retired jersey at UNC.

EVERYONE is making their best/educated guesses. NO ONE one in the recruiting media/community definitively knows where he's going.

Bottomline folks, I guess like everyone else. Zion to UNC
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As it gets closer to a decision date, do you feel the pressure to stay local and go to an in-state school?

"I don’t really feel any pressure at all. I can’t just go to a school to be the local hero, I have to go to the school that’s best for me. And if I don’t choose to go to an in-state school, I know everyone here will still continue to support me."

That is all.
Have you made your final decision yet? I know you’re not going to say anything now, but has the decision been made?

"Not really. No decision has been made yet. I’m going to probably make it the middle of this week."

Have any of those schools been in to see you recently?

"Yes. North Carolina, South Carolina and Kentucky have been in to see me this last week."
My sources say that their neighbor's sources heard that on Tuesdays he likes to eat toast. When he eats toast he has to use the bathroom at 8:00 every night. He hates public bathrooms, so he will not be at the game. Take it to the bank!
Buttered toast or plain white toast?
For the record, I have a source (Heelswin) who smokes a LOT of ganja. He is CERTAIN Zion is UNC bound. He makes me laugh pretty regularly so I believe him..... right up until the time I don’t, which is going to be Friday around 5pm.

Hope I’m wrong. Heelswin for GOAT!
"He isn't coming here" is an overly-strong statement. There's not conclusive evidence that he won't pick us. There just isn't much evidence that he will. He probably won't be a Heel, but time will tell.
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