Silent Sam Toppled by Protestors

I do love trashy women!
This could go 2 ways:

1. Laugh it off as good natured ribbing. Put on a big smile and share a drink with a fellow heel.

2. Invite you to meet me at a tailgate where I knock your teeth through the back of your skull.

Hope to see you at the Bowles Lot Tailgate this year. Should be interesting.
This could go 2 ways:

1. Laugh it off as good natured ribbing. Put on a big smile and share a drink with a fellow heel.

2. Invite you to meet me at a tailgate where I knock your teeth through the back of your skull.

Hope to see you at the Bowles Lot Tailgate this year. Should be interesting.
#2, deal.
#2, deal.

Great. I’ll be at the Bowles lot tailgate for the UCF game. Can’t wait to meet you.

My face when reading this exchange...

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It's not. But when you botch a definition that is integral to your point, it needs to be pointed out. That sentence just sounded as dumb as if I said "When you're standing up, there's always a chance that you won't be standing up"
No, it's more like the Hetty Wainthropp quote: "That's too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence." Which makes sense, if you think about it.

You seem to be missing the point that civil disobedience is disobedient. They are gathered to do or support something that is deemed wrong by the society they live in.

Did they attack anyone?

Was there property damage to anything other than the target of the demonstration?

Sounds pretty civil to me.

But here's the point.... If a few bad actors act uncivilly that doesn't magically invalidate the whole exercise in civil disobedience. And as far as I know, that didn't even happen here.
Ok I think I understand your point. Anyone who was in support of having the Silent Sam statue is a racist in your eyes? Did I get that right?

I’ve seen enough in my time to know there is no black-and-white, no absolute truth about anything. And in posting my original post I spoke in general terms in expressing an opinion I have. With this issue all I can go by is my personal experience. I don’t know what’s in everyone’s heart. I do know that I have yet to personally know someone who is an advocate for the symbols of the Civil War be it the confederate flag or statues that wasn’t themselves a racist and usually proud of it. Usually justifying it by some warped religious bull shit as my in laws so. Does that prove they’re all racist? No and I would be stupid to say that. But I have a lot of confidence in saying that the vast majority are.

I will say i’m not defending tearing it down in the manner it was. I also despise the antifa movement and their methods. I say arrest those involved and put it back up. Keep the conversation going and see where it leads.
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Just for the record, I think it is common knowledge that all of these protest groups have been infiltrated to some degree. They all have operators working to delegitimize the entire group, similar to what happened with the occupy protests. Cops infiltrated the protests, turned them violent, then arrested everyone so that they could clear them out.

This is going to become an increasingly common tactic in politics since people now associate individual behavior with the values of any group they claim to be a part of. Its not very hard to set up a patsy that will make any movement/organization/idea look ridiculous.
Just a silly moniker tossed around these days.

If you don’t consider me at all, why come to the UNC tailgate to take my second option?
Because i’ve never been fond of threats of violence against me. If I get my ass beat, so be it. Still can’t be as bad as cowering in fear.
Because i’ve never been fond of threats of violence against me. If I get my ass beat, so be it. Still can’t be as bad as cowering in fear.
I’ve never been fond of desparging remarks against my dead mother. Perhaps you could have walked those back shared a beer with me.
Just saw that of the 11 people arrested on this, only 2 were of normal college age. So it looks like it was mostly non-students doing the damage.

One of those arrested got acquitted of charges after he toppled the Durham statue. I wonder if they'll let him off again so he can go for the hat trick. Are there any monuments in Raleigh? He could pull off the coveted Triangle Three-Step.
I’ve never been fond of desparging remarks against my dead mother. Perhaps you could have walked those back shared a beer with me.
You fired the first shot in questioning my intellect. If you get personal with me imma come back 200% at you. BTW, moms have always been fair game here.
To be fair, you said your mom was ugly. Per ootb official rules and regulations, that makes her fair game.

You're equating ugly on the same level as 'trashy', that isn't on the same level . . . and btw, family can call family whatever they want, that does not open the door to insults from outsiders.
You fired the first shot in questioning my intellect. If you get personal with me imma come back 200% at you. BTW, moms have always been fair game here.
Either way, I invited you to share a drink or get the shit kicked out of you. You chose the latter.
You're equating ugly on the same level as 'trashy', that isn't on the same level
@ticket2ride04 said she was hideous. Trashy is a natural evolution from that.

and btw, family can call family whatever they want, that does not open the door to insults from outsiders.
I thought OOTB was just one big family? @cletusnow would be the drunk uncle. @ticket2ride04 is the guy who claims to be a distant cousin, but probably isn't and is just there for the free food.