SKJ transferring from Kentucky


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Oct 20, 2007
On the day EJ signs. How do future recruits not see this potential disaster?
Will Roy have any interest? Him being from Chapel Hill, and seeming like a quality kid, and we need some bigs.
Money and BS recruiting hype rule the day nothing else matters. Calipari is so good at developing players. Just look at the UK players in the NBA. No way Wall,Cousins, or Anthony Davis could've played in the NBA without Calipari developing them. I don't know what's worse Cal talking that garbage or the players and their parents buying that garbage. Absolute high comedy.
Honestly for some reason, I feel little sympathy for these kids who think they are 1 and done out of high school and are getting recruited over for the next round of 1 and done players by Cal.

These kids aren't stupid. They see the SKJs and Marques Boldens of the world, and they know the risks of going to a school that's always on to the next big thing within a year. Unless you're a surefire OAD, you should know there's a good chance of getting recruited over if you're not gone within a year.

So clearly they must be fine with these risks if they're all going to go pile on every single year anyway despite this. Maybe some are just there for an education like DeLaurier. Maybe there's some type of allure of going to a OAD factory for a year or two before you transfer.

Regardless of the reasons, they aren't getting a lick of sympathy from me. JM2C.
This is how you know nobody on this board knows anything this guy did a post about SKJ transferring and people turn it into another post about EJ Montgomery that ship has sailed I give this story a Bump would love to know if there is any interest
This is how you know nobody on this board knows anything this guy did a post about SKJ transferring and people turn it into another post about EJ Montgomery that ship has sailed I give this story a Bump would love to know if there is any interest

The first post literally says "On the day EJ signs". Why would you expect EJ not to be discussed by everyone else?

As far as SKJ goes, he'll be a Junior who just averaged 3.3 and 2.9 in 13 Minutes off the bench. For reference, Manley averaged 5.4 and 3.6 in 10 Minutes. Brooks averaged 4.5 and 3.5 in 14 minutes. Furthermore, we can actually recruit without the NCAA breathing down our necks. Why would we want him now when we have a decent shot in 2019 with potentially better bigs?

He'd have been a more attractive option if he transferred as a Frosh when he would have had a year to sit and learn our system. At this point, he's about as far along as our 3 * but with less time to actually develop into a decent player for us.
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Transferring=sitting out a year. And history has shown, by the time they announce they are leaving they already know exactly where they are going.

Told y'all about EJ. :)
Sadly I don’t think we ever had a real shot at EJ. I think it was UK and Duke the whole time.
Yep, he was window dressing the whole time. In an interview from this morning, he didn’t even mention UNC when talking about the other schools he considered.
Is UK going to do the sign one/ transfer one act two days in a row?
Hearing Ashton Hagans will announce for UK tomorrow, will Green stick around?
Yup. Hey Quade, you have 35 games to turn yourself into a lotto pick or someone else will take your spot next year...ready, go!
Yep. Pretty much sums up the ridiculous culture that Cal has cultivated over there.

That system will win a lot of games, but they will also continue to watch upperclassmen win the championship nearly every year.
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He is expected to reclassify to 2018 so if Quade sticks around, UK will have 3 PG's on the roster that are expecting big minutes.

Quickley IMO is the best of the bunch. Caught him a few times last summer, he's unreal.
All kids, even those who aren’t one and done, THINK they are one and done. They’ve all been told how great they are and how they are going to wreck the next level. When they adopt this mindset, they begin to associate themselves w/ the programs of past elites or percieved elites.

Cal himself has even admitted that he will offer a kid simply to keep him from going to another school. I mean seriously... what kind of tactic is that? It may be smart on his part, but kids need to know when they’re being used as pawns. Moreover, their parents/guardians need to help them see this.
That system will win a lot of games, but they will also continue to watch upperclassmen win the championship nearly every year. much as I want it to be true, this claim is entirely ahistorical.

Since Calipari took over at Kentucky (9 seasons), here's how Kentucky compares to UNC:

Championships: 1 for UK, 1 for UNC
Championship games: 2 for UK, 2 for UNC
Final Fours: 4 for UK, 2 for UNC
Elite Eights: 6 for UK, 4 for UNC

Over that span they've probably been the most consistently successful program in the tournament. much as I want it to be true, this claim is entirely ahistorical.

Since Calipari took over at Kentucky (9 seasons), here's how Kentucky compares to UNC:

Championships: 1 for UK, 1 for UNC
Championship games: 2 for UK, 2 for UNC
Final Fours: 4 for UK, 2 for UNC
Elite Eights: 6 for UK, 4 for UNC

Over that span they've probably been the most consistently successful program in the tournament.

I don't think this success is super likely to continue going forward, but that's an execution problem (losing the elite of the elite recruits to Duke), not an approach problem.
I still don't agree with the criticisms of "recruiting over" players.

Let's use a simplified 1-10 system to rate player effectiveness. I have no idea how good these two players will be next year, but for argument's sake let's say Seventh Woods is going to be a 6 PG next year and Ashton Hagans is going to be an 8 PG.

Is y'alls position really that Roy shouldn't take Hagans because he would be "recruiting over" Seventh? I think that's nonsense. You've got 13 scholarships, and you should use them to get the best players you can. Players don't get starting spots reserved for them because they agree to join the team.

I think players should earn their playing time, and if you don't want to compete with top talent for a spot don't go to a blue-blood school. much as I want it to be true, this claim is entirely ahistorical.

Since Calipari took over at Kentucky (9 seasons), here's how Kentucky compares to UNC:

Championships: 1 for UK, 1 for UNC
Championship games: 2 for UK, 2 for UNC
Final Fours: 4 for UK, 2 for UNC
Elite Eights: 6 for UK, 4 for UNC

Over that span they've probably been the most consistently successful program in the tournament.
I’m not sure that’s a good comparison between teams. You left out the fact that Carolina was being investigated for roughly 4 years during that 9 year span, which unequivocally effected recruiting like we’ve never seen in the Roy Williams era. I’d be interested in seeing the numbers compared when including Roy’s first 9 years st UNC vs Cal’s first 9 at uk.
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I still don't agree with the criticisms of "recruiting over" players.

Let's use a simplified 1-10 system to rate player effectiveness. I have no idea how good these two players will be next year, but for argument's sake let's say Seventh Woods is going to be a 6 PG next year and Ashton Hagans is going to be an 8 PG.

Is y'alls position really that Roy shouldn't take Hagans because he would be "recruiting over" Seventh? I think that's nonsense. You've got 13 scholarships, and you should use them to get the best players you can. Players don't get starting spots reserved for them because they agree to join the team.

I think players should earn their playing time, and if you don't want to compete with top talent for a spot don't go to a blue-blood school.

Agreed 100%. A coach should promise one thing relating to playing time: a true opportunity to earn it. Beyond that, you field the best roster possible.

There are advantages to not "recruiting over" players - it might help you recruit developmental guys, it might help chemistry, etc - but that's strategic, not moral. much as I want it to be true, this claim is entirely ahistorical.

Since Calipari took over at Kentucky (9 seasons), here's how Kentucky compares to UNC:

Championships: 1 for UK, 1 for UNC
Championship games: 2 for UK, 2 for UNC
Final Fours: 4 for UK, 2 for UNC
Elite Eights: 6 for UK, 4 for UNC

Over that span they've probably been the most consistently successful program in the tournament.
People who say "One-and-done doesn't work in the tournament" don't understand tournament odds. They think UK/Duke should be winning the majority of the championships with these players.

But those are two programs, going against 349 for a title. Winning even 10% of the time is phenomenally successful. UCLA is the only program that's eclipsed that rate when you look at the 79 years the tournament has been in place (obviously the titles were bunched together). There's not a team in the country that wouldn't take 4 Final Fours in 9 years. That would be the equivalent of having 32 Final Fours in the tournament's 79 years, or 12 above our record.

Using a one-and-done strategy with elite recruits has been a huge success overall. I still hope they get rid of the rule and let guys go pro out of high school.
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I’m not sure that’s a good comparison between teams. You left out the fact that Carolina was being investigated for roughly 4 years during that 9 year span, which unequivocally effected recruiting like we’ve never seen in the Roy Williams era. I’d be interested in seeing the numbers compared when including Roy’s first 9 years st UNC vs Cal’s first 9 at uk.

UNC's particular circumstances aren't super relevant to the claim, because UK has been more successful than literally every other school in the tournament (unless you view championships as the only metric that matters) - more successful than Duke, Kansas, Villanova, Gonzaga, etc.

UK has as many Final Fours over those 9 years as Villanova, Kansas, and Gonzaga combined. It's impossible to make a sensible argument that Cal's approach hasn't worked at UK.

But to answer your question of Roy's 9 vs Cal's 9:

1: 1 for UK, 2 for UNC
2: 2 for UK, 2 for UNC
4: 4 for UK, 3 for UNC
8: 6 for UK, 6 for UNC

So 1 more championship for UNC, 1 more Final Four for UK. Advantage us, but not by a lot.

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