The Luke Maye Thread

He redeemed himself FOR SURE in the final 3-4 minutes. Let's not pretend like the first ~35 weren't a really bad game for him. Several folks said as much in the OOTB Basketball thread.

But he redeemed himself in the clutch so das ist gut.
I know... we all jus' keeeding, right? He did play like crap for the last 3+ games, but he did get that first bucket after being down 5, then nail some crucial FT's, get a few boards, and of course made the assist to the man, the myth, the legend!
You know what, I refuse to agree with the dicknips who think that Luke Maye traveled on The Shot.

He shuffled his feet while bringing the ball into his possession, then once he possessed it, he stepped back with both feet into his stance and then jumped and released. Not a travel.

You know what, I refuse to agree with the dicknips who think that Luke Maye traveled on The Shot.

He shuffled his feet while bringing the ball into his possession, then once he possessed it, he stepped back with both feet into his stance and then jumped and released. Not a travel.

Well duh. That exact step-back happens all the time and is called a travel exactly zero percent of the time.
Well duh. That exact step-back happens all the time and is called a travel exactly zero percent of the time.
Agreed and it's Luke's go-to move. I just had not even heard the complaint of "Luke traveled on the last shot" until earlier today so I went back and watched the video to see if I somehow missed that live. But nope, no travel.
Well duh. That exact step-back happens all the time and is called a travel exactly zero percent of the time.
...except that crew we had in the Arky game might have called it. They were real quick to call two travels on Hicks and one on Bradley that typically aren't called.*

*this is in no way intended to be a ref-bashing poast; just saying certain crews interpret the rules differently from others (remember how many walks it appeared that Nova got away with last year?)
You know what, I refuse to agree with the dicknips who think that Luke Maye traveled on The Shot.
That exact step-back happens all the time and is called a travel exactly zero percent of the time.
Haters are just trying to find something to whine about. It was perfectly legal, just like Humphries catching the pass and stepping into his long 2-pointer at the 0:13 second mark of this highlight reel (sorry, can't embed video):
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Luke Maye and a picture worth more than a 1,000 words

Enjoy . .

I'll roll with a Luke Maye avatar if it can be this....


I don't know how to do any of that though.
I hate to invite ESPN clicks but this was just too good to resist. Great article on a great young man. Reading this should make all of us proud. Got a little dusty in the room when I read it.
Great article.

Just so you know, a lot of ESPN online writers do outstanding work and are excellent journalists. It's just their lazy TV shows like First Take and Sportscenter that are terrible. A lot of ESPN's online stuff is factual, well-written, well-researched pieces, compared to Yahoo (Forde and Wetzel) and CBS (Dodd and others) which is just a bunch of incendiary, half-cocked bullcrap.

Of course, all of that is my opinion.
I changed my avatar to the Duke a couple of weeks ago because I felt the team needed a little toughness mojo. Appears to be working, as do the Luke avatars. Sorry, but I'm not changing it until after the FF.
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I like to keep changing them up. So sue me. At least I've kept the same signature line for a while now. Thought I'd get some comments on it but none so far.
I'm just messing with you. The only avatar I recognize at this point is @JuleZ '02 HEEL's avatar since he has been on the Luke train as long as I have. Your sig line doesn't show up for me at work.
I like to keep changing them up. So sue me. At least I've kept the same signature line for a while now. Thought I'd get some comments on it but none so far.
You talking about the braille? I wondered what it said.
I don't like Tiger but a classic Tiger fish pump picture 'may' work. That Ali one would be solid. I like Depp and that would be kind of a dagger to UK fans because he is from the commonwealth.

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I don't like Tiger but a classic Tiger fish pump picture 'may' work. That Ali one would be solid. I like Depp and that would be kind of a dagger to UK fans because he is from the commonwealth.

Ali is from KY as well, didn't realize that about Depp though
Ali is from KY as well, didn't realize that about Depp though

Yeah, I know a few guys who are related to him and have talked to him a little at family reunions. They say he is every bit as strange as you would expect him to be.
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