Trump admits separating families is a political stunt

Hey, at least we have Sessions' reassurance that the Nazis were worse.

Important to set the bar somewhere. "We're better than the Nazis"sounds like a winning slogan for the Trump supporters
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F*#k the Statue of Liberty.

Eh, your proposal for the replacement isn't quite as warm:

I agree with everything except your last statement. The Dems have been encouraged to participate in the process but have chosen to be obstructionists on a level I've never seen before. I can't think of a single Dem who has voted for a single Republican proposal. They vote in lockstep like a bunch of lemmings.

You're looking at this in a VERY recent lens. Are they voting this way because Trump is the most polarizing President in recent memory or because they are lemmings? Chicken or the egg? I honestly don't know.

Most of the time in history, there are a handful of smart elected officials do cross party lines to do what's right. I'd argue that type of leadership should start with the leader of our country. But maybe that's just me.
Are they voting this way because Trump is the most polarizing President in recent memory or because they are lemmings?
In no particular order:

-In modern times a party usually doesn't keep the presidency more than two terms.
-People felt like Obama (and by extension democrats) were leading the country in the wrong direction
-People liked the fact that Trump wasn't a politician.
-They didn't really understand or care what he was saying because of the above (or as you like to call them lemmings).
-Clinton was a piece of shit herself
-People were tired of political dynasties
-Clinton had no real platform
-Clinton was dumb enough to do some shady stuff (emails) and not admit that she made a mistake until after about 5,000 denials
-The DNC all but rigged the nomination for Clinton
-Voter turnout
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In no particular order:

-In modern times a party usually doesn't keep the presidency more than two terms.
-People felt like Obama (and by extension democrats) were leading the country in the wrong direction
-People liked the fact that Trump wasn't a politician.
-They didn't really understand or care what he was saying because of the above (or as you like to call them lemmings).
-Clinton was a piece of shit herself
-People were tired of political dynasties
-Clinton had no real platform
-Clinton was dumb enough to do some shady stuff (emails) and not admit that she made a mistake until after about 5,000 denials
-The DNC all but rigged the nomination for Clinton
-Voter turnout

Agree with all of this. Dem's only have themselves to blame because Hillary is the most unlikable person in this country and they nominated her to represent the ticket.
Agree with all of this. Dem's only have themselves to blame because Hillary is the most unlikable person in this country and they nominated her to represent the ticket.
Yeah, it was an interesting situation. The democrats nominated the only person in the party who couldn't win and the GOP nominated the only person in the party who couldn't win. It was an election of who was the better loser.
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In no particular order:

-In modern times a party usually doesn't keep the presidency more than two terms.
-People felt like Obama (and by extension democrats) were leading the country in the wrong direction
-People liked the fact that Trump wasn't a politician.
-They didn't really understand or care what he was saying because of the above (or as you like to call them lemmings).
-Clinton was a piece of shit herself
-People were tired of political dynasties
-Clinton had no real platform
-Clinton was dumb enough to do some shady stuff (emails) and not admit that she made a mistake until after about 5,000 denials
-The DNC all but rigged the nomination for Clinton
-Voter turnout
Are you saying you had no other choice but vote for Trump? They were 19 other people running in the GOP primaries and any of them would have been better and any of them would have beaten Clinton by a larger margin than Trump did.
Are you saying you had no other choice but vote for Trump? They were 19 other people running in the GOP primaries and any of them would have been better and any of them would have beaten Clinton by a larger margin than Trump did.
@dadika13 was talking about why someone would vote for Trump. Those are obvious reasons why someone would do that. Nowhere in my list did I say anything about their not being any other choice. Although, we were talking about the presidential election, so technically I didn't have 19 other people to vote for unless you are counting a write in. The things in my list that were specific to Clinton are reasons I didn't consider voting for her. The reasons I didn't vote for Trump are as follows:

-He was too arrogant
-I didn't think him and his ego would fit through the white house door
-I'm not in favor of tariffs
-He's a shitty person
-He wasn't very qualified overall
-I'm in favor of comprehensive immigration reform. He doesn't really promote that.

Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
@dadika13 was talking about why someone would vote for Trump. Those are obvious reasons why someone would do that. Nowhere in my list did I say anything about their not being any other choice. Although, we were talking about the presidential election, so technically I didn't have 19 other people to vote for unless you are counting a write in. The things in my list that were specific to Clinton are reasons I didn't consider voting for her. The reasons I didn't vote for Trump are as follows:

-He was too arrogant
-I didn't think him and his ego would fit through the white house door
-I'm not in favor of tariffs
-He's a shitty person
-He wasn't very qualified overall
-I'm in favor of comprehensive immigration reform. He doesn't really promote that.

Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

I voted for Trump because he finally said some things I thought needed to be said and to start some conversations that I thought needed to be started.
I voted for Trump because he finally said some things I thought needed to be said and to start some conversations that I thought needed to be started.
I didn't mean for my list to be comprehensive in nature. I would argue that those reasons you mention could fall under the wrong direction/not a politician reasons though.
Agree with all of this. Dem's only have themselves to blame because Hillary is the most unlikable person in this country and they nominated her to represent the ticket.

And they had the most favorable and trusted politician in the country (according to the available data) going around the county filling up arenas while they did it.

It wasn't long after inauguration day that I was LOL . . but, we all knew that 45 was gonna fvck up almost anything he touched, all you had to do was examine his track record. He hires only the best . .

"If, you're innocent, act like it . . " ~ Trey Gowdy
I already won the argument. You were just too much of an idiot to recognize it.
You have explained nothing and just whine about kids being detained. Would you, let them accompany their parents to adult prison, roam freely about Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, or just stop detaining illegals at all. I imagine you will pick the latter. You simply want the border states to become a filthy welcoming shithole. Kind of like your rectum.
You have explained nothing and just whine about kids being detained. Would you, let them accompany their parents to adult prison, roam freely about Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, or just stop detaining illegals at all. I imagine you will pick the latter. You simply want the border states to become a filthy welcoming shithole. Kind of like your rectum.
Filthy rectums aren't really that welcoming.
You have explained nothing and just whine about kids being detained. Would you, let them accompany their parents to adult prison, roam freely about Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, or just stop detaining illegals at all. I imagine you will pick the latter. You simply want the border states to become a filthy welcoming shithole. Kind of like your rectum.

Illegal immigrants don’t go to prison when they are detained genius.

If they’re detained the family should be kept together in holding so you don’t have 3 and 4 year old children locked up with no idea what is happening.

You have to be a complete piece of shit to think this is okay. There’s absolutely no getting out of this one. if you’re okay with this policy I think you’re complete fukkin scum and it’s you that should be deported.
Illegal immigrants don’t go to prison when they are detained genius.

If they’re detained the family should be kept together in holding so you don’t have 3 and 4 year old children locked up with no idea what is happening.

You have to be a complete piece of shit to think this is okay. There’s absolutely no getting out of this one. if you’re okay with this policy I think you’re complete fukkin scum and it’s you that should be deported.
Fact is a lot of these kids don’t even belong to the adults they are coming through with. The ones that do I have no problem with detaining them separate from their Sorry ass parents that brought them here in the first place. Hate to say it but our government is taking better care of them then their parents ever will.
Fact is a lot of these kids don’t even belong to the adults they are coming through with. The ones that do I have no problem with detaining them separate from their Sorry ass parents that brought them here in the first place. Hate to say it but our government is taking better care of them then their parents ever will.

You make more uninformed assumptions about random strangers than anyone I’ve ever met.
There’s absolutely no getting out of this one. if you’re okay with this policy.
Ohhhhh, son. Just you watch them try, and try, and try, and try...

Hillary Clinton had to be stopped. All of these unintended consequences are easily resolved if your roots in hatred of her are strong enough.
Why can't we put them in the back of a truck, drive into Mexico and tell them to get out? Yes, I'm being serious.
Ohhhhh, son. Just you watch them try, and try, and try, and try...

Hillary Clinton had to be stopped. All of these unintended consequences are easily resolved if your roots in hatred of her are strong enough.

I have no doubt they will try.

Some of them also just love seeing brown kids in cages way more than they will ever admit to themselves.
Oh, BTW, there's an American kid being abused right at this very moment and all of y'all are just sitting here playing on your damn computer. That makes me sick. You're all scum for not doing anything about it.
Why can't we put them in the back of a truck, drive into Mexico and tell them to get out? Yes, I'm being serious.

That would be infinitely better than incarcerating children and holding them alone while you try to prosecute their parents.