Trump & Hillary

Obama endorsed Hillary today and said "there has never been anyone more qualified to run for Prez" (LMFAO)or something close to that. Obama is theoretically the chief legal officer of the country and if you have endorsed someone then you should recuse yourself from offering them a pardon in the event she were convicted which is doubtful she will be. It would probably be quashed by Lynch well before that.
Thank you. Hildabeast, Obummer, Dubya, etc. all make me roll my eyes and take everything that follows less seriously.

dook is still acceptable, however.

What about HillDawg? That was coined by her own supporters
My favorite is how Hillary had been telling everyone that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary as a result of his Mt. Everest climb - thus the unconventional 2 L spelling.

She stopped telling that fairy tale when someone pointed out to her that she was born in 1947, and the Everest climb didn't happen until 1953.
i'll give trump props for one thing, he crushes it on twitter...been following him for two years and it's gold.

He crushes it everywhere md it is tough to lay a glove on him. He dominates the media cycle, never gets boxed into a corner and says some funny stuff.

I honestly dont understand why anyone thinks Hillary has a chance- people only vote for policy when there is no difference in identity.
I honestly dont understand why anyone thinks Hillary has a chance- people only vote for policy when there is no difference in identity.
Because there aren't enough angry white men in America to propel him to a victory? My guess is that either he wins by a narrow margin or Clinton cruises to victory. The thought of either makes me want to blow chunks.
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Because there aren't enough angry white men in America to propel him to a victory? My guess is that either he wins by a narrow margin or Clinton cruises to victory. The thought of either makes me want to blow chunks.

You are falling into the trap of thinking that only angry white men like Trump, when in fact, it is only angry liberals that like Clinton.

Think of it this way- what would poll results be to this question "With whom would you prefer to have dinner?" Then recall every other presidential election since TV. When was the last time the chosen dinner companion wasn't the winner of the election?
You are falling into the trap of thinking that only angry white men like Trump, when in fact, it is only angry liberals that like Clinton.

Think of it this way- what would poll results be to this question "With whom would you prefer to have dinner?" Then recall every other presidential election since TV. When was the last time the chosen dinner companion wasn't the winner of the election?

dude, you're so wrong...even fox news is saying his approach is not smart...he still isn't grabbing centers...and don't give me that latino bs, they'll get scared and vote for the hillzilla or not vote.

can't wait to see the veep noms...heeheee
dude, you're so wrong...even fox news is saying his approach is not smart...he still isn't grabbing centers...and don't give me that latino bs, they'll get scared and vote for the hillzilla or not vote.

can't wait to see the veep noms...heeheee

So all these same media outlets and groups that told us he had no chance of getting the GOP nomination because his approach was not smart are now telling us that he can't win the election because his approach is not smart. Got it.
Well, who do you guys think all the Bernie supporters are going to vote for? I think that will be key. Either they will just NOT vote because they are young and pissed and don't fully understand yet (not all, just the majority of the young folks that love Bernie) or will go third party or Hillary. I cannot see them supporting Trump at all.
It looks like the Democrats are all galvanizing now. Obama endorsed her, as well as Elizabeth Warren. Warren has no issues with the banking industry after all. She endorsed their best ally. Nevertheless, if the Democrats can all get fully behind their nominee, that might make it harder on the GOP. They don't seem as likely to rally to their nominee.
Well, who do you guys think all the Bernie supporters are going to vote for? I think that will be key. Either they will just NOT vote because they are young and pissed and don't fully understand yet (not all, just the majority of the young folks that love Bernie) or will go third party or Hillary. I cannot see them supporting Trump at all.
I see a very small percentage of them voting for Hillary and the rest not voting. Let’s be honest, the young people who supported Bernie wouldn’t have come out to vote for him, much less Hillary. That group just doesn’t vote in large numbers.
I think people may be overestimating the Bernie supporters that will flock to Clinton. I voted for Bernie in the primary, but it was much more a vote against Hillary than a vote for Bernie. I will continue to vote against Hillary in the general election, and I'm guessing I'm not the only one who is following that line of logic.
Libertarian, baby!
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You are falling into the trap of thinking that only angry white men like Trump, when in fact, it is only angry liberals that like Clinton.
It was tongue-in-cheek, so not really. Trump currently leads Clinton by 17 percentage points among white voters, which is the exact same margin by which Romney led Obama by throughout the 2012 campaign. Trump will need to pick up 5 more overall points somewhere, and considering two-thirds of the 10 million new eligible voters since 2012 are minorities, I don't see how he's going to do it.

That all assumes voter turnout and voting tendencies across the various demographics remain the same, of course. It'll be curious to see whether turnout among black voters is as high this time around. I suspect it won't be, but if Trump keeps getting hammered over so-called racist remarks you never know. (I say "so-called" because I consider some of his remarks idiotic, rather than racist, but the media and our overly-sensitive populace has run with it.)

Think of it this way- what would poll results be to this question "With whom would you prefer to have dinner?" Then recall every other presidential election since TV. When was the last time the chosen dinner companion wasn't the winner of the election?
I would have rather had dinner with McCain than Obama, at least at the time. I'd have to reconsider that now if presented with the opportunity to dine with a two-term U.S. president.
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When has there national politician that was not a clown?